About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #67 – Quality Time With Family


Tuesday, August 25th, 2020……  I got up and got going early this morning. Frances’ flight was coming in at 9:25am in Portland so I needed to leave around 7-7:30am. I got Rylee walked and fed and then took off, stopping for McDonald’s for breakfast on the road. I did not hit any traffic whatsoever, so I had plenty of time to veer off the I-5 and take Hwy 99 up through the rural farmlands. But I picked up I-205 further up and made it to the airport with time to spare. Frances’ flight was early and I got the text while I was in the cell phone lot and swung by and picked her up. She immediately had a decision to make. I asked her if she still wanted that Tillamook tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich because we could detour there on the way home. She was ready and willing!  So, we headed off to the Tillamook Ice Creamery that I had put into my gps. Problem was it took us to an ice cream shop in Lake Oswego!  No worries, I got Tillamook in the city listing and we got there no problem. The tours are by reservation only but we didn’t want that and their website showed you could go to the walkup window for to-go food and ice cream orders and there was no line. We got our tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and went out to the car to eat them. Yummy! Then, we headed home via the coastal route and then inland from Newport. Kirk had already been at the house and sis came by to let Rylee out so all was good. Kirk has recently bought his own new zero turn mower too so he wanted to talk about what to do with the Husqvarna tractor. I will call him tomorrow and suggest that we hold on to it for a while because his business may require that he expand and use two teams with mowers.  Penny came over and Frances and I were already into my project - getting the new curtains strung on the curtain rod. These are scalloped and have to be hung in a specific order. Between Frances and Penny (I held one end of the rod) they figured it all out and we got the 16 panels all in order. We laid it in the dining room for installation tomorrow. We hung around the house and sat out on the front porch and drank wine and visited for a while. Penny went home and Frances and I watched the latest America’s Got Talent that I had taped. We both made our picks for who moves on. We’ll find out tomorrow night on the results show. After that, we both turned in after a long day!  I’m glad she’s here.

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020……  This morning the plan was to go to Elmer’s in Albany for breakfast.  I was up and had Rylee walked before sis came over with Quincy to spend the day. We all headed off and had a nice meal. Once we got back home, I wanted to finish up on the curtains while they were both there to help. I got all of the mounting brackets installed and then we hung the rod and adjusted the curtains and stood back and admired out work. I think it looks great!....

We didn’t have anything planned this afternoon or evening. Penny went home to get on a Zoom call for a webinar about medicare. She will be signing up soon and wanted to ask some questions. Frances and I watched some taped shows and then I went off to Jack in the Box to get dinner. Frances has a file already of all of the recipes that Lydia had in the computer but has been looking through all of Lydia’s printed recipes to see if she was missing anything. We watched the AGT results show. We got four of the five.    

Thursday, August 27th, 2020…… After getting up and walking and feeding Rylee and working on my word jumble from the newspaper, Frances came in and mentioned Kevin’s and said she had never been. Every time we tried to go in the past, they were closed. It didn’t take much for me to drop the jumble and off we went!  We had a nice meal. After we got home, we decided to go through the recipes and found one for tomorrow night.  But we still need stuff for tonight’s chicken enchilada dish that Frances makes, so we headed off to the store for that.  For this dish, all I had to do was watch.  It was all ready by 5:00pm and was cooling enough to slice when Penny and Cherrelyn came over with some wine. Poor Cherrelyn has been living in her room for the past few weeks. She is working very long hours but needs to do that at this time. She said she is planning on not working this weekend and will be going up to Washington to see her son and his family who are now in their new home.   She has spent some time online looking at available apartments in the Vancouver area. But Penny is not looking forward to her leaving. I know she has been by herself since she’s moved up here and this is really good for her. I know being alone. Trust me - it’s hard!  I just wish they could spend some more time together while she’s here. Anyway, we had a great meal. Thanks Frances!  I will have leftovers to freeze for another few meals. Afterward, we sat out on the front porch and had some wine and/or beers and enjoyed our evening.    

Friday, August 28th, 2020……  Nothing on the list today. We did need to go to the store again, this time for stuff to make Lydia’s recipe for chicken pot pie casserole. Sis came by and together we went out with my truck to the back part of the property to pick the wild blackberries that are ripe now. We needed to use the truck bed height to reach over the ditch plus sis put on her rubber boots to avoid the vines for those closer on the ground. We got enough for now. This batch will be just for snackin on! 

Then it was time to get dinner started and in the oven. This time I helped in the prep. This meal was good too!  We found that we needed to cook it a bit longer than the recipe called for to get the potatoes cooked, but it was still really yummy and hit the spot!  Cherrelyn wasn’t here today because she took off after work to make the 150 mile drive up to Washington to spend time with her son.  But we went out again to the porch and sat and talked and planned tomorrow. I want to take us to Skyline in Sweet Home for breakfast and we will go from there to the airport in Eugene so no backtracking. We will need to leave here about 8:30am. After Penny went home, Frances and I watched The Book Club which Lydia had taped. I wish she could have seen it! She would have enjoyed it.  It was too cute!   

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