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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #91 – Dodging a Bullet & a Nice Outing!


Monday, November 30th, 2020……  Continuing the saga with my blood sugars, it turns out that eating crackers was just not enough. I went to bed around 10:30pm and was restless but finally fell asleep. I woke up at 4:15am and went to the bathroom. I felt light-headed and lost my balance while standing over the toilet and fell on my elbow and laid there a while. I don’t remember passing out but don’t remember falling into that position either! I found a scratch next to my left eye which I don’t remember feeling.  I have had this low blood sugar thing happen in the past and from seeing Lydia deal with it, I knew my blood sugars were low, simply because I hadn’t eaten in several hours yesterday. I tried but I guess the crackers didn’t help. I drank some Boost and went back to bed. When I got up, I felt a little better. I had another Boost when I got going but I knew I would be taking it easy today. No dizziness so I knew things were getting back to normal again. But now I have a really sore elbow! It was a hell of a lesson in taking care of myself!  I used to eat meals at fairly regular times. But I find I am eating now only when I want to. I know I have to fix that and get back to a regular diet. I Promise!  Like I said, I took things easy today. Sis came by with Quincy and after that, I went out and got myself a big breakfast. I was back to normal soon after that and did some laundry and worked on this blog, so nothing strenuous. Later, I finished up the leftovers and had a nice filling meal and settled in for a night of taped tv programs. 

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020……  Weather is getting colder. But the mornings are bearable, I guess because there is no wind and the air is clear. But later in the day, the fog rolled in and that wet air made everything super cold.  When Kirk and Carter got here, I went out and paid him for the month but quickly came back in to the warm house! Those guys were dressed in layers so they were ok to be outside all day. I wasn’t!  A bit later, I went over to see Teri and we helped with her decorating again. We were both hungry so we headed over to Hangry Solutions food truck and had a nice meal. I tried their club sandwich, which I found was grilled and served hot and was waaay too thick to even get my mouth around!  But it tasted great!  I ate half and had the rest for dinner later. See – I am eating regular again! Since she has no appointments for tomorrow, Teri and I made plans to take a car ride to the coast.       

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020…… The plan for today was to get up and going early. I took Rylee out before it was even light outside!  I got her fed and then took off. I had my acupuncture appointment with Bonnie at 8:00am this morning, and since Corvallis is on the way to the coast, I picked up Teri and we headed over. It was nice having her and Bonnie meet since I have talked about each of them to each other so they felt they had already met! After the ‘needle pokes’, we left and got coffees at the local Dutch Bros drive-thru and then drove north up 99w with the idea of going through Dallas and then keep going to the coast via Hwy 22. I remembered where Paul and Alice’s new house was so I drove by to see if they were moved in yet. We saw chairs on the porch, so we assumed they were there now, but we didn’t stop since we wouldn’t be staying to visit today. Maybe another time… But we did decide we were super hungry and we would find a place to eat breakfast while in Dallas. Driving up their Main St. we saw a little place called Tater’s Café and decided to stop. The owner took our order and even though they were only doing takeout due to the covid restrictions, she allowed us to eat outside on the patio and even served us. We both had the potato cakes meal (with eggs) which were very good. Teri had bacon and I had the best sausage patty I have had in a long time! I finished my breakfast and ate the rest of hers too, it was that good!  I left an extra nice tip and we headed off for our journey. Since we had done what we were going to do on the coast – eat breakfast – we decided to save the costal drive for another time and just continue our drive north and go up to McMinnville to see how that town has grown since Lydia and I stayed there in our motorhome back in 2012.  McMinnville is the home of the Evergreen Aviation Museum, which is the home of the Spruce Goose. 

Turns out the move up there from Long Beach was way back in 1993!  Wow!  We drove through the city a bit, checking things out for another day trip in the future and then worked our way back toward home, stopping in Jefferson so Teri could pick up grandson Emmett who was spending the night. I dropped them off and stopped on the way home and made an appointment to take the Acadia in for some work and then got home to let Rylee out for a while then feed her. I played with butthead out in the back yard. She managed to find her water-filled ‘drag strip’ and ran and ran through it and then plopped down. 

That water was cold but she doesn’t mind!  I fixed myself dinner and then settled in to watch The Amazing Race and part of The Masked Singer. I found I was tired and went to bed and I guess right to sleep after a really fun and relaxing day!           

Thursday, December 3rd, 2020…… I was up early and showered and got Rylee out and walked. Still no rain so it is cold out there! I went out and got breakfast and coffee and came home and watched the rest of The Masked Singer. I picked Chloe Kim as the Jellyfish but only after one of the judges mentioned her name so I am not counting that. I missed on the other two that were revealed. I’m not doing too well this year without Lydia’s help!  I spent some time posting on Facebook (thanks to all of you who responded!) and then after a bit, I went out and started my buddy heater and warmed up the shop a bit then worked on the three chain saws that Randy had brought up for me. I added gas to the little 10” McCulloch Mini Mac that was my old one and tried to start it with no luck. I didn’t work on the others.  I will just drop off all three of them at Cascade Outdoor Power Equip. to see if it’s worth getting them running again or not. I already have an electric one but I could use at least one gas model for jobs way out where I have no power to plug in to.  I also read up on the new DeWalt battery powered string trimmer that Randy brought up as my (late) birthday gift. 

That thing will be nice to use for quickie jobs around the property when I don’t need to fire up the Stihl gas trimmer. Plus, I now will be looking for DeWalt drills and drivers to buy since the batteries are all interchangeable. I came back in for the day and figured out what to make for dinner. I ate and then settled in to watch tv.  Sandie called and we had a nice chat. It's always good to hear from friends!   

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