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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #96 – Good Weather but a Downed Tree!


Sunday, December 20th, 2020……   I was up and out with Rylee almost before the sun was up. Once I got home and got her fed, I took off to go get my breakfast. As I drove down the street, I saw this!

This is my neighbor’s 100-150-year-old oak tree – or what is left of it!  I would think that I would have seen it on my walk, so I’m thinking it came down in the last hour!  I went back after I ate and took these two pics. I’ll have to talk to Rich and see when this happened.

Mostly football and relaxing today. We did get a bit of sun early in the morning, but for the most part it was raining constantly. Rylee likes it though. Her drag strip is now even wider than before!  Like I said, weekends are lazy days so I hung around and watched tv and let butthead out a couple of times (with towels waiting!). Dinners are simple. Tonight was soup and salad (ok just lettuce and tomatoes so not much of a salad, but hey, I needed to get rid of them!).     

Monday, December 21st, 2020……  The weather today was wonderful! No rain during the day and temps in the high 50’s!  I asked Teri if she would like to take a carride to Albany just to get out. She is off most Mondays. I wanted to check out the ceramic tile at both Lowes and Home Depot. I am going to start the tile project in the laundry room and the guest bathroom after the first of the year, so I wanted to get an idea of what I wanted. I found several that I liked so I will go back after the year end. I sure wish that they had Floor & Décor stores up here. I miss them!  We got back to town and I dropped her off and we made plans for dinner tonight. Later, she came by and I fed Rylee and we headed off to Sweet Home. Destination – The Point. We were both super hungry and they didn’t disappoint! She had soup and the prime rib and I had salad and the seafood trio - shrimp, mussels, and halibut all sautéed in butter and garlic sauce. It was sooo good!  Her prime rib was the best I have tasted in a long time! The Point is not the cheapest place to eat, but for an occasional meal, it is one of the best! We got home and had dessert. Frances now has Lydia’s recipe for pumpkin bread and this year was her first try at making it. She sent me (and sis) a large package which arrived this afternoon. So, we dug into one of them. It was delicious!  That was dessert and perfect for the evening. Later, after Teri went home, I called Stan (Lydia’s brother in Bakersfield) back. He had called while we were at dinner. He says Joy is doing ok but visiting her in the care facility is back to zero with the new covid restrictions in place in Calif.  He thinks he will be spending Christmas with his brother-in-law or maybe their realtor friends from many years ago. I think all of the country is going to be on Zoom or Facetime or Marco Polo this year, talking with family!  Oh, forgot to mention – when Teri left here, it was almost a gale force storm, with lots of wind and rain. I texted her and she said she made it back ok and was drying her hair just from the run between the car and the house! It has slowed down now and we’re supposed to only get small shower cells between now and tomorrow sometime. I worked on posting my last blog article and then started in on yesterday’s and today’s inputs, then settled in and watched Monday Night Football and other taped shows before calling it a night.        

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020……  I was up and moving early this morning. I had Rylee walked and fed and then made my coffee and breakfast. Today - so far – the weather is really nice. We have sunny skies. I guess the cell missed us because the forecast is for more of the same all day!  Yaay!  For you folks in sunny climates, that’s old news. But for us Oregonians (who love the sun), reports like this make our days! I think I will change my plans and go outside and work in the shop for a while today. I was planning on running errands and going grocery shopping, and cleaning house, but I can do that tomorrow.  

Ok, it’s later in the day now. I cleaned up the shop then saw that Rich was out by his tree. So, I took Rylee out and we went over and talked a bit with him. They did not hear this thing come down!  As I have been mentioning for some time now, we have had a good soaking over the last few weeks. His property is on the same elevation as mine – meaning that he is in lowlands too!  This tree just was too waterlogged and too top heavy, that it didn’t take much wind to blow it over. He’s planning on getting estimates to see how much it will cost him. He wants to have them chip the small stuff, cut most of the rest into firewood-sized pieces and then figure out about the stump later.  He said one guy already has seen it and says it’s not going to make much (if any) timber or planked lumber because there are some signs of rot. Too bad, because there is good money in lumber, especially live edge planking. The bad part is he will likely not see any monies coming back to him. 

After my talk with Rich, I took off and make a run to Fred Meyer in Albany. I hadn’t been there in a long time and they had some things I wanted to check out. I bought some nylon rope and then hit the grocery section for a few things, then headed home. Later, I went out to McDonalds to pick up a couple of McRib sandwiches. Funny, I always liked them. I guess you either do or you don’t!  After that, I watched some of my taped programs in the living room. I will need to call in a trouble call on this Directv receiver box. It’s the oldest one I have and it has been used and abused for many years taping programs almost every day. Live tv works fine, but the taped shows are pixilated more than they are not. So, I will call tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020……  Sis came by this morning with Quincy and the pups had a good time out in the yard. Of course, butthead found the water and made her laps and came to the door half white and half brown!  It’s almost impossible to think about giving her a bath because she would be dirty in an hour anyway! After sis left, I took off and got myself some breakfast and coffee and came back and ate.  I had some cleaning to do today, including the bathrooms, which I tackled first. I also did some laundry. I was on the phone for some time, getting things straight with Directv. I certainly don’t care for them since they were taken over by AT&T!  But I got some action, even though it was “escalated to another level for further review”!  That means they will have to get approval before they can send me a replacement receiver! Meanwhile, I need to move all future tapings to another tv and then watch everything taped on this receiver before I do an exchange.  No problem. 

Plans tomorrow are for me to make tacos for dinner for sis, Cherrelyn, and Teri. For Christmas day, Cherrelyn and Teri are going to be with their families. Chuck and Linda will join sis and I for dinner here. But I needed to clean house before all of that and today was the day to get started.   Teri came by later with dinner. She had made vegetable soup using the prime rib we had the other night at The Point.  It was especially yummy! 

She also brought over another ‘gift’ for me.  I now have a new mini coffee brewer!


Teri loves her coffee but it’s difficult to make one or two cups with my machine, so she thought I needed one!  It is simple to use and we played with it and ran cleaning cycles and then made an 8 oz cup of coffee. Funny thing – I had just gone out and bought a smaller-handled cup and a small mug for exactly that purpose!  Teri has little hands and my mugs were too big and heavy. After a bit, she went home and I settled in for the evening. 


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