About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #103 – Buying a New Pressure Washer & Drs. Appointments and Bingo


Monday, Nov 4th, 2019…… This morning I had my plans and Lydia had hers. I was heading off to Lowes to go buy by pressure washer. I already had figured out the one I wanted and I found it on sale in their pre-Black Friday ad, so I figured it was a good time to go get it. Plus, I already had several Lowes and Visa gift cards stockpiled up waiting for a sale. I also got some lumber for a project we want to complete before the Christmas holiday. It will basically look like this ……

but will be for all of our Christmas Village to be displayed. I got about half of what I needed and headed home. I put the pressure washer together, added oil and gas and fired it up!

It has way more psi than the electric Harbor Freight model I had been using around here.
I ran a test on some of the dirty area next to the rv shop and then put it away for the day.

I needed to spend some time working on the front porch lights. I replaced the old fixtures and installed the ones I recently got at Costco. They look similar to the old ones so I didn’t bother to take any pics. I think that I will go ahead and buy two more and replace the two on the garage side. You might remember my posting in the past that I replaced those with some we found at Costco last year. But these we just bought are new to Costco and turns out we like them way better so we will replace them as well. Maybe my sister wants the ones out there now since they are almost new and are led.  
We have been cleaning out the freezer so Lydia fixed more salmon for dinner. I used our guillotine slicer to cut up some potatoes to fry with the fish. We watched the usual terrible results of Dancing With the Stars. Another good dancer went home, leaving Mr. Spicer alive and ready to try next week’s dances. It’s interesting to watch how Tom Bergeron is handling this. He was the one who openly said before this all started that it wasn’t a good idea to get political contestants on the show because it would be a partisan vote and not based on talent. Even head judge Len said that even though they keep trying to throw the guy out of the boat, the public keeps throwing him back in!  If this keeps up, he could win the whole thing. That would be two times in a row and I think that could do the show irreparable harm.   
Tuesday, Nov 5th, 2019…... Today, Lydia had a morning Drs. appointment in Albany and I drove her to that. Her last visit to our doctor here in town was for blood in the stool. They discovered it was just hemorrhoids, and they had her schedule a procedure for banding. I waited outside and she came out a while later and said the surgeon examined her and thought they weren’t bad enough to warrant any surgery at this time. He wants to see her next set of labs to see what her iron levels are and then he will decide what to do from there. We came back home and sis came by and she used our food sealer to separate and bag several packages of steak into smaller portions for freezing. Kirk dropped off Cooper again this afternoon and I had him go out and clean up some broken limbs on the tree out in the front by the driveway. Kirk dropped off his (actually my) work trailer because he is going to be out of town for the next two weeks. Cooper will go out while he’s gone and do some of the scheduled work but will just work out of the truck. Later, they went way out to the far end of the property and used the string trimmer to cut the field grass that butts up against our far neighbor’s fence way out at the end of the ‘west 40’.  Tonight, was another night for leftovers. Lydia had the fish and potatoes and I ate the spaghetti. We each watched our programs and then called it a night.   

Wednesday, Nov 6th, 2019…...   Usually, before I head off to bed, I try to let Rylee out to pee and/or poop beforehand. If I can get her used to that schedule, maybe she won’t wake me up in the middle of the night to go out.  It has been working but it turns out that when one of us gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, that triggers butthead to want to go too!  I don’t think we can change us so we are dealing with it with her. This morning we discovered that neither of us had to take her out. I remember getting up last night but she stayed in bed and didn’t pester me. I hope that lasts!
Today, we had a few things to do. Lydia had to go have her blood pressure checked. She’s always been so good about taking her meds but for some reason she didn’t get her felodipine ordered and had missed it for a few days so she needed to see if that was an issue. No worries – it was good. Later, we went to play bingo again. Penny brought her neighbor MaraGlee this time. We had a packed house!  Lydia won two times, one of which was the last game which was Blackout. That paid $3.50! Big bucks! We left there and came home. I didn’t eat lunch so we fixed tacos and ate early. We watched the Little Mermaid, which I had taped. And then we headed off to the living room to watch Survivor and the Masked Singer. Last year we did pretty well guessing the stars behind the masks. This year, not so much. We got Johnny Weir and I got Paul Shafer. We both missed on Laila Ali but my sister figured her out.  Our problem is that we don't know anything about the others. We missed on Tyler Ninja Blevins, and Dr. Drew.  We did know enough to guess both Sherri Shepard and Raven Symone.  So, we are four for seven. Not bad but we're only guessing from here on out. We think we know who The Flower is. I can only narrow down The Thingamajig to a basketball player. We also have guesses for The Leopard, The Ladybug, and The Tree but I won't print them here in case you're playing the game too.          

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