About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #97 – Good Times and a Happy Holiday!


Thursday, December 24th, 2020……  CHRISTMAS EVE !  I had more chores to do today. But first up was Rylee’s walk, then breakfast. On the way, I stopped at Walmart and got the rest of the things I needed for tacos tonight. Then I came back home and vacuumed and steam mopped the floors. I’m glad that’s not a weekly job!  I prepped everything and got it into the fridge. Then I rested and watched tv until around 4:15 when I started cooking the ground turkey. I had the tortillas all cooked up when folks starting showing up. Everything went well and we had a nice meal.

Then we exchanged presents, at least those with Cherrelyn and Teri. We talked a bit and had some refreshments and then they all left and went back home and I put away the dishes Cherrelyn had washed and then sat down and watched the first half of It’s a Wonderful Life and called it a night.  

Friday, December 25st, 2020……  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  To everyone – I wish you the happiest holiday. For me, it was a lot quieter here than normal. But I enjoyed every bit of it nonetheless. I had Rylee out and walked (before it rained) and then made my breakfast. Today it was scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and tomatoes. I almost made tacos! Sis came over with Quincy and we did our own little gift exchange. I talked with each of the families and we did our ‘virtual’ gift exchange. Jeff and Krista and family got me a DeWalt drill and an impact wrench. Randy and Maryann got me a Citizen watch. Sis got me a DeWalt drill and an impact wrench too!  But I am able to give her my 4th drill and driver set, which is still almost new. I will use one set (Hitachi) in the house garage for in-house stuff (and will take it with me in the motorhome when I travel) and the other two will stay in the shop. Later, Chuck and Linda got here for dinner. They brought a green bean casserole and a coconut cream pie and some homemade peanut butter cookies! We had salad, turkey, ham, rolls, and scalloped potatoes. It was a wonderful meal!

 When they left, I fed Rylee and sis fed Quincy then took her home. I settled in for the night and watched tv.        

Saturday, December 26th, 2020……  Rain hit us late last night. It was still raining when I took butthead out for our walk. She likes it but I don’t!  I have rain gear and stayed fairly dry. But I changed my shoes and socks because they were damp. I had some more pumpkin bread for breakfast and then added to that by going to Jack in the Box for a breakfast burrito. I hit Starbucks and then came home. It stopped raining and we were getting bits of sun coming through the clouds. It was still on the colder side! Temps have been around 32º with some winds so it feels really cold especially in the shade. So far, no slick blacktop or driveways but I’m sure that’s coming. But it warms up to the mid-40s during the day and that is comfortable as long as you have a jacket on. The school age kids up here are playing outside in shorts and t-shirts when it’s in the 40s! I watched college and pro football games for the most part of the day. I made tacos for lunch and then I did go out and hook up all of my chargers for the DeWalt stuff and got sis’s new drill and driver bagged up for her to get next time she’s here. While I was watching tv, I took all of the ornaments off the tree and got it boxed back up. I will wait until tomorrow or Monday to take down the rest of the decorations.  I decided that I wasn’t hungry enough for a big meal so I just heated up some pieces of ham and munched on that for dinner.  

Sunday, December 27th, 2020……  The weather is getting colder!  No rain today so it got chilly wherever the sun was not hitting!  I walked Rylee and stayed in the sunny areas on the road! No coffee yet. I waited until Teri got here about 9:00am. We had reservations for breakfast at The Point in Sweet Home. The drive was nice and the sun was out all morning. We sat inside the enclosed patio with space heaters so it wasn’t too bad. When we left there, I drove us up to where Teri used to live in town and then by her current house which is rented now. When I got home and she left, I got some more of the decorations boxed up. I worked on my village setup. I need to use those new bins I just got from Costco for all of the extra Christmas village houses I bought this year! But that was about all I did today. I spent time today cleaning up the kitchen and I did some laundry, all while watching football. No lunch today. Tonight’s dinner was leftover ham and scalloped potatoes. I watched more games and then watched the premiere of The Masked Dancer. I already have some picks but we’ll see. I was already right about The Disco Ball. I picked out Ice T just by his one-word statement because he has such a distinct voice. I didn’t think he could dance much and I was right!   

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