About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #113 – Bingo & a Photo Session

Wednesday, Dec 4th, 2019……  The day started out ok. Temps in the mid to high 30s. I never thought I’d say that would ever be comfortable weather! But I was good to go. I guess I’m getting used to it now!  I got Rylee out and walked and fed and then headed out to get breakfast/coffee/tea. I had one more thing to do regarding decorations - the snowflakes. I went up into the alcove and put those up there and also did the front windows. I think we are done decorating now. Today was bingo. Lydia opted out of mahjong yesterday because she didn’t want to sit for a long period and have her ankle swell. But today she took her shower and then decided to go give it a try. I know it was hard for her but she wanted to go. She sat there and enjoyed herself for most of afternoon and got through the pain and actually won a game!  But she was hurting when we left. Afterward, we stopped by and picked up some poinsettias from Teri, the lady who cuts our hair. I got her back home and she took some Tylenol and rested her leg and tried to relax for a while. I went out later and picked up dinner and we settled in and watched Survivor and The Masked Singer before calling it a night. They unmasked The Butterfly. I didn’t guess this one because I was not familiar with Michelle Williams so we had no clue. But we have gotten six of the ten so far and we think we know who three of the last six left might be.     

Thursday, Dec 5th, 2019…… Nothing on the agenda today.  The weather is back to yucky. We actually had a nice sunny day yesterday but today it is overcast and/or foggy.  Today was not a good day for Lydia. She is still under severe pain in her foot. It hurts when she walks (so she has been trying to stay off of it) and it also hurts when she’s in bed – more of an aggravating pain that won’t go away no matter what position she puts her leg in. We have the adjustable bed and she has her feet elevated as much as she can but nothing really helps. I googled neuropathy and found that she has advanced symptoms which is causing the pain she is describing. But since the doctor has seen the mri and thinks it’s a stress fracture, there may be some treatment available when we go in next week. Meanwhile, I am trying to get her needs taken care of. Sometimes I go get us breakfast, sometimes she just wants toast or an egg sandwich, which I can do. Today, she pretty much stayed in her jammies all morning and only got dressed after noon. We didn’t go anywhere but she wanted to dress anyway. I guess that’s a good sign. I went and got us Jack in the Box burgers for dinner and we settled in for the night and watched our programs until bedtime.   

Friday, Dec 6th, 2019……  No rain yet, but it’s supposedly coming later tonight. I decided to try omelets for breakfast. Not my strong suit!  They sure didn’t look right but they at least didn’t taste bad. And they filled us up.
Today was picture day. Our realtor, Aimee’s office does an event each year at the Carousel in Albany. They have refreshments and photos with Santa. This was last year’s….

We were planning to go but it didn’t look good. Lydia does much better when she stays off her foot, plus she can’t ride in the car for any time. So, she said she would pass this year. But, later in the day, she felt like going. I told her we could put her in the back seat so she could elevate her foot during the ride. She got dressed and we hung around the house and had lunch and dinner early. My sister and Janice came by and we fed the dogs and then we headed off to town. I dropped Janice off at the Jeep dealer, where she had her car in for service and then we headed over. This time we took monkey butt because Aimee said dogs were allowed in the building and in the photo room. We went in and parked Lydia and got signed in and only had to wait a few minutes before we could get in for the photo shoot. They took several shots to get Rylee to pay attention and face the camera.  They even took a few with just her and Santa! I will post them as soon as we get them from the photographer.  We only stayed a bit longer for refreshments and then we headed back home. Lydia said she was hurting but she took her meds and went off to bed to elevate her foot and was in for the night. When I went in later, she was sleeping comfortably. I must have been tired because I fell asleep in my chair, watching tv, which I hardly ever do.

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