About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #61 – Warm Weather, Sad News, & Silver Falls


Sunday, June 30th, 2019…… Nothing on the agenda for today. I walked Rylee and then went out to get us coffee while Lydia got things out to start pancakes and sausage when I returned. My sister had brought Quincy over for her run this morning and left her for the day. Something has been bothering Q for a few days now and she’s kept Penny up at night. So, she has purchased some cbd for her (Quincy) to try tonight. Like I said, we did nothing today. Watched tv and laid around the house. Rylee knows that if she sits and looks at me long enough, I will get up and take her out to her pool. Well, we did this twice today. She’s happy and its hot enough up here right now, it’s good for her to cool down. I was going to work a bit on my boat but what I want to do requires me to get on the floor of the boat and I tried and it was HOT!  So now, that will wait until morning. Lydia made burritos for dinner. Always a favorite! We watched tv until bedtime, even later than usual for me, until 11:30pm. Even then I couldn’t sleep and took two Tylenol pm and went back to the tv for a while.       

Monday, July 1st, 2019…...  I guess I was able to finally fall off to sleep and when Rylee stirred, Lydia got up and fed her while I got to sleep. When I did get up, it was to bad news. Lydia came in with my phone on which I had a text from Jeff saying his buddy and our ‘adopted son’, Eric, had had a heart attack and we lost him. We knew that Eric had heart problems earlier in life, he had been eating correctly and doing what the doctors asked of him. So, we were kind of shocked. We had heard from him on Mother’s Day, and he wished me a happy Father’s Day at that time because he said his old phone wasn’t working right plus his was a pay-as-you-go phone with expensive text and air time. We’re not sure if he even wanted his father notified as they were not on speaking terms. Mother and grandmother (where he had been living until his dad threw him out) have passed. Eric’s neighbor told Jeff that he wanted to be in California more than you know, so we may get his ashes if/when they decide what to do. No will or trust and no power of attorney so the state will most likely get involved. Sad.
Later, I went out and got breakfast then texted Jon to see if I could come by his shop. Waiting to hear back, I went to the hardware store and looked for some terminal connectors for the safety chains. While I was there, I went ahead and ordered the two wicker rockers we had looked at the other day. Later, I heard back from Jon so I set out. I wanted some advice on what gas to run in the boat (non-ethanol) and I wanted to show him my trailer and get some ideas on how to swap them out. He has agreed to let me bring the new one to his lot and stage it there, where I can then put the boat in Foster Lake (about a 5 min. drive), then bring the old trailer back and park it and take the new one back to the boat launch. Maybe next week, after the holiday lake traffic dies down a bit. I thanked him for his advice and headed back home. I backed the trailer into the shop and then made some adjustments on it to make the rubber rollers as close to the same points as the old one.  I also ordered a boat cover online. I have a place to park it under the covered area next to the shop, but I need to do some rearranging before I can do that. I still want it covered. I finished up and came in and cleaned up and relaxed for a while. I didn’t have lunch so we decided on an early dinner. Lydia said she wanted KFC and would even pay for it and go get it. Cool beans! While we ate, we watched the last couple of episodes of the Blacklist, that we forgot we had on tape. We also caught up on Master Chef and then split up to watch our own programs until bedtime. I didn’t nap or anything today so I should be able to sleep tonight.
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019…... Slept well last night. Yaay!   I got up early and walked Rylee. Lydia and Penny had lunch plans with Aimee, our realtor friend. I thought it would be a perfect time to take butthead and head up to Silver Falls for a little hike. I wanted to see how the falls were running so we could bring the girls up there when they come visit. I don’t usually hike by myself but it’s summer and there are tons of visitors this time of year and if I remember correctly, there is cell service on the trail, and if not, Silverton is close by so I can check in with Lydia to let her know we’re ok.  Anyway, I got there no problem 

and got to the gate. I had to pay a $5.00 state park fee (my national park pass is not recognized here). The ranger gave me a heads up on the paths that we can and cannot go with a dog. I went over to the South Falls and parked. We were allowed to go on the rim trail and got this pic.

If you look closely, you will barely see the canyon trail. That was how high this falls is. That trail goes behind the falls!  The water is flowing pretty well so it will be perfect for the girls and me to take when we go there next week. We’ll still take Rylee and Lydia can stay with her in the picnic area up on top. I got back home and then Lydia got back shortly after that. We rested from our adventures and caught up on some programs we had taped.    

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