About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #94 – Waiting for Word from the Moores & Driving Many Miles!



Saturday, December 12th, 2020……   No rain today. I was showered and dressed and had butthead out and walked and fed before 7:30am. I heard from Janie yesterday that Rick was suffering symptoms of covid 19. I didn’t sleep too well last night. She called and said he was given an infusion and released so that was great to hear!  I made myself some breakfast and then went on Facebook Marketplace to answer an ad I saw for a car trailer. I am looking for one big enough to haul the zero turn, which the other trailer won’t do because it’s not quite wide enough. I hung around the house but didn’t hear back from the guy until after 1:30pm. Since he’s in Merlin, which is almost a 3-hr. drive from me, I couldn’t go today. He’s not available tomorrow but says I can come during the week ‘after 4:00ish’. So today was shot. But at least I could go to the bank and get the cash out. I drove over to my BofA in Corvallis only to find they close at 1:00pm. My fault – I didn’t check their Saturday hours online. No worries, I go to Corvallis on Monday for acupuncture so I can swing by then.  I got back home and rested and watched football and did some work on my spreadsheets for next year’s aces. Later, I fixed myself some dinner and settled in for the evening.  

Sunday, December 13th, 2020……  More rain coming again today. It was 45º this morning. A little cold but not too bad since I had nothing planned for today and didn’t need to be outside. I had monkey butt out and back before it started sprinkling. I also had time to go out and get breakfast and coffee and get back when it was still dry. When it did rain, it was barely sprinkling. I went out to the shop and changed out the trailer hitch for my truck in anticipation of going tomorrow to look at and possibly buy that trailer. I sent a message to him later in the day but didn’t hear back until late in the evening. He wasn’t available tomorrow but he said his wife could show it to me. So, I made arrangements to be there around 1:00pm to meet her.   

Monday, December 14th, 2020…… I have an acupuncture appointment this morning so I was up early and had Rylee walked and fed. I left and headed over to Corvallis and was there in plenty of time. After that, I went to McDonalds and got breakfast and then went to the BofA parking lot, waiting for them to open at 9:30am. I got in and out in a few minutes and was on my way south. Merlin is in southern Oregon and 180 miles south of me, so the drive was long! I timed it so that I would be there around 12:30pm and called Jessica and made arrangements to get in to her property. They had a nice piece of property with horses and a new workshop. Also, they had a nice new trailer sitting there. The old one was up for sale and was actually very nice. He had done some additional work on it, adding a rail around the sides which I liked and would work for me. But it was probably a little big for my needs and I had another one in my mind that I wanted to also look at, so I passed on this one.

So, I drove the 180 miles back home, emptyhanded. Oh well, it was a nice drive.  When I got home, I fed Rylee and rested for a while, then had dinner and watched tv. I found that other trailer on Marketplace and messaged the guy and made arrangements to go see it tomorrow. He is in Sheridan, which is only about 58 miles from me, so that would be an easy drive!    

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020……  Again, I was up early and got all of my stuff done. Penny came over with Quincy and she left her with Rylee and I left to go get on the road. I set up the meeting for 10:00am. I stopped and got coffee and a breakfast roll and made it right on time. This was another nice trailer!  Problem was it was not quite wide enough between the fenders for my zero turn to fit!  Bummer! 

I called my friend Paul, who, with his wife Alice, just moved into their new home in Dallas. I drove through there on the way and asked if he was home. He was in McMinnville, getting a prescription filled, and then had a doctor’s appointment, so we will get together another time. I made it home when Kirk was there and I had him work on leaf cleanup. I don’t have many trees, but the ones I do have are next to the driveway so they needed some attention.  Later, sis came by to get Q and Teri stopped by with the pups, straight from the groomer, for a visit. Later, I fixed leftover spaghetti and settled in and watched tv until bedtime.   


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