About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #100 – Breakfast, Yard Sales and Relaxing


Friday, Oct 25th, 2019…… Again, I was up early today. This time it was because we were going out to breakfast. Penny and Janice were coming by to pick us up to go to The Point in Sweet Home, which we have been anxious to try. So, I had to get monkey butt up and out and walked and then fed because we were leaving at 8:00am. Lydia needed as much time as possible so I had to get in and out of the bathroom before 7:00am. No problem. We were good to go when they got here. Sis drove us there and we had a nice breakfast. Janice is a fun person and we like spending time with her. After a nice meal, we came back to the house and they stayed for a bit to visit and play with Rylee.  After they left, I went out and worked on my newly-acquired drill press. This is not the model I want – this is a bench-top model and I want a floor model - but for now it will do. I found a spot and got it set up and did a few test drills. It does work nice. I came back in and rested. Lydia’s foot was doing ok so she decided we should to go hit Costco. We were out of everything and there are items we like to buy at Costco - like meat, bread, etc. that we can split apart and freeze what we don’t need right away. We also stocked up on some frozen foods – like tamales, fish, hash browns, tator tots, chicken breasts, breakfast sandwiches, etc. But the main reason I wanted to go was to pick up a couple of lights for the front porch. When we moved in, we saw that Walt had installed two really nice porch lights, on sensors, that we really liked. He also put them on the west side of the house on each side of the garage doors. Well, these lights have seen their better days. Even though when they worked, they were perfect and fit the house just right, they were probably installed when the house was built and are now starting to fail. When one light came on, it blinked rapidly all night. Unnerving!   I tried replacing the sensors but that didn’t help. So, I already have replaced the garage lights (with something that worked and looked pretty good). Now one of the porch lights is doing the same thing. Costco has a replacement that looks 98% like the old ones, so we decided to buy a couple of those.  The price was right, too, just $34.99 ea. I also bought a 3-pack of led flashlights. You can never have too many of those. We got the rest of our groceries and came home. On the way, we talked about going to Walmart but we would do that tomorrow. Once we got home and put everything away and rested a bit, Lydia suggested we just go on to Walmart today and get the rest of our shopping done. So, we spent the next hour or so getting that done. Later, sis came by to drop off Quincy for another sleepover. She and Janice were heading off early tomorrow to Salem to a flea market and wanted Quincy to not be alone all day. No worries, we like her visiting us!  Later, I fed the girls and Lydia started dinner. We had bought nice fresh hamburger buns and Lydia baked some of the fish and tator tots and we had fish sandwiches for dinner. Quick and easy.  Her foot was starting to hurt so we were both ready to kick back and spend the night relaxing and watching tv.

Saturday, Oct 26th, 2019…...   Sis had texted me yesterday from an estate sale her friend Linda was working at. She found a surface planer and a few other tools she thought I might be interested in. We were at Costco at the time plus I thought the prices were too high. Linda’s employer who conducts these sales for people all around this area who are selling their property and moving out, usually sell for full price on Fridays and half price on Saturday. So, after walking Rylee and Q, I headed off to go find that sale. Everything in the house gets price-tagged by this group, and it all gets displayed all throughout the house and yard. They were selling practically everything!  Dishes, silverware, pantry items, all of it goes!  They were even selling the frozen food in the freezer! Even though I got there early, the planer was already gone. The other things I was interested in were either too beat up or overpriced – even at half off - so I didn’t buy anything.  I stopped and got gas for my truck and also got breakfast and came home and ate and rested.  We spent the day relaxing and watching tv. My sister came by and got Quincy. She showed us some of the stuff she had bought today. Later, Lydia fixed burritos for dinner and we watched our programs until we called it a night.       

Sunday, Oct 27th, 2019…...  Nothing on the agenda today. The weather right now is clear and sunny - no rain in sight - but the mornings are still pretty cold. Since I wasn’t going anywhere today, I just put on my sweat pants and took Rylee out for her walk. When I got back and got her fed, Lydia had already made her tea and fixed herself some cereal, so I made a ham and egg and cheese sandwich for my breakfast. It was Sunday so I had a bunch of races and football and Mecum auction to take up my day. I broke up the day by going out to the rv garage and ran the engine for a while. I do that weekly. This time I fired up the diesel aqua hot and gave that time to heat up the water in the tank. Again, it is more maintenance work but at least I don’t have to worry about the exhaust from either of these since I have those directly vented outside now, it makes it easy.  I shut everything down and closed up the garage and was done outside for the day – except to let Rylee out to play and run a bit. The guy I sold our old oven to last week has been busy getting it installed. He sent me pics. He originally planned to remove the back section but decided it would be too much work so he made a decorative board for the back side.  He says everything works and he’s happy with the purchase. A win-win for both of us!

Lydia made tilapia and this time made up her own breadcrumb/cheese crust for it. I liked it! After dinner, it was more tv until bedtime.    

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