About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #118 – Rains, Reservations, and Running Errands


Friday, Dec 20th, 2019…… No appointments or anything else scheduled today. The winds hit us hard yesterday evening. I have the Christmas ornament and tree boxes out on our table on the back porch and they were blown off to the deck. The rain was constant but pretty light most of the night. But guess what? – it has now given monster puppy her drag strip again! There is one area out there, just past the grassy yard, in the back field that collects water and with this last series of rains, she now has enough to attract her to it. I went out with her this afternoon and she romped in it until she collapsed in total fatigue. I hosed her down and dried her off and she was good to go. The good part is that the temps are back up. Today it was in the 60s most of the day. Very unusual for us this time of year – but no complaints.
Lydia is doing better. I went out and picked up the prescription for the lidocaine cream. She’s used it before, and although this used to help a little to ease the neuropathy in both feet in the past, it really doesn’t help too much with the level of pain she has now in her right foot. She’s getting used to being off her feet now but still wants to be up and around, so that’s good. I worked on the rv trip coming up. We are planning to take three days to get to Indio. The first day we need to get up and over the Siskiyou Pass (in southern Oregon). It’s only 4300’ but it can be tough if it snows.  So, I plan to drive over and down to Redding. If the weather cooperates, we should be ok.  I still need to make reservations but at least I have the mileage and cities worked out. I fixed us spinach ravioli with pasta sauce for dinner, along with garlic bread. We watched our own shows until calling it a night.       
Saturday, Dec 21st, 2019…… A lazy day. The rains – actually just sprinkles - are back today. I went out this morning with Rylee and had to put on my rain jacket. No biggie – I was good. Just had to wipe the monster puppy down. It was a good chance to throw all of her doggie towels into the wash. I then headed out and got breakfast. I stopped by Walgreens and picked up the second part of Lydia’s prescription that had come in last night. I asked Lydia if she needed anything and she asked if I could vacuum again today. I took care of that and then rested for the day. There is a lot of football going on today and tomorrow so I’m good. We still have to watch the All in the Family/Good Times live show that we have taped but that is something we can do any time. In between games, I paid some bills and got caught up on my spreadsheet. Then I sat down and made all of my rv park reservations for our Jan. trip down south. Then it was back to the football games for the remainder of the day.
I asked Lydia about dinner and she was hungry for Chinese food so I went to Wing Ming     and picked up our dinner. She got chicken chop suey and I got some eggrolls.  She liked her meal but I was disappointed and we tossed the rest of the eggrolls. We ended the evening watching tv until bedtime.       

Sunday, Dec 22nd, 2019…… Sundays are usually quiet for us. Today was no exception. I never moved a vehicle. We stayed in most of the day. The weather is rainy but its only a drizzle. The standing water has had time to recede into the lawn, but it’s still really mushy. Rylee doesn’t care though. I worked a bit on installing Kaspersky on Lydia’s new laptop. It was more of a transfer really from the old one. I was surprised I could do that! Of course, I watched football most of the day. We had eaten a late lunch so we had a light dinner. I fixed us tuna sandwiches. We watched tv and relaxed until bedtime.   

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