About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #6 – More Labs and a New Doctor!


Monday, Jan 20th, 2020……  This morning I got going early and got Rylee out and walked and fed. Lydia had labs this morning and we got in and got those done and stopped for breakfast on the way home. Later in the day, it was time to head off to Corvallis and get her biopsy done. She was worried that it would be as painful as the last time they did it. But this was done in the surgery department of the hospital and they took care to numb the area prior to doing the work. She was done in a just a few minutes and said she worried too much and it was a lot better this time!  We stopped on the way home and I got some bread for our spaghetti dinner later and we got back home and rested. I still have laundry to do but that is not a priority.
Later, I fixed dinner and then we watched our programs until it was time to call it a night.  
Tuesday, Jan 21st, 2020……  Lydia had a day of rest so I took of advantage of that and after breakfast, I took off to Albany to go get my eye exam completed. After that, I stopped by Fred Meyer and ordered a new watchband since they called and said the old one couldn’t be repaired. I picked up some soup and lunchmeat and returned home. We had lunch and Lydia settled in for the day and I went out to the motorhome to watch some shows I had taped out there. Since we ate a late lunch, Lydia only wanted a grilled cheese and roast beef sandwich and I ate a few pieces of cheese and that was it. Earlier, I had called and checked on the pending carport installation. They couldn’t nail it down yet, but it looks like next week on that. We were supposed to go to the dentist for Lydia’s cleaning tomorrow but she got a call from her nephrologist late today. They told her that Dr. Leonard has left the practice and she needs to go in tomorrow to see them about her labs and to meet her new doctor and they were hoping she could come in sooner than later – so we had to change the dental appointment until the first of the month.    

Wednesday, Jan 22nd, 2020……  I got up early again and got everything done (coffee/tea/breakfast/Rylee etc.) and then later, we left for Corvallis again. We met Dr. Rajapakse, her new Nephrologist. Seems that Dr Leonard left the practice. She had been sick but no one in the office was free to tell us anything. I sure hope it wasn’t because I gave her a bit of a hard time when we last were there!  No, I’m going with her being ill. Anyway, Dr. Raja gave Lydia a lot of time today - over an hour of just talking and getting to know her and understanding her health issues. She made some adjustments to Lydia’s meds and wants to see labs again in a week. Some of her numbers are up, but, all in all, she is doing ok. While she was reading the files, she saw that Lydia was diagnosed with a stress fracture in her ankle. So now we find out what it is! No results in there from the biopsy but we expected to not know anything (unless it was serious and required immediate action) until the ortho visit on the 28th.  We both felt a lot better after today and went over to Elmer’s for breakfast before returning home. Meanwhile, sis was working on getting everything together for her trip down to Calif. She leaves on a late-night shuttle to Portland and an early morning flight into Long Beach tomorrow morning. She brought Quincy and her food over so we could watch her for the 4 days she will be gone. Her neighbors will be taking care of the mail so we only have to take care of Q. We finished out the day going to the senior center to play bingo. I won two games! It was nice to see everyone again and they were especially glad to see Lydia doing a little better. She seems to think that she is finally healing. Her pain levels are more manageable and she is trying so hard to stay off her foot to give it time to heal. The bump on her heel is still pretty good sized and gives her issues but she is more sure on her feet when she walks. All good signs! But we are still anxious to see the dr. and get the report back on the biopsy.        
I got chicken breasts out and coated them with parmesan cheese and mayo and baked it. I also peeled and sliced and fried some potatoes and heated up green beans. I think it turned out pretty good. After that meal, we kicked back and watched some of our shared shows before calling it a night.

Note:  I also had some time to get some photos the girls took at their luncheon last week. It was an extra luncheon that week that they called ‘Lunch with Lydia’, and all but one person was able to make it. Lydia said she had a good time and misses all of these sweet ladies.

 l to r:  Lynette, Sandra, Pat F, Faye, Madonna, Pat S, Arlene, & Marilyn


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