About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #89 – Getting Ready for the Holidays

Sunday, November 22nd, 2020……  Brrrr!  We are definitely now in Winter!  The weather forecast for today is overcast in the morning and rain in the afternoon. It normally warms up whenever it rains (I know – doesn’t sound right huh?) so we went from a dry and cloudy 32º in the morning to 45º later when it started raining. Yes - I am still in shorts if you’re asking! But I think I might put on sweatpants before too long to go out on that first walk in the morning! Today there was nothing on in the way of races so I watched football most of the day. I wasn’t planning on going outside to work but I did go out and figure out the area that I want to clear for more rock. I will rope it off and then show it to Chuck this week to see what he would charge me to run his tractor over and scrape and clear the area for me. If he can do it cheaply and quickly, I may have him move the rock while he is here. We’ll see….

I spent some time on Facebook Marketplace looking for a rolling cart for the shop. It dawned on me when I was lugging those heavy rv batteries out of the garage! I found one that I liked and I was a bit too late and it sold. I did see a fairly new Rubbermaid cart that would be perfect. These guys are normally overpriced (usually $100.00-125.00) but she only wanted $50.00 for it. She said it was used in her recent move and was still almost new. Problem was it was up in Gladstone/Oregon City, which is 65 miles from me. But I wasn’t doing anything so I drove up and checked it out. Turns out she had two of them and asked me if I was interested in both. I wasn’t but I ended up buying both for $75.00 total!

I took my ‘score’ and headed home in time to be able to feed Rylee on time. I made a chick pot pie for dinner and settled in and watched football and Mecum Auction until bedtime.

Monday, November 23rd, 2020……  Randy texted yesterday and we discussed his trip up here. He is leaving on Tuesday and will be here on Wednesday. I sent him a link to the weather at Siskiyou Pass and told him to keep track of it when he gets up this way because they will close the pass if the snow hits up there. It’s only 4,311 ft. at the summit but there are storms that will put enough snow on that pass to shut everything down it so he needs to keep watch. If it’s closed, no worries, he would need to go up the coast and cross over the Coastal Mtns which are only 600 ft or so. That just takes longer.

I was up and ready to get some tasks done today. The rains are here again but that means it warms the air. Here’s the reason: Heat is released when water vapor condenses to form rain. When the rain falls, it brings the warm air back down to the surface hence raising the temperature. I had to look it up but now I understand more.  It was something I never noticed being in SoCal and I’ve mentioned it before and it was confusing folks so there you go…

Three of my four tasks today involved being outside, so I stayed in for the morning hours and did laundry – job one.  Later, I made a few trips out to the rv garage with my patio furniture. It’s too cold to sit out there in the winter so I always wrap up the cushions and store everything inside, next to the motorhome. That was job two.  Job three and next up was dragging all of my Christmas stuff out and getting it all moved over and put up on the back porch. That took several trips but I took advantage of Lydia’s wheelchair ramps on the porch and that made it a little easier. Job four was moving rock – that didn’t happen. Hey, I have a kid coming up on Wednesday. He can help with that job! I hung around the house the rest of the day and made dinner and watched football and The Tyra Banks show, oops, I mean Dancing with the Stars. I was rooting for Nev but I was ok with Kaitlyn winning.     

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020……  Randy left this morning and is on his way up!  The weather is ok. In the 40’s but that is better than in the 30s! I had Rylee out and walked and fed then went and got myself some breakfast. I went to the shop and got out my shovel but it was still too cold and damp to work on the rocks. But it warmed up a bit later and I went out and tried it again. Sis was coming but my phone was on the charger in the house so I started in by myself. Carter drove in a bit later and saw me moving rocks and said he knew what today’s job was. Bingo!  I decided then and there to let those guys do the hard work! Kirk came a few minutes later and they started hauling rock to different parts of the area where I raked it in to a flat surface. It took maybe 30 minutes of doing that and we had 4 cubic yards distributed. Kirk did a low skin-cut on one area of grass that I want out and rock in. Then he sprayed the remaining grass and we will be able to cover and lay more rock when I order the next round. But for now, I can get my truck and/or boat in and out from under the carport with no problems.  

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020…… I did some final cleaning this morning prior to Randy getting here. I was glad to see that he made it up with no problems. He drove up yesterday all the way to Medford so he only had 210 miles to drive and got here about 10:30.  We sat and talked for a few hours then decided to go get something to eat. But it turned out that Penny was going to call in whatever we ordered. I chose Mexican and invited Teri over to eat with us. Penny picked up our meals and Teri met us here and we sat and had a nice meal. I had previously mentioned to Teri that I liked Baskin and Robbins ice cream cakes and she turned up with one from Dari Queen and we had that for dessert. Yummy! We made our plans for dinner tomorrow. We had decided not to cook and sis ordered our meals from Safeway. It had everything but dessert and green beans so we planned that too. The girls went home and Randy and I watched The Amazing race before calling it a night.

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