About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #50 – Projects and Chores


Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020……  This morning I was up early and walked Rylee and then made myself some breakfast and then headed over to Janice’s house. Yesterday, at Penny’s, Janice had some questions about a couple of projects she needed done at her house and asked for my opinion. So, I stopped by to take a look. She had a screen door that she wanted installed and we looked at that. I took it back to the house and cut off a sliver so it would fit better in her opening. It worked but the door is a bit racked (not square in the opening). She needs to get some L brackets to reinforce it before I try to install it again. She also has some laundry cabinets she wants installed and I will help with that when I get the screen installed.
Later, Kirk, Carter, and Caleb (fresh out of college for the summer) came by and attacked and sprayed the weeds. They have really popped up quickly in the last few weeks! They did get a lot done but didn’t make a dent in the property. I need them here a couple more times this week!
Jody and Sis stopped by to say hi. Charlie dropped Jody off and is now road-tripping it back home to UT. She will stay a few weeks with Penny then jet back home.   
I had a nice (not) conversation with my auto insurance company today. I did exactly what was required of me to notify them about removing Lydia from our policy. I had to call because when I got the updated premium for 2021 renewal, it was higher than the quote with Lydia on the policy! Doesn’t make sense to me and they are looking into it but they warned that I am now “a widower on his own policy”. Like I said, logic would tell you that it is less risk to have one person insured than two. We’ll see….

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020……  I got up and going early today and then headed over to Janice’s to finish her project. She bought the L brackets and I got them attached and re-hung the door. It helped but this screen is the not the best quality and will be up only until she can afford to purchase a nice (and not cheap) storm door with screen, maybe next season. I also looked at her cabinet install. I can do the job but I told her I was not a pro and, since she’s in a new house, I would rather she find a professional handyman to install these for her. She is ok with that and will plan on having other work done by that person down the road.
I have not heard back from Travelers/AAA so I am now looking into other insurance companies. USAA was a possibility but when I input for their quote, it won’t let me add the motorhome plus the result just for the three vehicles without the rv is already more than the others.  
Tonight, was dinner out. The girls have invited me to join them at Game Time. We had a nice meal and I had a made-in-house beer that I liked. Hopefully, I can remember that for next time!  I also heard from Janie. She says they get the motorhome out of the shop on Monday and will get busy reserving rv campgrounds for stops on the way up here. They hope to come up and be here around the 4th of July. It will be nice to see them.     

Thursday, June 25th, 2020……  I had a telephone meeting with social security this morning. They already had been notified by the mortuary about Lydia but I wanted to see if I needed to do anything. Turns out I had to have an ‘official on the record’ telecon and answer some official questions. I also have to fill out one form which they are sending me. Meanwhile, the Boeing Pension office is mailing me paperwork as well.  But I think I am closing in on getting everything in order. Wheew! 
Jody and Sis came by and they went through Lydia’s clothes and got out just some of her shoes. 

Jody can wear her size so she got a few plus some shirts. Meanwhile, I am working on yet another box of pictures I found out in the garage. 

This box turned out to be Grandma Mac’s and also had some jewelry in it as well. The girls looked at a few pieces and will go through it later for the yard sale. Speaking of that, they have been busy at sis’s house sorting and tagging and pricing the stuff ahead of time. They plan on doing the sale on July 3rd, hopefully just for the one day. There won’t be a ton of stuff this time. I brought over a table saw and a few odds and ends that I don’t need/want anymore. But I am waiting on Lydia’s clothes. I have plans on bringing some of it down to Calif in the fall for the girls down there to go through. Plus, Frances and Cherrelyn will need to look through it again. I don’t remember if I mentioned anything here yet about the $386. order Lydia had placed with Blair for new clothes. These were all in a smaller size since she was losing weight pretty quickly. Anyway, we managed to get them all returned a few weeks ago and I saw the credit show up in the account which was nice news.
Dinner tonight was stuffed salmon. I was tired and fell asleep in my chair which is bad for me since that makes it really hard to fall asleep later, in bed.        

Friday, June 26th, 2020……  I guess I got enough sleep last night because I was up and going as usual.  This morning after walking and feeding butthead, I headed off to Albany. I wanted to stop at Target and get some yarn for Dominique. They didn’t have anything so I went next door to Hobby Lobby and found what I wanted. Dominique had made Lydia a head covering from fuzzy yarn. She loved it but didn’t get a chance to wear it. So, we both decided to get her some material so she can make more for others who may need one in the future. My first try resulted in the wrong type of yarn. I did find and buy some ‘fuzzy’ yarn but it turned out it for making scrubbies! Not good for soft caps for the head!  So today, I found the right stuff and bought 5 skeins of different colors and put them into a gift bag for when Dominique comes over.
Later, I had the girls come by to help out.  Dominique got her gift from me and then I sent her into the bedroom to meet the girls and see if she wanted anything.  She also could wear Lydia’s shoes so she got some of those. Turned out she was headed from here to dinner in town with a girlfriend and found a complete outfit from Lydia’s clothes!  Since they were all clean, she just wore them to dinner!  I was glad to see her get something. Lydia really liked her and they got along very well.  I hope she stays in touch.  
I ate the remaining salmon and settled in and watched some tv and called it a night.

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