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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #84 – Dealing With The Rain

Monday, November 2nd, 2020…… I forgot to mention last Saturday’s expedition… I found an appliance dolly on OfferUp that I wanted to check out. The guy only wanted $20.00 for it because it was missing a wheel. So, I went up to Salem and bought it!  I stopped and checked out the wheels at Harbor Freight and bought one for $13.60 with my discount. I got it home and found that I needed to grind down the axle a bit but my grinder switch was history. Now I needed a new grinder.

Today was another acupuncture appointment so I headed off early for that. She asked me when I like coming and I said, “earlier the better” so these appointments are going to be on Mondays at 8:00am. I have to drive over to Corvallis (20 miles) but I would rather go early than later in the day. Afterwards, I stopped a got breakfast and then drove to Albany to a shop to get a new cord for one of my bedroom’s sliding door blinds. Since my sliders are super tall, they didn’t have a cord long enough in stock so I will be without one blind for a few days. No worries, that window faces out to total darkness!  I got back home and rested for the day. The weather started out cloudy and cool but once the sun came out, it was a glorious day. I wanted to go take a ride but Teri ran errands all day and was pooped out. So, I went out and trimmed one of my ‘shaggy’ trees. I think it is a sweetgum, at least that’s what Lydia’s PlantSnap app says. It had a bunch of suckers growing on the trunk plus some broken and droopy limbs that needed a little love. I got that done and all of the branches in the trash and then came in for the day. I fixed a light dinner and settled in and watched tv. Tonight, was Dancing With the Stars. Then it was time for bed.  

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020…… D-day today. Oops, I mean election day. Like the rest of the nation, I kept tabs on the voting results. Aside from the national races, we only had one or two county offices contested but there were a few state measures that I was interested in, so I kept checking in throughout the day. Sis came by and we decided to go to breakfast but also decided to run over to Albany to Pop’s Branding Iron (a new place for her). We also stopped by city hall so she could pay her taxes. I made another stop at Harbor Freight and I got that new grinder and another wheel. We got back home and I worked on the axles and got everything working and lubed up and now I have a fairly decent dolly for fridges and washers – not that I plan to move any of those anytime soon!  

 Later in the day, Teri had some time between clients, so she asked me to meet her at Big Town Hero (a local sub shop) for a quick lunch. I brought half of my sandwich home for dinner. I watched tv until bedtime. Looks like we’re in for some lawsuits and extra time for ballot counting!     

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020……  I checked in early to see how the counting was going (slow - pretty much as I expected) and then went out to work on cleaning up the shop a bit. I still need to do a thorough vacuum everywhere (there are tons of dead flies in the window sills!) but I got things straightened out and put away for the most part. Teri was taking the kids out to dinner at Izzy’s and asked me to go. I picked her up and we drove over to Albany only to find Izzy’s was closed. The kids were there and followed us to Red Robin, where we had a nice meal. Afterwards, we stopped at Hobby Lobby and Target which were in the same center and then I took her home. I came back and played with Rylee and settled in and watched The Amazing Race and then The Masked Singer. I didn’t guess the Squiggly Monster but figured out that the guest judge this week was Wayne Brady. But that doesn’t count. I still don’t know who most of these singers are this year, but I think I figured out a few who are still in it.  We’ll see…        

Thursday, November 5th, 2020…… Sprinkles are back in the forecast for today. Rain later. Today is my MRI. Turns out it was a CT scan. I got the reminder call a few days ago and got pre-screened and they took my out-of-pocket deductible over the phone. The test went quickly and I was out of there in less than 30 minutes. No worries. They will send to the ENT doc so he can see if there are any areas of concern as we continue to improve my nasal breathing and hopefully help with my sense of smell.   I had nothing else going today and since it was wet and gloomy, I ended up staying in most of the day. I finally remembered to take a picture of one of the 'lit' toilets! These really work well and are great for that nightlight.


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