About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #106 – The Good and the Bad


Wednesday, Nov 13th, 2019……  Today we had a few things on our list to do. I got Rylee out and walked and fed and then I made ham and egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Then I headed out to prep the motorhome for my trip tomorrow to get new tires for it. I pulled in the slides and disconnected the water and my satellite connection. All of the tires are lower than I like but I think it will be ok to drive the 40 miles down to Coburg. While I was doing all of that, Lydia had an appointment with the dermatologist to get a second helping of their freeze thingy for the wart on her toe. That only took a few minutes and we were both back in the house and ready for bingo in the afternoon.  Yep, today was bingo day at the senior center. Well, not for us as it turned out! We just contributed. But it’s fun to play and the folks there are friendly and nice. They will play next week but we will be dark for the Thanksgiving week. We are also going back on the 21st for their free pre-thanksgiving dinner. On the way home we stopped at Walmart to get stuff for beef stroganoff for dinner. Once we got home from that and rested a bit, it was time to eat. Lydia got everything together and after dinner, we settled in to watch the Masked Singer and Survivor. We taped the CMA’s to watch tomorrow. I was really lucky – I had a dumb guess that the Ladybug was Kelly Osbourne. I was confused when she was talking because she tried her hardest to sound like she was from down south somewhere. That threw me off but I thought I picked up a bit of a British accent here and there and because of the famous family clue, I started thinking about Kelly. I tried to picture it was Kelly when she sang. Plus, I remembered she mentioned she had kicked a few tires in her youth.  I admit it - I got lucky and got it right. I have guesses for one or two of the others but don’t have a clue about the rest.   

Thursday, Nov 14th, 2019…... Well, it turns out that today was not a good day. Lydia had her appointment for her foot and I had one to get tires put on the front of the motorhome. For me I went out and started the coach and let it warm up, buckled in, released the air brake, and shifted into gear and tried to drive off. Problem is I couldn’t! After a bunch of minutes trying to figure this thing out, I gave up and shut it off. I can hear air hissing around the back tires. I am sure that I have an air line leaking. This issue has been going on for a long time now, even in California. The right side of the coach would lean an hour or so after I shut down. It was worse yesterday.  Plus, low air won’t let the brakes release so it won’t move.  So, I came in and told Lydia, then took the truck and headed out and drove to Lassen RV to try to get an appointment. I found out they do not work on chassis and engines but they sent me over to Peterson Trucking across the street who service both Cummins and Cat. I explained everything and the guy said he thought it was an air box or a leak in the line to the air box. We set up a service call for next week. I headed home and called Lydia on the way to see when she was going in this morning. She was there and would talk to me soon. When she got home, she said they x-rayed the foot again and nothing is broken. But the doctor is pretty sure she has a ruptured Achilles. He will be scheduling an mri to confirm. He gave her a boot that limits movement of the area and said there is not much to do except stay off of it and rest. If the mri shows a rupture, that most likely will mean surgery. Stay tuned….
She got home and made lunch and has been resting most of the day.  I went out to the shop and continued working on my ladder project. I got all of the pieces cut and sanded down, ready for paint.
Later, we had dinner and watched tv until bedtime.
Friday, Nov 15th, 2019……  Today was gloomy. The forecast says we will get significant rain later tonight. But it did rain last night a bit. Not enough to wake us up but enough to put water in the ditch out front. Rylee likes her water so it is always a problem keeping her out of it when we are on our walks!  Lydia is doing ok, but when she moves wrong, even in the boot, it causes pain. But she was doing well enough to go to her nail appointment. She needed to have some ingrown toes worked on and had made this appointment just for that. When she got back, she said when they did her toes, they had to be careful not to move her foot wrong. But she was good to go. The rains turned into light mist and then quit altogether and the sun came out for a while. Oregon weather! It was nice enough for me to want to go out and work some more on my ladder project. I headed off to the hardware store and got a quart of red paint and started in. I got everything disassembled and spread out. I put the first coat on one side. There are a lot of parts so it took me a while. I got cleaned up and went back inside and was done for the day.  Earlier, I had taken out the lasagna from the freezer and we cut it up and had part of it for dinner. We had also frozen the sourdough so we had some of that as well. We watched our programs until bedtime.

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