About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #70 – Yard Work and Boat Prep


Saturday, July 27th, 2019……  This morning, after walking Rylee, I got on Ebay and ordered an over-the-air digital antenna for one of the tvs in the house. I expect that ATT/Directv and Nexstar and CBS will settle soon and we will get our CBS station back, but this was only $8.00 and I want to see if it works at all – just in case. Then I went out and repaired that bad connection on the bug zapper extension cord. I was right, one of the terminals had gotten hot and melted. I just replaced it with a heavier extension cord and was done quickly.
Later, Lydia went out and worked in one of the front flower beds. It was warm but the clouds made it nice to be outside. She pulled some dead flowers out of the beds and I followed behind and picked them up for the trash. We were done in an hour. I also went out and tested the sprinklers again. I have noticed white spots on the lawn and suspected the area was being skipped by the rotating sprinkler heads. We have them set to run in the middle of the night so we don’t usually see them in action, but testing them helps. I was right – I have two that need to be replaced. Again, tomorrow.
I came back in and watched the next to last day of the Tour. The last day through Paris is usually ceremonial so today’s run was the finale. I was sad to see the guy (Julian Alaphilippe) who held the yellow jersey for 14 of the 20 days lose it yesterday and not get it back today. He was a French rider and it would have been nice to see it won by a Frenchman. But not this year. The new leader (Egan Bernal) is from Columbia and is the youngest rider in the Tour this year.
Lydia fixed hamburgers for dinner and after I cleaned up, it was back to relaxing and watching our programs until bedtime.         

Sunday, July 28th, 2019…… Nothing on the agenda today. We spent the day lazying around the house. I went out and did some work on the boat trailer. I still have to figure out if I want to just go ahead and tear apart the trailer, sand and paint it now, or wait until after I check to see if it will fit under the boat. I’m leaning toward the former because even if it doesn’t fit, I can always sell it and get back what I have in it.
Lydia made hamburgers for dinner and we watched tv until bedtime. I got caught up on my Tour de France today. They finished in Paris and it was a wacky tour for sure! They had record heat in France this year but stage 19 ended up being shortened due to rain and snow and mudslides that came down and washed out the road below the riders. It was a pivotal turn because the yellow jersey didn’t get a chance to gain time on the downhill part to the leader of the race. The winner was pretty much decided by that call.    

Monday, July 29th, 2019…...  I went out and got us breakfast and then started to get the boat ready. Yes, we are taking it out tomorrow!  It’s about time, huh!  But with all we have had going on, plus the issues with the boater’s license, plus I didn’t feel like working on it while the grandkids were here, it’s finally time! I just had to clean up the trailer plug and ended up putting a new one on, but it’s ready. Lydia felt like working in the yard again today so she started pulling the dead flowers out of the new growth and I went behind and got them picked up. Later, we got the new cover off of the boat and I got the truck ready. We are not planning on doing anything other than a cruise to see how the boat performs and if everything is in working order. Of course, I will be on the lookout for good fishing areas for when I come back!
We wanted to crash early but we weren’t planning on leaving tomorrow until around 10:00am or so, so we both ended up staying up later than usual, watching our programs.

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