About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #1 – New Year’s Day and Then We’re Heading Out!


Wednesday, Jan 1st, 2020…… Happy New Year! We slept in a bit and when we finally got up and going, and the dogs walked, I made egg sandwiches for breakfast and we had coffee/tea and relaxed and watched the Rose Parade. Sis went home to shower and check on her house and run some errands before coming back here for the day. Lydia is still relaxing and keeping her foot elevated. She can only go so far before it swells up and gets even more painful.  But she only has to rest today. I think everything is in order. She will have to get her makeup and personal stuff together to go out there tomorrow or Friday morning. The plan today was to have an easy dinner. Nothing is easier than going to pick up pizza! We called it in and then sis and I went to go pick it up. We each made salads from their salad bar. I think I got enough for us!  This time we thought the pizza was a little too spicy. Not sure whether there is a spicy sausage choice or not but we definitely felt it later that night! We spent the rest of the evening catching up on some of our taped shows before calling it a night.

Thursday, Jan 2nd, 2020…… Last day here! I was asked by my neighbor, Lou, to feed his cats. He has taken his dogs over to his daughter in Albany but has been feeding the neighborhood cats out of his garage for some time now. He will be home on Sunday but I told him I could go feed them on Thursday and Friday before we leave. I took Rylee out and we diverted to Lou’s house and I got the first day taken care of. Then it was home to have breakfast and give Rylee a bath. I just took her into the shower with me and we made pretty quick work of the task. I took my shower after getting her out and toweled off. Hopefully, she will stay clean on the trip! I loaded up the last of the food from both the fridge and the freezer. Sis came over and they got Lydia’s hair care stuff and last-minute clothes thrown in the basket and we took them out and got them put in the mh. I still need to load my laptop and Rylee’s beds in the mh.  All that I need to do tomorrow is pull the coach out and hook up the Honda and we can get going.
Since we didn’t want the pizza for dinner, I took off and got us burgers and fries for a quick meal. We went to bed early but I couldn’t fall asleep – typical for me the night before we take the mh out.   
Friday, Jan 3rd, 2020……  On the road today!  I slept ok, once I fell asleep. Lydia said she was ok last night. Still has a lot of pain right when she stretches her ankle and gets up to go to the bathroom. But she’s ready to travel. I got showered and ready and took Rylee out and stopped and did the last cat-feeding. Then I went out and got us breakfast since everything is in the rig! The plan was to leave about 9:00am or so. We had a 350-mile-trip down to Redding CA for our first stop. I did have to stop and get some more fuel in the rig and did that in Oakland OR. We made it over Siskiyou Summit with no issues and pretty good weather and got into our first rv park (JGW just south of Redding) about 4:00pm.  My biggest issue was that the Honda battery was dead again. I had to jump it. I have an inline fuse around the battery that has to be working in order for the mh to charge the car. It looks good so I’m stumped! Another issue was the water pump in the mh.  We have water when we are hooked up in an rv park but for some reason the water pump in the coach isn’t getting any power. I’m thinking that the guy who did the fridge way back in 2018 turned off the pump in order to reinstall the unit. I just have to find out where that is. Could be a fuse too. We fixed fish sandwiches for dinner then turned up the heater and relaxed and watched tv before calling it a night. Rylee is doing ok. She’s anxious to get out of the coach whenever we stop but that is normal for her to want to go explore! Tomorrow we head 330 miles to just south of Fresno.  

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