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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #92 – Breakfast at Home and Getting the Car Fixed ?


Friday, December 4th, 2020……  No plans today so I thought I would take a drive down to Eugene to a second-hand store that my sister and Butch found. She took pics of a whole bunch of reasonably-priced Christmas village houses and I wanted to see if they had any left.

It was a nice drive if nothing else. Turns out they had all of what I wanted and I bought all three (for a reasonable $55.00) since these houses were all part of a collection that you can’t buy anymore. 

I also made a stop at the Eugene Habitat for Humanity Re-store and bought some shovels and another hoe. I also found a mirror I want to put up on the wall inside my garage which I think should help me see if there is a car or delivery truck in the driveway. It was $15.00 so even if that doesn’t work, I can use it somewhere else. Teri came over and she helped me rearrange the houses and I plugged everything in. Any more and I will need another ladder! We left from here and went to KFC for lunch. Problem was they are closed for remodeling until Monday. So, we went to Walmart and got chicken from their deli section. It was just ok. She bought this little fruitcake thingy which was only $3.00 or something. We were skeptical but it turned out to be very tasty! I don’t usually keep hostess stuff in the house but every now and then I will buy a package of ding dongs or suzy q’s or Twinkies and splurge. Today I bought chocolate Twinkies. These guys were so tiny, it was pitiful, BUT the box said it was a new recipe and we loved them!  I think they taste more like the old recipe suzy q’s. But now I know what to get in the future when I get that urge again!      

Saturday, December 5th, 2020……  Today it was 27º when I walked Rylee. So, I dressed in my sweatpants over my shorts for that walk! The sun was out and there was no wind so it wasn’t bad at all. Later, it got up in the 40s.  But I headed into town to get gas and coffee and breakfast and left the long pants on for that too. I ate at home and hung around the tv for a while and then went in to work on my checkbook register. I truly don’t really need to keep it up to date because I only write a handful of checks a year – all my transactions are online now - but I can’t seem to break the habit of listing everything there. I texted to see if Teri was working today or not. She had clients all day so I took over mini tacos from Jack in the Box for lunch. She has no plans for tomorrow so we thought about breakfast at The Point and then a drive up into the mountains for the day.    

Sunday, December 6th, 2020…… It rained last night but sunny skies are forecast for today! I was up early and had Rylee out in the dark again. Teri was coming over here and we would head out. I guess she felt lazy today because she suggested coming over in her jammies and bringing the ‘littles’ (her two puppies) and she’d make me breakfast and we would stay in for the morning. Teri brought almost everything and I cooked her bacon while she put together a cinnamon toast bake, like bread pudding, which was delicious. She even brought some gourmet vanilla-infused maple syrup, which was thin but very tasty! The pups are starting to get used to the house and Rylee. They don’t have stairs at their place so that’s a challenge for them right now!  She didn’t stay the day and went home where she said Grizzly and Meisha went right down and were sleeping soundly after that! I enjoyed the lazy day, just watching football and my taped Mecum Car Auctions. We have another ‘dispute’ going on here in the Oregon Directv market. Tegna, the owner of our local NBC station (KGW-NBC channel 8) is in re-negotiation with Direct for their broadcast and as of today, they haven’t come to terms so we are now in day 3 of blacked out NBC. I don’t have too many programs I watch on NBC but Sunday Night Football will be blacked out tonight. I also can always use my tv booster and get channel 8 through regular antenna and the airways, but no biggie – I will survive!    

Monday, December 7th, 2020…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAYMOND!!! A great big old milestone 10th birthday!  Yaay!   Also, it’s Pearl Harbor Day. I remember my parents always talking about Pearl Harbor and I took an interest at an early age. I remember seeing the 1970 movie Tora Tora Tora (at the Cinerama Dome Theater on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood) which also helped pique my interest. We have been to Hawaii and took the boat tour of Pearl Harbor and also went to the USS Arizona Memorial. Very moving. Definitely a day that will live in infamy.     

No rain today. We have had a forecast for sunny skies and temps in the high 40s. Not bad for us this time of year!  I had an appointment at Primasing GMC, here in town, to get my Acadia looked at. I have two things for them to look at – 1) a ‘clunking’ sound when I turn the wheels, and, 2) I have noticed an unrelated oil spot on the garage floor - so I want them to look at both those issues. I got it dropped off and had miss Teri give me a ride back home. No worries, I have two other cars, so I am in no hurry. Later, she came back from running errands and brought KFC for lunch. Thanks, sweetie, that was nice of you! I spent the rest of the day cleaning up around the house and adding some more of Lydia’s Christmas stuff around the house.

I also added mini lights to the ladder village. I am definitely done now!

Later, I heard back from the service guy. He said they found an end link that had play in it and I told them to go ahead and replace it. The oil leak was just a loose oil filter which they tightened and cleaned up the residue. $312.00 total parts/labor.  I went later and picked it up. Trouble was when I headed home, the noise was still there!  I called back and Tony said to bring it back tomorrow afternoon and they would test drive it with me then schedule of Wednesday. Oh well!


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