About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #63 – Running Errands, Working on the Boat, & a Fun Outing on the Coast!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020……  I got up early this morning and got Rylee out, walked and fed. I made myself bacon and eggs and then loaded up the pressure washer and headed off to Cascade Outdoor. They can fix it but told me the problem was most likely caused from using regular gas. I read the instructions back in November when I got the unit and it only said to use 87 octane or above. No mention of non-ethanol as being ok to use. The good thing is that, even if I ruined the carburetor, it would only be $25-$30 for a new one. I left it and they will call me. Kirk’s guys came today and I had them concentrate on the west side of the driveway. They are now just starting to catch up with the summer weed growth. Maybe next week I will have them work on the front yard east-side island which needs serious help.  The weeds there have taken over everything!  Once they left, I went to work in the shop. While I was there, the FedEx truck showed up with the boat seat pedestals. Cool!  Dinner tonight was a chicken pie and then I kicked back and watched tv until calling it a night.  

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020……  I wanted to start up and move the motorhome and so today was the day. I didn’t really need to put in the slides or unhook the power or water lines because I was only going to move it forward and back 1-2 ft. to make sure the brakes are still free. I only needed to unhook the satellite cable and the exhaust escape tubing and move my grass catcher out of the way. That went fast and easy and I was done in ½ hour.  I plan to take it out again sometime soon and the next time I will drive it to give it some exercise but I will need to add air to the front tires.

 Thursday, August 13th, 2020…… Not much on the agenda for today. I decided to work some more on the boat. This morning and afternoon I went out and removed the seats and all of the oars and life jackets and got everything else out of the way. There is a metal strip, kind of like a 3/8 quarter round strip that runs all the way down the center of the boat. Not sure what this was for.  It got painted when they did the interior and I figured I would remove it and re-install after I put down the carpeting. But there is no seam or anything there indicating it was just there for looks. I can always put it back but for now, I don’t plan on it. I vacuumed and it is now ready for the carpet…


I decided to make one of my favorite dishes tonight for dinner - squiggly noodle casserole. I opened up Lydia's recipe file on her computer but didn't find it, so I went to the next step - looking through her cookbook files. Luckily for me, she had a glassine folder with a bunch of printed recipes and it was in there!  I had all of the stuff and put it together and got it in the oven. It was yummy!  I ate more than I thought but I will still have enough for lunch tomorrow!

Friday, August 14th, 2020……  This morning I slept in (until about 7:00am) and then got up, showered, dressed and got Rylee out for our walk. I fed her then went to find the color chips we chose for the back wall of the living room. It is mauve now and we wanted to paint it the same green that will match the entry hall walls.  I chose the color chip I liked and headed off to Albany to Sherwin Williams, stopping on the way at Mickey D’s for breakfast. But before I went to get the paint, I first I got the truck washed. Our realtor, Aimee, had given me a card good for a free car wash so while I was there, I decided to use it since it was just around the corner from Lowes, where I went to get some adhesive and aluminum trim for the boat carpeting. I got both of those items and the paint and headed back. I am going to pick up Teri this afternoon. She has a rare Friday afternoon off and asked if we could do something today, including dinner.  I chose a drive to the coast and a seafood ‘linner’.  But before I left, of course, I had to pay some attention to the butthead, especially if I wasn’t going to be around this afternoon! I took her out to her ‘waterpark’ and she ran until she flopped into the pool, exhausted. I have asked my sister to come by this afternoon to feed her.  I picked up Teri and we headed over to Newport. She initially had a place in mind (Gracie’s Sea Hag), but we found it was up the coast in Depoe Bay so we changed our minds and went to a small place down on the waterfront.  Mo’s is the famous place there (it’s a chain and it’s everywhere up and down the coast here) but neither of us care for their chowder so we went to Seadogs, 1) because neither of us had been before, and 2) there was no waiting. We chose an outdoor table and the weather was perfect and we had a nice meal.  Our bonus was a hilarious server. She cracked us up!  Teri insisted on paying. Not expected but very nice. Thank you. That was sweet!  Afterwards, we walked around for a while and visited a couple of shops. Didn’t buy anything. Oh wait - we found candy and bought some for later! I will remember to take pictures next time! On the way back, we stopped at a glass blowing shop. They have personal tours where they take you in the shop and make items for you. It usually is with audience participation but they can’t do anything with personal contact at this time.   She made an appointment to take her granddaughter and plans to do an overnight-er with her. That will be fun!  We had a nice drive home, talking about anything and nothing and everything that came up. It is so good for me to just get out and have fun.  Maybe we will go again and next time go up and find Gracie’s.  We got back to her place and went in and ate our candy and talked some more.  After a bit I left to go home. Rylee was missing me (and her pool time) so I took her out for a run in the water.  Once we got back in and I had her mostly dried off, she settled in and chewed her bone….

and I settled in and watched tv until bedtime. Fun day!     

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