About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #62 – Tractor is Coming & Buying a New Recliner


Friday, August 7th, 2020……  Today I had some errands. After fixing bacon and eggs and cleaning up, I wanted to go back down to Tractor Supply Company in Junction City, just to check in with them and see where they were with the delivery. David wasn’t there but he called while I was driving back home and said that he got word that the shipment truck was just crossing the eastern Oregon border and was scheduled to arrive in Eugene next week. That means a possible delivery to TSC the middle of next week. Things always happen slowly when you’re anxious!  I left there and hit Jerry’s hardware, to see if they had any outdoor carpet. Nope!  I got back home and made some lunch and relaxed for a while. Kirk came by and got the orange mower for a job later today. I did some straightening up around the house and then got the tools together to put up the curtain tiebacks. I will do that tomorrow. Today I just hung around the house and relaxed and watched tv and took butthead out to her pool. I fixed a linner and settled in and watched the Nascar truck race and then other shows until bedtime.   

Saturday, August 8th, 2020……  I really had no plans today – UNTIL my sister came over. She has decided she wants Lydia’s La-Z-Boy chair. It’s way too small for me so it wouldn’t get used and I wanted to get a larger one for the craft room. She said today would be good for the move so we loaded it up and took it over there. She will sell her old one and has asked me to store it for her, but for now it will go back in my craft room until I can get another one. After she left, I called Erik at the LZB store in Salem to see if he was working today. He was so I headed up there and ordered the one I wanted. They are on sale so I am on a wait list. It looks like it will be a couple of weeks. So, I am glad I moved the other chair in there for now.   I also stopped at the Salem Home Depot and they had the blue carpet I wanted for my boat so I had them cut me a piece of that.  Once I got home, I rested for a bit and then went back out and laid the carpet out so it would flatten. Once I cleaned up, I fixed bacon and had sandwiches for dinner and settled in for the evening. 

Sunday, August 9th, 2020…… A couple of things on my list for today. I wanted to add the tiebacks to the bathroom curtains. I think they look pretty good…


The other thing for today was a bbq later.  I asked but sis didn’t need me to go get anything. I had potatoes to use up so I got those out and prepped for baking later.  I watched my races for the most part of the day. I did go out with Rylee and let her run in the water. It’s still hot here – in the 80s most of the time. They say we will have this weather for many more days with no rain in sight so I have turned the sprinklers back on. They got here around 3:30pm and I already had the potatoes done. I fired up the bbq and cooked chicken, brats, and steaks. I’m pretty good with most everything on the bbq, but chicken still gives me worries.  It has to be done but not super done – tricky for me. But everything was really good and we enjoyed the meal. Cherrelyn cleaned up my stove and hood while she was sautéing the mushrooms. Thanks girl! Come back when you want to clean some more!  We sat out on the porch after to rest up and relax and have a few drinks. Once they left for the evening, I came in and cleaned up the bbq and put the cover back on and then went in and watched tv until bedtime.     

Monday, August 10th, 2020……  This morning I had planned on power washing the driveways. I needed to use up the old gas and did that pretty quickly. I got most of the area in front of the shop garage done.  You can see the before and after below….


I did finally run out of gas and went to get more. Problems started when I filled up the tank again. I had a gas leak which I couldn’t spot easily. I took the air breather off and that started the issues I have now. The leak is in the carburetor but not something I can fix. I will be taking it in tomorrow to Cascade Outdoor Power to have them fix it.  So, for now, the job out there is only partially done. Oh well.  I came in and cleaned up, and except for playing with Rylee, was done for the day   

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