About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #60 – Working on the New Trailer, Rain and More Shopping

Thursday, June 27th, 2019…… The plan made last night was to head out to Albany this morning and hit Cork’s Donuts. We had watched The Great Food Truck Race and they had everyone design and make their own donuts. Of course we were hungry for donuts!  But we got up later than usual and by the time we both got showered and ready to go, it was close to time for Lydia to go do her labs. I suggested that we go there first then head over to Kevin’s for breakfast, which we did. Kristi and hubby Reese have both left there to pursue other interests. We will miss them. But Rick is a new (to the area) cook and has a great personality. I’m not sure if the laid-back folks in Lebanon are ready for his boisterous style yet but we are! Jennie is new too and is a lot of fun. After we ate, we headed over to Walmart and I went to the boating parts area and picked up new flotation vests, new drain plugs, a new portable air horn and then to the trailer parts section and got what I needed to rewire the new trailer. Once we got home, I went out and started in. I took out all of the old wiring as well as the lights and installed all new parts. I had to have Lydia come out at one point to help feed the wires through the frame. It was a little work but it’s a nice clean look now. That took a few hours because I came in and started watching today’s tape of the Barrett Jackson auction. They are in the Northeast and will be telecasting for three days, and I wanted to start on the six-hour show today to try to keep up as much as I can.  I got all of the junk cleaned up and came in for the day. It has been an interesting one, weather-wise. It would be sunny one moment, cloudy the next, and then rainy for a few minutes, then the sun would come out for a while and then the rain again. There was one time that it came down really hard for about two minutes and we even got small hail.
Tonight was a quick meal and Lydia had called me in for that and I went out afterward and closed up everything for the evening and came in and we watched tv until bedtime.     

Friday, June 28th, 2019…...  This morning I had plans to hook up the new trailer and drive it to Sweet Home and show it to Jon, where I got the boat. I wanted to pick his brain about how I can get the boat up on the new trailer to test it and make adjustments. I think the only way is to park the new trailer at his business, which is about 3-4 miles from Foster Lake. Then go home and get the boat and its trailer and go launch it on the lake. Lydia and my sister can stay with the boat while I go back and exchange trailers and come back and load the boat on the new one. Jon may have a better idea but we’ll see. Of course, the easiest way is to take everything to a larger boat facility and have them winch it over and fit it on dry land. I expect that might cost me but it may be the way to go. Anyway, I hooked up the trailer and took off. When I got there and parked, the door was closed. Turns out he is out on business this morning. Oh well, I’ll go back another day. When I got back, I helped Lydia do some housecleaning.  I also watched some more of my taped Barrett-Jackson auctions. She had earlier gone to the store and got stuff for the week. She made sloppy joes for dinner. Yummy!   
Saturday, June 29th, 2019…... This morning I got up early and got in the shower. Lydia usually takes her time and lets me get out with the dog or maybe even out to breakfast before she even thinks about getting up and going. She surprised me this morning by getting into the shower as I was brushing my teeth! So, I walked Rylee and then came in and found her dressed for the day. So, I asked her if she wanted to go to Albany and get donuts. She did and brought her banking info with her so we could go on to Corvallis and get that done. Our car and home insurance both are due the first of the month and it is set up to come directly out of my checking account. Lydia keeps this insurance money separate in her credit union account. We need to fix the auto deduction to come out of her account, but we’ll do that later. So, we just transferred it to my account for this time. While we were out, we stopped at Ace to look at the wicker rocker they had there. I saw it the other day and they had the chair and a side table for $49.99. When we got there to order two sets, they said the $49.99 was for the table only! The chair was separately priced at $199 ea!  We said “never mind”. We’ll wait until they get those other 4-pc sets in, like the one we already have, to finish our ordering. Once we got home, we decided to go ahead and make the trip to Eugene to pick up the second order of drapes for the living room. We had ordered 8 scalloped valances, which turned out not to be enough. We found them again and reordered 8 more and they came in yesterday. So, we asked if my sister wanted to ride down. She met us at the house about 40 minutes later and we had already let Rylee out and were ready to go. It was a nice drive down to Eugene and we got in and went to the pickup desk and then shopped a bit. We even walked down to Macy’s. Both girls were looking for new purses. Penny bought two and Lydia bought one. I got a t-shirt!  We planned to eat lunch while we were out but we decided to just have ‘linner’ so we went to Newman’s Fish Grotto.  We all had their scallops, which were huge! It was a great meal. We drove back home and we were done for the day. I took butthead out to let her run in the water and play in her pool. I think I wore her out because she plopped down in the water and wouldn’t get out for the longest time! Later, after Sis went home, Lydia napped in her room and I may have too, for a few minutes!  But, for the most part, I got some of my races watched.  Rylee woke up and made me play tug of war with her and I did take her out later for another run in the backyard. We each had a few snacks and watched tv until bedtime.         

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