About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #65 – Tractors and BBQs


Friday, July 12th, 2019……  More things on the bucket list for today….  First up was to get the girls out on the tractors! They were hesitant at first but these things are so easy to drive. I gave them a quick teach and told them the blades weren’t engaged so they were a little better and then they got comfortable quickly and were soon speeding around with no worries! It only took a few minutes before they were asking me if I could make them go faster so they could race!

Then we headed over to Rylee’s pool so she could have some fun. They got a kick out of Rylee chasing her water!  They had her running until she was exhausted and plopped down in the pool!

Everyone ate a nice lunch and rested until later. We left the house about 4:00pm and headed to the credit union and then to Corvallis. We had bought 4 tickets to go see the Corvallis Knights play baseball. They are in the West Coast Baseball League and tonight were playing a home game against the Kelowna Falcons, from British Columbia. Tonight was free t-shirt night. We got there with plenty of time and were let in at 5:30pm. I got us front row seats on the first base side and we settled in. Shelby and I were the first to go get food. They have a place in the park called Block 15, which is a bar and grill in town that we like. So, we went there and ordered. Once we got back in and settled in again, Lydia and Kate headed out. Kate went to the concession stand and got her meal and then Lydia went to Block 15 and got hers. The game was fun. I didn’t know that the girls weren’t into sports but with a few minutes of background and a few more questions, they seemed to enjoy the evening. We left in the 7th inning with the score Corvallis 16, Kelowna 4. 

We drove home and everyone but me headed off to bed. I sat up and watched the Tour de France. It is day 7 of the 21 day-tour. I only stayed up to finish the race and then I was done too.     

Saturday, July 13th, 2019…...  We got up and going early this morning., The plan was for the girls to go meet up with my sister and Jody at the farmer’s market in Corvallis. Jody had flown in yesterday from Utah for a week’s visit.  Meanwhile, I stayed home and got caught up on this blog, plus watched Nascar and the Tour de France.  Lydia called and asked me to get out a chicken to defrost for dinner tonight. They hadn’t seen Penny and Jody yet but were walking around. They did hook up and then left them to head home. P & J were doing more shopping and winery visiting later anyway.  Once they got back, they put all of the produce in the fridge and then crashed in their rooms and Lydia napped in her chair. Then they left again – this time to go to Albany to America’s Best.  Lydia has had problems with one screw on the frames of her glasses that just won’t stay tight!  So, this time they made the decision to have everything remade (at no cost). That done, they made a stop at the local Goodwill. The girls like rummaging around second hand stores, and all of the Goodwill stores in the area are really clean and well run. They found a few things but can’t take them on the plane. We’ll go back and get them and send them later. When they made it back form this trip, it was time to start the chicken. Lydia had me turn on the bbq and she got out the utensil for beer butt chicken and got that going. Penny and Jody came by and dropped off the ribs for dinner on Sunday. After we ate, we crashed for the evening.       

Sunday, July 14th, 2019…...  Nothing on the travel agenda for today. We stayed in and lounged around the house. Later, I fired up the bbq and started the ribs. Jody had never had these and my sister told her they were tasty. I wrote down my process (pretty much just like it says on the package!) so she can have Charlie make them when she gets home. They brought salad and dessert and Lydia made mac and cheese in the crockpot. All of it was very good! The weather was pretty nice, even though we have had some cloudy mornings and some sprinkles off and on, it usually clears up in the afternoon and gets pretty warm. Of course, I have to let monkey butt do her thing with the water hose and her pool! She gets cooled down plus works off some of that puppy energy!
Once the meal was done, and the dog was dried off and back in the house, I cleaned up from dinner and the girls took off. They left Quincy here. Tomorrow they are heading to Salem for a drs. appointment and then some shopping. We are heading to the coast tomorrow. I will walk Q and feed both dogs and they will be back in time to feed them in the evening. We all turned in early.  

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