About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #49 – Memorial Day Weekend - Visiting with Friends and Family


Saturday, May 25th, 2019…...  The weather started out dry today. The forecast was for rain, but not until the afternoon. I showered and took Rylee out. I went and got us coffee/tea while Lydia made bacon and eggs.  Once we ate, I cleaned up and rested and watched the skies. It was cloudy but there were blue skies to the west. A few minutes later and the sun was shining and the grass was drying out.  I waited until around 11:00am and started mowing. This was all on me today and I was going to just mow the lawn and wait on the field grass for another day. But it went so well I just kept going!  About halfway through the field mowing, I stopped and switched out mowers, giving one a rest for the day. It took me about 3 ½ hours total but I got it all mowed. Right as I was coming back in, the sprinkles started. I got everything cleaned up and put away and by then, it was raining. I came in and showered and rested for the day, until my sister called me and asked me to go feed Quincy. She and her neighbor, Mariglee, were out wine tasting and they didn’t want to rush back so I went over and fed the Q dog.  Lydia broiled steaks in her new oven and made baked potatoes in the toaster oven. With cheese sauce for the potatoes and veggies, everything was yummy! We kicked back and watched our taped shows until bedtime.    

Sunday, May 26th, 2019……  Today is race day for me. It starts with Formula 1 racing from Monaco, then the Indianapolis 500, then the Coca Cola 600. All three are big races and it’s a busy day!  I did manage to go out and get breakfast for us but that was the only time we left the house all day!  We each snacked for lunch and made our own meals for dinner. Then it was back to more tv until bedtime.

Monday, May 27th, 2019…... Memorial Day…..    Memorial Day is not a time to celebrate, but a time to remember those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We honor those men and women today. I always think of my high school buddies, especially my good friend, Mitch Silvers, who we lost in the war in Vietnam.  

This morning I got up early and got Rylee out and walked and then went out and got coffee. After breakfast, I went out and cleaned up more of the downed trees that I had drug back to the shop. All that’s left now are the bigger pieces that still need to be cut up for firewood. Later, we headed off to Walmart. We learned that, after the chemical fire, as a liability issue, they had ended up restocking the ENTIRE store. Everything was moved out and we’re told went to auction houses or were donated to food banks. It took them just short of two weeks to reopen. The store looked almost completely full again except for maybe some of the clothes racks, some dvd shelves, and a few of the shelves in the grocery section that were lacking. We got a few things we needed and headed home. I fired up the bbq and put the ribs on. Today, we followed the suggested instructions on the Costco packaging. I seared each side on medium high for 15 minutes each then left them on indirect heat for another hour. Turned out that was the right way to go! They were cooked perfectly and were very tasty.  Janice and my sister joined us and each brought dishes to share. Lydia baked her first apple pie in her new oven. It turned out nice. She used a frozen crust which was broken in the package so we got some leakage while cooking. But she was smart enough to put the pie on a large baking sheet which caught all of the spillage and saved the new oven!
My sister made a stop at Verizon and got her new phone. She is on our plan so I got a text that there was a change in our plan so I knew it before she came over to show it to us! Haha! So, after dinner, we fooled around with the phones and she got hers almost the way she wanted it.  We had everything cleaned up before they left, so we were able to settle in and relax for the evening. A really nice day!    

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