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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #64 – Getting Through the Heat, a Nice Outing, & Finally Getting My ZeroTurn!

Saturday, August 15th, 2020……  It’s going to be hot today!  They say temps are expected in the high 90’s !  I had Quincy today. Sis was going to help work for her friends Linda and Chuck, at their yard sale. She wanted Q to be able to relax in my house. I decided to paint today – or at least start masking off the windows. I had already brought in the two ladders and set the extension one up and tested it. I was comfortable enough by bracing it against the loveseat to just go ahead and paint the upper section today. So, I did that and got two coats on so that section is now done. I can use the step ladder for the rest.


It's really too dark so you can barely see the color change up at the peak.  

I finished up the day by taping off most of the rest of the windows and door jambs. I ate my squiggly noodle casserole for a late lunch and took monkey butt out for another cool off before settling in for the evening. Cherrelyn texted asking about maybe going out to breakfast tomorrow?  Of course, I said yes!  I called Teri and asked her to join us.     

Sunday, August 16th, 2020……  Didn’t sleep too well last night. I tossed and turned until about midnight and then got up to take some Tylenol pm. That eventually worked.  

We are supposed to have another hot day today. They say it will be the hottest day of the year so far, maybe even reaching 100º.  Wow!  But, thankfully, it is supposed to get cooler tomorrow.  Even though I was lacking some sleep, I still managed to get up and going early (around 6:30am).  It was only 64º when I went out with Rylee. After I got her fed, I took off and picked everyone up and we headed off to Sweet Home to go to The Point for breakfast. It was really pretty up at Foster Lake today. There were boaters coming by every few minutes, heading off to the boat launches, getting ready for a relaxing day on the lake. We thought we reserved the veranda but we weren’t showing on their list so we had to sit inside. But they gave us a nice room to ourselves and all was good and we had a really nice time. Cherrelyn said she was happy to be out of her room and enjoying a day off!  And Teri said she is glad to be getting out and socializing and also had a great time too!  The food was just ok - not as good as we were expecting. But we made up for it by ordering their specialty Bloody Mary’s. Mine was garnished with pepper bacon, asparagus, and green olives. Different.

Afterward, we toured around the lake and passed a car club who had about a dozen cars out on the lake’s point parking area. It sure was a nice sunny day for that. After the drive back, I dropped off the girls at their house and then took Teri home. I came back home and took Rylee out and then settled in to watch my races. I ended up crashing for a few hours. I usually don’t take naps during the day because it keeps me up at night, so we’ll see….

I don’t think we made it to 100º today – at least not in this area – because we had some cloud cover which cooled things off for most of the day and into the evening. I ate the rest of my rice leftovers and watched tv until bedtime.              

Monday, August 17th, 2020…… Again, a tough night sleeping. I knew that nap would hurt me later!  My plan today was to finish up the painting.  But, as I was getting things together for that job, I got the call I was waiting for!  The mower was in! They said they would have it ready after 1:00pm this afternoon, so I called Chuck and he was available and came by around noon with his flatbed trailer, and we headed down to Junction City.  They were just about finished with the assembly and put some gas into it while I paid for it and took care of the paperwork. They drove it on the trailer and Chuck got it and the bagger (still in the box) tied down to his satisfaction. We headed back up for home, trying to find a place to stop so I could buy his lunch. We found one place that didn’t have enough parking for the trailer and then the Tangent Inn was our next stop but turns out they are closed on Mondays. We ended up at Shari’s back in Lebanon and ate there. Once we left there, it only took a few minutes to get it home and unloaded. I drove it around a bit but parked it in the garage

so I could work on putting the bagger together and getting that installed on it.  But I wanted to come in and rest and once I got back in the air-conditioned house, I decided to just go ahead and get my painting done. I could go back out later and work on that bagger.  Then I had a thought! (yes – I know they are rare!) about getting the curtains out that we had bought way back when. I wanted to double check to see how the new paint would go with the curtains. It was ok but I was not as happy as I thought and wanted another opinion. So, now that project was back on hold today. I also needed to contact Randy to ask him to go check with the folks at our old SoCal house. Turns out the online order I recently placed with Haband for a couple of pairs of my favorite sandals, was shipped to my old address in Calif.  It was partly my fault because I didn’t closely check the confirmation email that they had sent when they shipped it last week. After all, I have been getting their catalogs ever since we moved up here three years ago!  But I guess I shouldn’t have assumed that the shipping address would be different from the mailing address.  Duhh!  Anyway, Randy will have Perrin go down there from his house and check with them tomorrow.  So, between all of this, I just stayed in the house and did pretty much nothing for the rest of the day!  I didn’t even fix dinner and only ate a few pieces of ham and some crackers and that was it. Sandie called and we had a nice talk and got caught up.  I always enjoy hearing from her and other SoCal friends!  Then it was tv for a while and then bedtime.

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020……  Slept way better last night!  Yaay!  Today was jam packed with things on my to-do list. First up was doing some laundry. Since I was hanging around doing that, I decided to finish the scanning project. I only had about thirty more photos and finished that up and was putting those in the powerpoint slideshow file when I ran out of time. I needed to be at the nail salon for my 10:45am appointment for a pedicure that my sister had made for both of us. I haven’t been there in a while and needed some better attention paid to the toenails that I am able to do by myself.  Penny will always help with the trimming when I ask but this professional attention was way overdue. Jenny and her husband Brian are doing a great job with their shop now. They have plexiglass up in front of the pedi-chairs that hangs down between you and the foot area. Really smart!  Jenny worked on me today and she is very gentle and does a great job with my one problem ingrown nail. I really felt relaxed and ready for the day when we left there! I asked sis to follow me home so she could look at the color match and advise me. She agreed that while it was an ok match, I probably would be happier if I got another color for that wall. So, I took one of the curtains as a sample and maybe as a color match, and headed back to the Albany Sherwin Williams store. I did find one that really works with the curtains but unfortunately, I had to have them start from scratch with a new can to mix that color.  Too bad since I barely used any of that first can at all - but I think I will eventually find a use for that paint color somewhere around here….

Kirk and his guys showed up while Penny was here and we were looking at the new mower. We made plans for mowing as soon as I get the bagger finished. I was planning on doing that now - but a few minutes later, the mail lady came by and guess what – she had the Haband delivery for me! It looks like the folks in Calif. refused the shipment because there was a new address label over the old one. So, I called off the troupes down there so they would not have to do any more searching for me. Then Rich, my neighbor, came by to drop off some mail for me that was in his pile today. That led to a nice conversation about lawnmowers and boats and deer and eventually to a project that we will be tackling together – getting the ditch out by the road in front of our houses cleaned up so that the water flows better on its way to the main drainage line. All of that totally put an end to my work day. I managed to get Rylee out for another swim/run in her pool but that was about all I did in the afternoon. But bright and early tomorrow morning I will definitely be on that painting job!  I finished up the evening with leftovers from Shari’s yesterday and then settled in to watch America’s Got Talent before calling it a night.


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