About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #115 – More Lab Work and the Motorhome is Done!


Wednesday, Dec 11th, 2019……  Lydia had to go do labs this morning. I did not hear back about the motorhome so I called them again. The air valve that they had been waiting on was the wrong one and they had said they had the new one and would be installing it yesterday. But apparently that didn’t happen because when he called me back this morning it wasn’t in. So, I cancelled my tire install and will just have to wait. Now I was able to drive Lydia to do the labs. I parked out front and picked up a wheelchair from the lobby and helped her in and we got through the rooms and got the blood drawn and I got her back in the car. We stopped by the medical equipment place here in town to turn in the prescription order for the knee scooter but the place was closed today for employee training of some kind. No worries, she’s not walking on the foot any more than she has to – only to get in and out of the car and to the bathroom. We stopped by Tony’s Tacos and I got her breakfast and got her back to her chair to relax from the outing. She was in a lot of pain and had to fast for the blood draw but now she could take some Tylenol and rest and get some sleep. My sister was here to drive me to the truck repair place and Lydia to the labs but she wasn’t needed so she went back home to eat and shower.  She came over later to get Quincy and since Lydia was under her blanket and pretty comfortable and said she would be fine, and since we weren’t going to get the rv, we decided to go to the senior center to play bingo.  So, we took off. When we got back, Lydia said she had a nice nap but it was close to dinner and she was getting hungry so I headed off to Walmart to pick up stuff for spaghetti and got back and cooked that. Her nephrologist called while we were eating and said she was concerned about her creatinine level being too high. So, she will have to go get another blood draw on Friday to compare and double check her numbers. So, another trip out and more punctures coming!
She also said she saw in her files the prescription for the analgesic cream that the ortho surgeon had sent in today (it showed up in the e-chart). She doesn’t want her using that.
We ate dinner and then later watched The Masked Singer. We guessed the Leopard (Seal) and knew that the Thingamajig (Victor Oladipo) was an NBA player but I don’t follow the NBA so much, so I didn’t know who he was.       
Thursday, Dec 12th, 2019…… Today was another day to wake up early and not be able to go back to sleep. I went back in to my office and got my blanket and turned on the tv for a few hours. When I did get up, I showered and walked and fed Rylee and made Lydia some tea and cereal while I waited for the motorhome guys to call. They did about 7:15am so I called my sister to give me a ride there. I called the tire people and they were good for me to come in after that. After she dropped me off, I asked Penny to drop off the prescription for the medical knee scooter on her way home. Picking up the coach was a little tough because it started raining and got worse as I got going. Plus, I had to stop at a station and put some fuel in it before heading down to Coburg. The ride down was in pretty decent rain but when I got there, it had let up. I was able to nose right in to their work bay and they immediately got started. I had them pull out two of the newest batch of tires. I didn’t want tires that have been on the shelf for a year. These were only a few weeks old. They got them done in less than an hour and I was back in the rv garage before 1:00pm. Lydia was doing fine and had made herself a sandwich and was resting in her chair when I got home. My sister came by to get more lights for her tree and checked on Lydia. She and her made plans to go to get take-out dinner tonight from Pizza Schmizza. We all wanted wings and salad so later, she called in the order and picked them up and came over. I called her our Meals on Wheels! 😊.   We had a nice meal and (except for the dent in my wallet for the motorhome) it was a good day all around.        

Friday, Dec 13th, 2019……  Lydia’s 2nd blood draw was this morning so I got Rylee walked and we headed out. The plan was to go in at 8:00am and then meet up with Penny at Kevin’s for breakfast. I got her in and after she were done with labs, we headed over and joined my sister for breakfast. It had been a long time since we had been there and I miss it. Lydia was able to prop her foot up on the opposite chair and made it through with little issues. But she was uncomfortable and glad when we got back so she could rest her foot. Later, she heard back from the med. equip. pharmacy and they had her scooter request in for insurance approval. So, it’s not ready yet, but at least it’s in progress. We put together a grocery list, working only 3-4 days out this time, and I took it and headed out to Walmart. The list was short and I made quick work of it and was back and had everything unloaded and put away and was done with that task. The weather has been pretty cold but this afternoon the winds picked up and it really made it easy to stay inside and take it easy. I fixed hamburgers for dinner tonight – quick and easy, and we spent the evening watching our programs until bedtime.            

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