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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #47 – Visiting and Using Up the Freezer Food!


Saturday, June 13th, 2020……  We were able to get our walk in this morning in dry weather. It is supposed to rain again today, but so far, it’s only lightly sprinkled. They are saying that it will get up into the 80s by the end of the week. I hope it does so I can mow again. I really didn’t have anything I needed to do today but I did want to work on the boat trailer painting and get something done on that project. But it rained off and on so I just hung around the house. I now have all of the photos sorted and stacked and ready to scan. I have a stack of the ones that belonged to Lydia’s mom and grandmother, which I now have boxed up and will ship off to brother Eddie in Wisconsin.  I am working on thinning out the stocked-up freezer so today I made (ok heated up) some tamales for dinner.  

Sunday, June 14th, 2020……  Nothing planned for today. I had several races to watch so I just vegged out and did that all day. I found out that they have opened the take out section in Starbucks so I was anxious to go there today. I also stopped at Taco Bell (inside) for breakfast this morning so I decided to make dinner tonight. Guess what – it was sausage and eggs!  I had a package of sausage that I had brought in from the freezer and defrosted and I had plenty of eggs, so….. It was good. Then it was tv until bedtime.
Monday, June 15th, 2020……  HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERRELYN!   After walking Rylee and making breakfast, I got a call from the funeral home that they have finished their tasks and I could come in.  So, I headed off and picked up the death certificates and Lydia’s ashes. I also chose a small heart container for some ashes that I can keep close when I travel in my motorhome.

Kind of corny but I think I need to do this. I will start tomorrow with all of the ‘official’ notifications to all of the necessary entities.  I have plenty of both the short and long form certificates.  I found out that some places will just accept a scanned copy so that is done already for both forms and ready when needed.
Penny came by and picked up some stuff for lasagna. She has Lydia’s recipe and wants to make it for Cherrelyn, who will be coming by again tomorrow on her way back to Calif.
Again, the rains are still around. They are still predicting clear skies and warmer weather later this week. I have Kirk bringing the other mower tomorrow but at this point in time, I don’t think I’ll be ready to mow then. 

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020……  Today was appointment day. I took Rylee in for her annual physical/shots this morning. They had me hand her off to them in the parking lot but if I had a mask, I could come inside. So, I took her in. I put her on the scales and Miss Priss weighed in at 95.6 lbs. The dr. said I should probably reduce her morning food to 1¼ cups from 1½ and to get her out to run more. Plus, back off the snack treats a bit. I plan on doing all of that.  I also had them trim her nails and also got some flea meds for the next seven months.  Everything looks good. She’s a healthy girl! After that $260.00 visit, I headed over for my dental cleaning. I was surprised that they are back working but it was no problem!  Today was just cleaning so I was good to go. I told them all about Lydia and they were sad. I changed the subject and got Amanda, my hygienist, talking about her young kids and their world right now.  They have property and have all kinds of critters (turkeys, chickens, etc.) that they have to feed and take care of. The easiest to care for is one beta fish. I am going to surprise her tomorrow and bring over all of my stuff we had when we had betas. I have marbles, rocks and a couple of vases that she will like to have I’m sure and I know I won’t use them.
Kirk and Carter were here today and worked on weeding and weed whacking the newly mown fenceline out in the field. He texted me earlier that the mower was in for an electrical part which was ok because it was still too wet today to mow. Later, the girls made it to the house with fresh cooked lasagna. I cut up and buttered one of the sourdough loaves I have and we got everything in the oven to warm up. Remember, this is Lydia’s recipe and my very best favorite dish that she ever made, so I was a tough critic. I have to say though, that she got a big thumbs up for this!

I just couldn’t give her 100% but this was 90% as good as Lydia’s and hit the spot! After dinner, we watched a little tv and then they went on home. Cherrelyn is heading back home to Calif. tomorrow but is definitely moving here as soon as she can. She’s already applied for jobs here in town and in Salem and Albany and the surrounding area.  She’ll stay with Penny until she can get her own place. We are thrilled!
I heard from Janie tonight that she and Rick are making plans to bring their motorhome up and visit me soon.  I gave them some info about campgrounds to stay along the way. Hope that helps. It was a busy day and I called it an early night and went to bed.     

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