About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #86 – Running More Errands

 Sorry, I thought I had already posted this blog….  Guess not!

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020…… Another cold day. But here when it rains, the temps usually go up. Hey, don’t ask me – I’m not a weatherman!  So, it was in the high 40s most of the day. Just on and off rainshowers. We usually get light drizzly showers, but one or two times today it came down pretty hard for maybe as much as a minute or two!  Kirk had Carter here by himself and I watched as he called it quits and headed for my shop for cover for a few minutes. But today I only had him cleaning up the piles of leaves around the small trees out front. It looks good again, just bare. Here is a pic of the Oregon Ash tree that is next to the driveway, before and after the frost! 

Today, I had several things on my agenda. I had received a call yesterday that the replacement cord for my blind had come in. So, I took the time to go to get that plus while I was in town, I went to City Hall to pay my property taxes, then went to Costco to get a few things.  The last stop on the way back home was in Lebanon at Wilco to get another bag of dog food while it was on sale. I got back home and got things put away and started laundry. While that was going, I put the assembled blind back up. They couldn’t find a cord exactly the same length as the old one so I had to relocate the bottom bracket but that was only two small screws and I was done. I guess I should have ordered two cords because I’m expecting the other one to fail at any time. Oh well…. I got all of the laundry done and put away and settled in to work on this blog for a while, only to look up and find it was already dark outside! Poor Rylee. I completely passed up her feeding time!  It’s funny but dogs don’t have a time change in their habits, so she was really ready! No worries – she still loves me! I had leftover salmon and settled in to watch tv until bedtime.    

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020…… Veterans Day!  Please take some time today to thank a veteran for his/her service!  

Another crappy day. Not a lot of rain but just cloudy and yucky. Sis brought Quincy over for a run/walk with Rylee. We brought them in and fed them and then headed off to Shirley May’s for breakfast.  Once we got home, I spent some time cleaning the house a bit, then went on  my phone and sent text messages out to my veteran friends. I also worked a little on Lydia’s picture file on my laptop. I have been having issues lately with my laptop. I have Microsoft edge and it seems to always wanting to be installing updates. Teri says she will take a look at it. She professes to be pretty good on computer systems and software.  I made spaghetti for dinner and watched The Amazing Race and The Masked Singer. I picked the Snow Owls correctly.  

Thursday, November 12th, 2020……  Today, the weather was just ok. But after walking Rylee, I decided it was good enough to take a trip over to Albany. The other day, I had seen some floormats for my truck at Ross (I know – go figure!) and I wanted to go back and get them. I left but first headed south and went to Tractor Supply to check on my Cub Cadet touchup paint for the zero turn. Neither David nor Brian was there today, so I spoke to Jeff who took my name and number. Hopefully they will get that going. I made my way home via Albany and stopped and got the floormats and came home. It was raining so vacuuming the truck and installing the mats will have to wait…. I had leftover spaghetti for dinner and settled in and watched tv until bedtime.       


Friday, November 13th, 2020…… I got up and going early this morning. I had Ryle walked and fed and then made my breakfast. Unfortunately, Teri texted me a little too late to ask me to breakfast but I went anyway and had coffee with her.  I got home and spent a little time on my computer issues. Well, I’ve had to move my operation over to Lydia’s computer because I’m still struggling with mine. The new shelf I made for her sewing desk, for the keyboard (which I prefer over the laptop), works well and I may move everything in here soon.

I worked on trying to get caught up on my blog word worksheet and then stopped for lunch. The weather is starting to turn again. There is another front heading in which has a ton of wind with it. I brought in the cushions on the back and front porches. The rains and wind did come and I was glad I moved everything. The wind was blowing sideways!  I found that the leak I had forgotten to fix last season is back again!  The window in my office has a leak at the very top and water drops all the way in to the stool, which is nice varnished wood. I did a quick fix with towels but I know I must get out there and fix it before it’s too late!      


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