About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #90 – Family Time!

Thursday, November 26th, 2020……  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!   The weather hasn’t changed. We had some sprinkles but for the most part it is just cloudy and cold!  I had Quincy here from yesterday so I got up and showered and then took her and Rylee out to the field to play. Then I came back in and fixed breakfast for Randy and me. We ate then hung around the house and rested for part of the day. We put the ladder section up for the Christmas village and got that finished.  

We watched football and then Cherrelyn came by to say hi. She was heading up to her son’s house in Longview for the weekend. Sis came by later with the Safeway food package. Teri came by too. But she was only dropping off a dip, some cranberry salad and a pie. She told me said she has decided to not stay for dinner, but rather go up to her daughter Jenny’s house where they are prepping for their Thanksgiving dinner. She said she always have a big group for dinner and Teri had always been there to help and supervise, and she was in over her head today by herself!  As for us, I got the oven going because we had to warm up our cooked turkey for a few hours. We also set out all of the sides on the stove ready to heat up when it was time. So, it was just the three of us here for dinner. We ate and we rested for a bit before Randy and Penny went in to rinse the dishes and clean the pots and pans. I only had the job of putting away the juice from the turkey pan and clean that. After that the three of us decorated the tree and Penny got this shot at the end.... 

It really went quickly and we settled back in again to rest. We were so full that we waited and waited on dessert and finally had some pie later in the evening. I heard from Krista and Jeff and a few others via text, wishing us a happy day. Later, after sis went home, Randy and I ended the day watching The Masked Singer. I had seen an article on Facebook suggesting that Paul Anka was The Broccoli and I knew by his voice that that was the correct answer, especially when his clue revealed that he was older than the first microwave!      

Friday, November 27th, 2020……  Good Friday. But we really had no plans for shopping. Randy did see that they had Carhartt clothing at our Coastal Farm and Ranch store so we went out and got breakfast and ate in the car and then headed over there. I didn’t have anything I needed and he found his pants and a jacket that he wanted and we got those (with my military discount he saved $10.50!) and then we drove down to Junction City to Tractor Supply. They had finally gotten in my touch up paint for the zero turn. I was expecting a small vial like nail polish but they sent them a whole can of the matching color! They said it was $13.00 but they gave it to me for free, since I received the mower with those scratches. Now I can get that fixed before it rusts. Yaay! We got home and Randy tried on his pants. You can’t do any trying on in the stores these days. He decided that he could wear one size smaller so he took off and went back and exchanged them plus bought a new belt. I hung around watching some of the football games on tv. Later, the local college teams went at it. They used to call this game the Civil War but now they are not allowing that so it was just a ‘rivalry’ game. I enjoyed the game and I’m guessing the OSU folks over in Corvallis liked it. Not so much for the Oregon Duck fans down in Eugene! I made myself some turkey sandwiches and Randy ate when he got back home. We watched some other taped shows before calling it a night.   

Saturday, November 28th, 2020……  Randy has decided to head back toward home today. The weather is supposed to change tomorrow and the pass looked really clear today and he wanted to get a head start on any returning traffic. But first up, we needed breakfast. I came up with a plan to take orders for Shari’s and then take it to Sis’s house so Randy could check out her front screen door. He wants to change his out and she has a really nice one.  Randy took his vehicle with his electric bike on it and we went to pick up the order. Teri met us at my sister’s where we ate. Penny’s neighbor, Jeremiah, wanted to check out an electric bike so that worked out. After we ate, Teri went home and we sat around and talked for a while. When we got back home, Randy loaded up his clothes and I put a few things in for them and we said our goodbyes and off he went. His plan is to drive as far today as he can (hopefully Bakersfield or Fresno) and have a shorter drive tomorrow. It was really nice to have him here, even though it was only for a short time. I came in and worked on my blog and watched more football and rested for the day.  More turkey for leftover dinner.    

Sunday, November 29th, 2020……  Nothing on the agenda for today. I walked and fed Rylee and then went out and got breakfast from McDonalds and coffee from Starbucks. I ended up watching football for most of the day. Randy texted that he decided to drive all the way in and got home this morning around 3:00am.  He's tired but happy he's home. We got some rain in the morning but it dried up later in the day. I am looking for 5-6 days in a row with no rain so I can get in one more mowing before the rains really are here to stay. Later in the day, I got a text from Teri asking for some push pins for some decorations she was working on today. I was just finishing up an early dinner (more on that tomorrow) and headed over with the pins. We made quick work of that and I came back home for more tv. I got another text from Randy showing Maryanne putting up the Christmas tree and decorations I had given them. This was the tree we got many years ago from Treasa and Bill and Lydia had put it up in the family room and decorated it with all purple and lavender ornaments. She wasted no time in putting it up and it looks great! 

I was watching Sunday night football and I realized that I would need a little something to eat to keep sugar levels up. I had some cheddar crackers and later went to bed (more coming up on this in the next blog)..... 

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