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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #101 – Haircuts, Bingo and Halloween!


Monday, Oct 28th, 2019…… I think winter has hit here! Even though we have bright, sunny skies and temps get up in the mid to upper 50s during the day, it is still super cold in the mornings. Today, it was 30º!  Everything is covered in frost. I still am in my shorts but did the gloves and ear muff thing and had a jacket over my long sleeve flannel shirt for our morning walk.
The plan today was to roll with the flow and just figure it out. I decided to vacuum the house and got that task done and everything put away. Lydia cleaned the bathrooms and I think we each wanted to stop for the day. We both went into our tv rooms and rested and enjoyed the day.  We finished up the evening with the rest of the leftover fish, this time with mac and cheese and green beans. Yummy!  We then watched Dancing with the Stars. I was SO PISSED when they saved Sean Spicer yet again!  I keep saying that the votes should be like Survivor when they vote someone off the island – DWTS should have America vote for the next person to send home. They do that one by one and it should be fair. You can see that the judges are just waiting for Spicer to be in the bottom two so they can send him packing. He’s arguably one of the two or three worst dancers they have ever had on the show.     

Tuesday, Oct 29th, 2019…...  Today was $12-dollar-Tuesday at our hair cutting place. We planned on heading there later. But first I had to get out and brave the cold again. Today was even colder than yesterday – it was 27º out when I took Rylee out! I came back and then left again to get breakfast/coffee/tea. The plan was to drop off Lydia at the senior center for her 10:00am mahjong get-together.  I was then going to Albany to go to Lowes and get some ½” pvc pipe to make a 12’ x 21’ frame which is the size of the carport I have on order. That way, I can move it around on the gravel area out by the rv garage and get an idea where I want to finally install the carport But, as we were on the way to the center, she returned a missed call from one of the girls saying she had an emergency and couldn’t make it to play today.  So, she made another call and the rest of the girls decided they were not going to play today. So, we just kept going to Lowes and I got my parts and we headed back. On the way home, we stopped at Rumors, our friend Teri’s place, to get our hair cut. It doesn’t take long for me to get clipped (ha ha!) and Lydia was next. Once we were done and had visited for a bit, we headed home. Kirk had dropped Cooper off and went off to take care of another job. Lydia had him pull some offshoot trees that just started growing wild from seeds in areas where we didn’t want them. She also asked him to trim up some of the plants and shrubs in the same area. I went out with butthead and worked on my project. I got everything cut and laid out in a few different arrangements. I think this is the winner!

After the install (4-6 weeks) I will need to get with Dana and have her order another load of gravel to build up in the front to make the approach smoother. Meanwhile, the boat is safe and dry on the old trailer in the shop garage. I am still working (but not too hard) on the new trailer sanding and doing prep. You can see in the pic that the trailer is pretty much stripped down. All of those parts are in the shop, ready for primer and paint. No hurry though – the boat isn’t going anywhere this winter!   
After that, we came in and I messed around with my Wi-Fi.  For some reason, I lost the signal and had to re-boot my modem. It took just a few minutes and everything went back to normal but I hate when that happens!  Lydia decided to fix breakfast for dinner. I like that! She made mushroom and swiss omelets. We watched a few of our taped shows before going to bed.   

Wednesday, Oct 30th, 2019…...  I took butthead out this morning and got that job done. Still cold. Rylee got into the ditch, which had ice in the bottom. She trudged through it and came up with four dirty wet paws! I have already taken all of the garden hoses off and put them away for the winter so I had to go get one and hook it up just to wash her off.
Today, we didn’t have anything planned, except Lydia’s bingo game. I told her I would go with her last week but flaked out on her and went and got my drill press. So, today I went with her.  It was fun! Sis was there too. They play for about two hours with a short break in the middle. Cards are .25 ea. Lydia always gets 4. I got 6. Guess what – I won my first game! Got paid $1.25 so now I was in the hole for a quarter. None of us won again. The people are nice and I will go back again. While we were there, we picked up tickets for their Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a few days before the holiday but it’s free, so we are going to see what it’s like. Once we got home, we rested from that strenuous event!  As I said, nothing planned for today but Lydia just told me that Aimee was coming over with her new grandson to visit. We straightened up the house and waited for them. That little guy is just too cute! We each got turns holding him.

Rylee had never seen a little baby before so she was all into it. I think she got jealous when her Grammy had him in her lap!  But all was good and we had a great time. After they left, I went and got KFC for us for dinner and we watched tv until bedtime.  

Thursday, Oct 31st, 2019…...  Not much going on today. I wanted to go out and work in the shop for a bit but it was just too cold. The temps here are still below freezing in the mornings. But I am still in shorts. Yeah, I know!...... It gets warmer later in the day and is actually nice weather to work in. My neighbor Rich and his wife, Linda, were out working in their yard. He called me this morning and asked if I had a phone number for our neighbor out on So. Main just behind their house.  I did not. He told me that their water spigot in their back yard was shooting out and he wanted to let them know. So, I hooked up Rylee and we walked over to their house. No one was home so I went into their yard and shut it off. I spoke with Rich after that and we thought that since they weren’t home, they may have turned it on to drip a bit so the pipes wouldn’t freeze. So, I went back and opened it up just a bit. I think they didn’t mean for it to shoot out so much so I sure hope that they are ok with what I did! 
We had Quincy for Halloween and sis went home to hand out candy to her troops. She always gets a bunch and we only get Dylan, our neighbor down the street. So, this year we bought a candy apple and a full size hershey bar just for him. But when the doorbell rang, there were three kids! The girls next door were with him this year. Good thing we had a bag of candy. We held back the stuff for Dylan because that wouldn’t be fair and gave each a handful for their bags. And that was our Halloween.   

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