About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #114 – Dealing With the Pain & Still No Real Answers

Saturday, Dec 7th, 2019……     Pearl Harbor Day.  Please take some time to think about this date in history and remember also the 2,300 plus men and women we lost that fateful day. We have been there and toured the Arizona Memorial. Very moving… There was an interesting article in our paper this morning about a recently deceased USS Arizona survivor - a gentleman by the name of Lauren Bruner, who had passed away at 98 in September. He had arranged to have his ashes interred on the ship. The Navy began interring Pearl Harbor survivors on their old ships back in 1982.  There are 3 other surviving men from the Arizona but they have chosen to be buried so this is the final time they will bring down ashes to this ship. The wrecks of only the Arizona and the USS Utah remain in the harbor, so survivors of those ships are the only ones who have the option to be laid to rest this way.  
Lydia slept well last night. Phew!  I did too, until about 5:30am, when I got up to pee and couldn’t go back to sleep. I went in and turned on the tv and it occupied my time until it got light out. I showered and then took Rylee out. We did get some rain last night but it was light and only sprinkled on us this morning. I went out and got breakfast/coffee/tea. Before Lydia could get going, I moved all of the dirty laundry out where she could sort it. Then she re-trained me on the washer and dryer and I got the laundry going and worked it most of the morning. I watched some football while things were going so it wasn’t too bad. In between all of that, I vacuumed the house. She got dressed but only lounged around today. Pain is manageable right now. I fixed her some lunch and later we watched our taped episode of The Great Food Truck Race and then all of the four Blacklist episodes she had saved up. We forgot about those. We also finished the CMA Country Christmas show that we started the other night.  
I got all of the laundry done and she folded everything and I got it put away. Next up will be a solo major grocery shopping trip. I work from lists so she will have to start one of those….
Nothing back yet from the motorhome shop….
We had dinner (from KFC) and then finished up watching our own programs until we headed off to bed.
Sunday, Dec 8th, 2019…… Both of us slept pretty good last night. For Lydia, the pain was manageable and she said she got a bit more sleep than she has been getting. For me, I slept well but woke up at 5:15 and couldn’t go back to sleep. I put on some clothes and took Rylee out then came back in and showered and made us breakfast. This morning it was egg sandwiches – a more manageable task for me – and they were tasty. We missed out on calling Raymond yesterday but did so this morning. He is nine now and when they were up here, we could see him shooting up. He will be tall like his dad. We had nothing on the agenda today. So, we caught up on some Christmas movies and I watched football and my taped Mecum Auctions.  The weather here is gloomy and cold. We have one day of sun predicted for tomorrow, then a new storm comes in and we will be wet for the rest of the week. We did hear back from Aimee, who sent us the pics from the Santa shoot. They turned out pretty good. If you look closely, you can see Lydia is in one slipper on her bad foot.....

We had KFC chicken sandwiches for lunch and ate a late dinner/snack and watched tv until bedtime.     

Monday, Dec 9th, 2019……  Lydia had a pretty laid back day today. Nothing planned. We stayed around the house and rested for the most part. I made egg sandwiches for breakfast and she wanted bacon and eggs for dinner so I fixed those. Nothing special but it filled us up. We are waiting for tomorrow so she can get to the orthopedic doctor appointment. Maybe they can give us a heads up on what she's dealing with. We finished up the night watching tv - another Christmas Light Fight - and then turning in early. . 

Tuesday, Dec 10th, 2019…… Weather is getting colder now. The predicted sunny day (today) didn’t happen!  They say the sun was shining in other areas of the valley but not for us! After walking Rylee, I took off and got us breakfast. But before I pulled out of the driveway, I called Travis at Peterson Trucking to check on my motorhome. Travis has moved on to another job for the county so Rob looked up my workorder. They have everything almost done and will finish up the last of that today. It will be ready for tomorrow but since I want to take it straight down to Coburg for tires, I need to coordinate that. Plus, Lydia’s appointment with the ortho surgeon is today so I will wait. I called and got a tire appointment and I will pick up the coach on Wednesday and then go for the tires. Penny and Janice came over this morning to drop off Quincy and pick up my truck. They were headed off to the forest east of Sweet Home to cut their own Christmas trees. They both have permits and they just need to enter the designated area and they are each free to cut and bring out their own trees. Meanwhile, we got ready and headed out to Corvallis to the doctor’s office. This is a new place for us so we left early so we could find it and maybe get a wheelchair to get her in and up to their office. The doctor reviewed her symptoms and viewed the mri. They need more tests but they don’t see any fractures. That would have been the easy solution with at least a recovery time to look forward to. This is the other scenario - they are now looking at three things – neuropathy, arthritis or a tumor. Since it has been 12 weeks with this and no relief, they have to add the tumor risk but her other symptoms make that only a slight possibility. She has had fluid build-up in her feet and ankles for many years due to her transplant that has weakened the tissue in both legs. They can see (and showed us) the areas of edema on the mri. This is where everything hurts. They also can see arthritis on her bones and tendons and connecting tissue. They tried a biopsy (that really smarted and caused her to shed tears!) and didn't really get any fluid.  After that, they decided to add another appointment for her at another office to do another try, this time using ultrasound. We will get that scheduled tomorrow. He has prescribed a strong cream (cbd cream doesn’t help) that he is certain will give her some relief. He also wants her off her feet as much as possible so he has prescribed a knee scooter to help her around the house. We won’t know much more for probably a couple more weeks. All of this sets up a decision for us – can she make the trip down to Calif. after Christmas? We stopped for dinner on the way home and talked about it but we need to discuss this more. Once we got home, Lydia took some more hydrocodone and tried to get the throbbing down to a manageable level so she could go to sleep later. We watched The Blacklist and then The Masked Singer.  We don’t watch SNL and even though we’ve heard of Ana Gasteyer we didn’t know her well enough to make the correct guess. After that, Lydia said the pain was calmed down and she was ready to sleep so we headed off to bed.          

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