About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #45 – Randy is Leaving & We Head North & Finally – Surgery!


Monday, May 13th, 2019…...   Randy left about 9:30am or so and headed to McKenzie River to see about riding the trail. He had read last night on his mountain bike trail app that this particular trail was rated number 1 in the US so he was anxious to go check it out. After he left, I went about business around the house. Just a few errands and I was done. Lydia and I made a trip to Walmart to see if they had a robe for her to take for after surgery. They didn’t have much so later, when my sister came over, we went out to dinner, and she chose Albany so we could stop at Kohl’s and see what they had. We found one and then we headed over to Elmer’s for a light meal. Once we got home, Penny left Quincy and went home. Lydia spent a little time packing for the hospital.  Randy sent me a few pics from his ride. He said they were right – this was one of the best trails he has been on!


Tuesday, May 14th, 2019……  Sis came by as I was out walking Rylee and came in and took Q out for her walk/run. We have to be at her first appointment at 1:00pm (with the anesthesiologist), so we left around 9:30am.  We wanted to go check out the hotel (Inn at Marquam Hill) first because the reservation says check-in is from 2:00-3:00pm and room type will be picked at check-in.  I wanted to at least go see if I could reserve a king non-smoking room and come back later. Lydia has a 2:30pm appointment to learn about the colostomy bag should they put one in. The hotel is just up the hill from the hospital so I could run over and check in while she is in the doctor’s office. But when we finally found the place, the owner was out walking his dogs so I was able to explain our situation and he went ahead and gave us our room. We had thought this was a regular hotel but it turned out that it was more of a bed and breakfast, with only 8 rooms. He had my request for a king and he told me it was ready now so we unloaded our stuff. He said I could finish check-in (he still needed my credit card info) later. We went ahead and left and headed to the hospital for the first appointment. That one was down the hill, which we reached via the tram. The doctor we saw did all of the pre screening to see if Lydia was able to be put under anesthesia. No issues and we were off, back up the tram, for the second appointment. This one was at the ostomy center, which was just one room in the specialty physicians building. Meredith was super and gave us an idea of what to expect if they attach a colostomy bag after the procedure. Once we were done with that, we headed back home and, while I headed out and found a small pizza parlor (Hot Lips) and got a slice and a beer, Lydia started her prep. This is where it got interesting. Our floor in the inn had to share a bathroom!  So, needless to say, Lydia dominated it throughout the night! She felt bad because one time she was in there, she found someone left the window open! Oh, well! She had to use her special soap and scrub up really good. After that, we settled in and tried to get some sleep. She had found out earlier today that her check-in time tomorrow morning was 5:30am.  I usually carry a small battery powered alarm clock in my overnight bag but I had thinned it out yesterday and I guess I missed it. No worries – I set my cell phone clock alarm for 4:00am.

Here are some pics from the house. The place was older but very well taken care of. Everything was neat and tidy and the rooms and bathroom were very nice. They have the kitchen for made-to-order breakfasts. They have the living room as more of a parlor (we didn’t use it) which was very nice. The price was $115.00 plus tax so we will go back there again (but maybe reserve the master bedroom with its own bathroom!).   

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019…... We got up at our designated 4:00am. My sister also gave me a back up text just to make sure we were up. Lydia took her second scrub shower and got dressed and I got ready and we headed out. We got checked in with no problem. The staff there sure does a nice job! She must have seen twenty people prior to being wheeled in for the resection. By the time she left pre-op it was almost 7:45am. I was told the surgery would last about 4 hours plus recovery so I should leave the hospital and come back later. I gave up my nice parking space (no charge for parking at the complex) and drove around. I wanted to go back to the rv place where I had the fridge work done last year to see if they had moved out to their new location yet. It is on the east side, way on the other side of Portland so that took up some time. I then drove over the bridge into Vancouver WA and explored there a bit. While I was out touring, I got a promised call from one of the surgical assistants in the room. She said Lydia went under at 8:10am and was doing well and the dr. was still doing the procedure laparoscopically and everything looked good. She would call back later with an update, but I had plenty of time to kill.  So, I headed west to Beaverton and Yamhill, just to kill some time. When I got back, all of the parking in the structure was full so I valet parked and went to check in at the surgery waiting room. I sat in there for an hour or so, checking her status number on a monitor in the room. Not long after that, Dr. Herzig came in and told me the good news. They got everything cleaned up and reattached with no issues. We had signed a paper allowing them to use a new apparatus which uses a button instead of squeezing a stapler to activate the suture staples. These were the ones used to reattach the colon sections. We were told beforehand that Lydia was a good candidate for that new procedure and, if she authorized it, she would be one of only 165 people across the country to use that technique. He said that it was way easier and he will be recommending it to go nationwide now. He also said they got a good tight seal and good flow with little swelling so he didn’t need to attach the colostomy bag. That would have been a separate procedure and would have to have been surgically removed down the road (3-6 months down the road!) so we were extremely happy not to have one! All that was left now was to get through recovery and then go up to her room. That took a few hours but they finally got a room assignment and I was able to be with her as we went up and got settled in. She looked good but was still worn out and had not yet come off of all of the drugs and anesthesia. I spent a good amount of time with her but left to make the 90-mile drive back home, stopping for dinner (Arby’s) on the way home. I was exhausted but still stayed up and watched 90% of the season finale of Survivor before I couldn’t stay awake any longer. Rylee was quick to take over her side of the bed and even used her pillow and was snoring just like her Grammy in a few minutes!           

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