About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #83 – Dealing With the Cold, Halloween, and Changing Clocks

Thursday, October 29th, 2020…… This morning it was cold again! It was 33º so I was in a long sleeve shirt and a jacket plus gloves and earmuffs when I walked Rylee. I wanted to go out and get breakfast so I decided to just make one trip and took the truck to the mulch place and dumped the grass first. I got back home and relaxed for the day. I wanted to go out and work on the boat because it was supposed to get to 63º today, but the sun never came out so I just hung around inside for the day, watching tv and working on my bills. In Oregon, property taxes are collected in November and I got mine last week. So, I needed to move some money around because I want to pay with a check to avoid the 2.5% credit/debit card surcharge at he courthouse.       

Friday, October 30th, 2020……  Still no sun this morning.  I decided to check in with Teri to see if she could cut my hair. She had time between appointments so I drove over and got that done. We talked a bit about driving over to the coast and taking the 2-hour Oregon Scenic Train ride and then going to lunch at Gracie’s Sea Hag in Depoe Bay. Nothing planned as yet. The weather was crappy – light rain and cold, so I came home and did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day except veg out and watch tv.  Later in the evening, Janie called and we talked for a bit. It is so nice to hear from friends.  

Saturday, October 31st, 2020……  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!  Cold again this morning. Foggy too. I was up around 6:00am and came in to work on my bill spreadsheet. That’ll wake you up! I got showered and took butthead out for our walk and fed her, then went to get coffee/breakfast. If the rain holds off today, I think I will go out and remove the rv batteries and clean and test them. These starter batteries are 8 years old so I won’t put too much time into them and will just get new ones. I got started but then came in to pee and never went back out. Maybe tomorrow. Hey, I’m retired right?  Later, I hung around the living room, waiting for the one trick or treater (Dylan, from down the street) to come by. I guess he didn’t go out this year because they didn’t come by.  I spent some time setting the clocks back. There are a few - like my thermostat and my digital thermometer - that will auto-set tonight but most of mine are old digital models that I have to do myself.  After getting the ones in the house done, I starting counting up the total in my head.  Not counting my 25+ watch collection (which I will do when next used), and counting the rv and shop and the cars, I think I counted 21 total!  I guess I just want to always know what time it is!  Anyway, once that was done, I rested and watched tv, trying to stay up knowing I would get that extra hour tonight.    

Sunday, November 1st, 2020…… No luck on sleeping in!  Back in the old days when I was working, I always woke up at 5:00am, with - or mostly without an alarm. Over the years I have gradually gotten that time up to around 6:00am or so. I always try to go back to sleep, at least until 7:00am, but can’t manage that on most days. This morning the timer in my head woke me at 5:53am which was 4:53am with the time change!  I was up and awake for the day!  I showered, dressed and then walked monster puppy and then made breakfast. I noticed I needed to reset the new oven clock because evidently it is a ‘smart’ device and set itself, so it was wrong!

I didn’t have anything planned today, only to watch my races. Formula 1 is live around 4:30am because they are in Europe/Middle East/Asia, so I had something to watch before I got going for the day. Speaking of the day, it was pretty nice, but only later when the sun broke up the morning fog and the clouds and it warmed up really nicely.  I had Ryle out for a bit and went over to take this pic of the now frosted-over grapevines!  

Funny, all of the grapes are totally gone. Nothing on the vines and nothing on the ground. Amazing that there is nothing left!  Later, I texted Teri and we met for an early dinner downtown at the Bigfoot Grill. Afterwards we walked up and down Main street (nothing is open here on Sundays) and walked the meal off a bit.  We said our goodbyes and both went home for the night. I went to bed early and slept soundly after my early wake up this morning.  Oh yeah, forgot, here is a pic of my latest online purchase! 

 They came yesterday and I put one on each toilet. The light automatically changes colors or you can freeze it on one you like.  It is motion-activated and works for me as a great night light. It's cool and I really love it!          



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