About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #75 – Enjoying the Warm Weather & Cool Yogurt

Saturday, September 26th, 2020…… Still trying to get medical billing done. This last week I had a call saying I had more money due for Lydia’s hospital stay, even though I have a letter that says I have met my maximum deductible for the year.  It took me about 2 hours but I think it is resolved. Our medical insurance company (United Health Care) said they were behind in notification to the hospitals lately but they will be correcting it.  It sure doesn’t help dealing with this so many months after….

Teri didn’t go to laser tag so we decided to head down to Eugene together.  I needed to go to Jerry’s anyway to get some more rock salt for my system. We had a nice drive and got her glasses and my supplies and then topped it off with lunch at Fisherman’s Market. This is one of the places that Guy Fieri has featured on Diners Drive-ins and Dives. It was good but I was just glad they were open! Turns out this is three days in a row with Teri!  OhOh, I guess now people will start to talk! 😊 No worries. I like it!

We got back home and I dropped her off and went home and rested. We’ve had rain and winds the past few days and today started out really nice but we got some clouds and sprinkles later in the day. So, I hung around the house and washed towels and watched tv.      

Sunday, September 27th, 2020……  I think the rains are gone for a while! But it has really helped with the wildfires. They say that they are approaching around 40-50% containment. There is no smoke at all here now. The sun is out and the skies are back to a nice blue! I especially like going outside on my back porch late at night to see the stars out in force! Can’t get enough of that!  I waited until it got up into the 70s today and then went out and filled up Rylee’s pool. Poor thing didn’t get her exercise the past few days! But she is happy now!          




I finished up the day watching races and fixed spaghetti for dinner and settled in for the evening.  

Monday, September 28th, 2020…… The weather is really nice today. Sunny and bright even at 7:30am!  When I got back with Rylee, I noticed that the grass is already high enough to mow again! Jeeez!  But it’s too wet so the plan today was to work on the boat carpeting. I waited too long and got out of the mood so maybe tomorrow. I did some cleaning and some laundry. I watched tv in the office and then in the craft room. I now have good comfortable recliners in both of those rooms so taping and watching in either of them is no problem. The chair cover that sis ordered from Home Shopping Network came and she brought it over and I put it on. Nice!  I ate leftover spaghetti for dinner and watched tv Dancing With the Stars and called it a night.

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020……  I slept in until 7:00am and then got up and showered and ready for the day. I started out with Rylee and talked a bit with neighbors Rick and Judy while I was out. Then I headed up and got breakfast and brought that back and ate. I thought I would go out and trim up some more of the smaller trees I have in the flowerbeds and along the fenceline. They had some lower branches that get in the way when I mow so I cleaned them all up and filled up the truck. Kirk came later and he and Carter trimmed up the spruce tree that had wild sucker trees shooting up through it. I had them cut it off the ground and also cut back some of the branches that were close to the house. It turned out pretty good. Before and after….

We loaded up the trailer and Kirk followed me to the mulch/recycle place. I didn't expect them to charge me $34.00 and I complained and they reduced it to $25.50. Still high but better! Once that was all done, I came in and ate. Teri texted and we met at Limeberry for yogurt and some good conversation. We are going to the Harvest Train coming up on Friday so we talked about that too. Turns out that the lady who owns Limeberry just sold it and is opening a new business in Teri’s old shop on the other side of town. We saw her pics of the remodel. Looks good. She said the new owners of Limeberry will keep it going but change the outside and remodel inside in the near future.   

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