About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #102 – Drs. Appointment & Church Bazaars

Friday, Nov 1st, 2019…… Today was my physical. I slept great last night and got up really early and was showered and dressed and had Rylee out and walked before 7:30am. My appointment was 8:30am so I headed out just before that. They had me do labs before the visit. I always thought that was odd. My doctor in Calif. always had me come in for labs a few days before the physical so he could have the lab results in hand to discuss when I came in. Here they send me an email with a notice that there are test results filed in MyChart, my personal file. I brought this up today and he told me he is not too concerned with my numbers so he’s good with this way.  He was pleased with everything else and wrote me a prescription for more cream for my skin rash (in case I don’t have enough sense to stay out of the poison oak!). I have an earache and explained it really never goes away. He said it may sound unusual but he wants me to try Flonase nasal spray because sinus issues can affect ears too. The ache is manageable now but I will try his remedy. I stopped by and got breakfast for me and tea for Lydia on the way home. Today, we planned on going to our church for their bazaar and tamale lunch, which goes through Sunday. We found that the tamales were only on Saturday. Darn!  But I had raffle tickets to turn in and money from my sister to get her some tickets. We did that and walked around a bit. I don’t think we bought anything there. We had seen signs for three other church bazaars going on so we went back to all of them on the way home. Lydia bought a few items and we came home and fixed Costco tamales for lunch. Neither of us would want dinner so we just finished up the evening watching our tv shows until bedtime.   

Saturday, Nov 2nd, 2019…... Lydia went back to our church’s bazaar today with my sister. Penny wanted to see what they had and they both wanted to try the tamales. They liked them and were able to each buy some to bring home to freeze. I got through the Directv HD pixilation issues they were having. I called their number and the recorded message said it was a nation-wide problem and that they were working on it. The quick fix was to go to the non-hd version of the channels. I did that so I could tape my races but they got it fixed quickly and I didn’t miss anything except the Breeder’s Cup in hd so it was ok.  Lydia made spaghetti for dinner and we each watched our taped programs until bedtime.    

Sunday, Nov 3rd, 2019…...   Weather started to warm up today. But it’s still chilly. No rain though. Forecast is for more of the same for the next week.  After I got Rylee out and walked, I was able to get into my lounging clothes and we both kicked back for the rest of the day. But wait – I got a call from a local number!  It was the church saying I had won a raffle prize!  It was $150.00 cash!  So, I headed off to claim my prize. I had given Lydia $50. yesterday and I just added to it from the winnings. It was a good day for both of us! 
We had each had a late lunch so we weren’t too hungry when it came time for dinner, so we just fixed our own light meal snacks  for dinner and called it a night after a few hours of tv.

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