About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #17 – The Week in Review…

Sorry that it has been a while in getting blog posted. It's been hectic with everyone here. I managed to get the week done... 

Monday, Feb 24th, 2020……  Penny called this morning and was told that she gave up 2 ½ liters of fluid last night!  Yaay!  They will be taking her back again sometime today for another round. I’m not sure if this is procedure or not but I will be sure to find out this morning.

We headed over and they had just wheeled her down another wing of the hospital to the dialysis room. We were allowed to visit with her while she was there. They give you meds to relax so she was sleepy most of the time. The nephrologist told us they may even do another round because it is helping with her functions. We stayed for a bit then went back home to let the dogs out. We stopped on the way for wet burritos from Tres Arbolitos. After a bit, we headed back and saw her for a bit. She gave up 2 more liters!  They were just getting ready to put in a feeding tube and it turned out she wasn’t a good patient. Poor thing!  Her nose was sore and dry and she fought the procedure. But, with a little hand holding from sis and I, they were able to get it done after a few minutes.  She was very tired after that and calmed down after a few minutes and relaxed and got back to normal. I turned on her tv and after a few minutes she went back to sleep and we left her for the night.  
Tuesday, Feb 25th, 2020…… The plan today was to go once and stay a bit longer. But first I had to head over to Albany and get my sunglass issues worked out. This was the redo from the first ones that they messed up on the transition area on the lens. This second one was not much better. For the redo, I had chosen larger lens that I liked better for sunglasses but after trying them several times, I found that they still had the transition area from distance to close up too high on the lenses. I decided that I really didn’t need the close up for sunglasses after all so I had them do them again, this time as single vision.  Turns out I got $50.00 credit back on my card! Wasn’t expecting that!
I got back home and got Rylee out and walked again and I played with her in the backyard for a while. I ate leftover burrito for lunch, then I headed over and picked up my sister and we went over for the day. They had to take her in for a chest x-ray to make sure her stomach was doing ok from the feeding tube. When she got back, we visited for a good while. She looks better today than yesterday. Her color is back and she has lost most of the water weight. She still is pretty weak though but the dialysis and the nutrition have got her numbers going in the right direction. It’s a slow process but things are definitely looking better.
When I got back home for the day, Krista had asked me to call her. She said Jeff is getting antsy and wants to come see his Mom and what did I think of that. I told her she is in no danger and things are on the upswing and coming here would be their call. If they choose to do so, they should not rush – look for a good deal on the flight – and not worry.  They are trying to decide if Krista will come too and then what dates to travel. We will arrange and pay for the shuttle to get them the 100 miles from Portland to Albany where we will come get them. No need to rent a car.
I finished up the night with dinner and playtime for Rylee before calling it a night.    
Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2020……  Today things got worse. She now has pneumonia in her right lung. This notches up her planned care, making things more urgent. The hospitalist came in this morning and told her how serious she was. He asked her the usual questions about life saving treatment. And did she want to be put on life saving ventilation for her breathing should it come to that. She does not want that and said so. We both want quality of life with no artificial help and that is our choice. And even though I suggested she do it, she said no. So, she will get a dnr bracelet. He also told us with her condition, things could go south very quickly. So, I started in making all of my calls to family. Jeff and Randy and Frances are making arrangements now.

Thursday, Feb 27th, 2020……  Today was way better. What a relief!  She's even talking a little bit. She had an uneventful night. The bipap mask is now off and she’s just on oxygen. Randy and Frances (both in Calif.) got here late last night. Jeff and Krista will be coming in late tonight. When we got in, she was over in dialysis again. She’s relaxed and more mobile and animated. I think she was happy to see family. Her brother Ed, and his daughter Tia, will be driving from Wisconsin. Ed has had some medical issues himself and his doctors have told him he is not allowed to fly.  Like I said, a way better day!  I am re energized!  

Friday, Feb 28th, 2020……  More dialysis today. They are getting 2 liters average each time, which helps a great deal. She still has trouble swallowing so she’s still got in a feeding tube. But she is alert and can talk a bit more now, just restricted through the mask and she still has the painful sores in her mouth.  Progress continues but in baby steps.

Saturday, Feb 29th, 2020…… She looks really good this morning. No oxygen and dialysis is only an extract to remove the fluids, not the full exchange, which they will alternate now. The girls brought everything to re-do her nail polish again. Definitely a good day!

Sunday, Mar 1st, 2020……  Another good day!  The family arrived from Chico last night and stayed in town. We all went to breakfast this morning at Apple Tree, next door to their motel before caravanning over to Corvallis and invading her room!

From left to right:  Judy, Tia, James, Frances, Richard, Lydia, Ed, Randy, Terry, Penny, and Bill. Jeff and Krista were not there. Krista was flying back to Florida today so she and Jeff came by earlier this morning so they could leave to make her flight out of Portland.
Lydia asked for her phone back so she could make a few calls and take some when she is up to talking. She still has her feeding tube in so it’s hard to talk, but they are allowing her to have semi-solid food. We brought her some cranberry juice that we had frozen into a ‘slushy’ or ‘slurpee’.  We also brought her some ‘peeps’ and also some A&W root beer if and when her blood sugars stabilize enough for her to have them. It’s nice that everyone is around – but it’s like herding cats!  We had all met up at our house and I gave those who hadn’t been to our house yet the 50-cent tour. The Chico family left in the afternoon for the 7-hour drive back home. We got a call from Lydia that they were moving her from PCU to the oncology floor (where she got her chemo) so we could find her when we went back in the afternoon. We stopped before that at Dos Arbolitos for a tasty dinner. As you can see, most of us chose the wet burrito.  

When we went back to see Lydia, she said she was happy to be back on the oncology floor so she could see her old chemo nurses again. We visited a while and then let her rest for the evening.  

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