About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #7 – Getting Chores Done & More Dog Duty

Thursday, Jan 23rd, 2020……  I slept well last night and was surprised to find I slept in this morning! It was after 8:00am when I finally got out of bed. Rylee got me to take her out when I was up around 3:00am to pee and then she stayed down off the bed. But soon after that, Quincy had made her way to the bed. When it got time to get up, she scooted down and Rylee jumped up there to play! I got dressed and took them out to the field for their run/walk/poop time. I fed them and then went off to get our breakfast/coffee/tea. Just like old times! The rest of the day I was dedicated to laundry. I lost count on how many loads I did. I’m glad that I could dump the clothes basket from the dryer out in front of Lydia and she was folding everything. I washed all of the towels and blankets in the motorhome. I still need to bring in the sheets and blankets on the bed out there but I can do that tomorrow. But I got 90% of everything done today so I feel pretty good! I fixed us grilled ham and/or roast beef and cheese sandwiches for dinner. Quick and easy! I took the girls out for a bit outside but it’s been misting/drizzling most of the day so we came in early. We watched our programs until bedtime.
Friday, Jan 24th, 2020……  Got round two of the dog walking done early this morning. I put the doggies through their training for treats each day out there after they have run and played. Of course, I have to hose off monster puppy because if she is out there with Quincy, she insists on taking off on her own and going up and down her ‘dragstrip’ of water out in the field!  I made us breakfast and cleaned up and rested for a bit before going out to work on the Honda. Yesterday I went online and ordered a fuse cutoff switch for when we tow the car. This wires into the acc fuse box and mounts in the dash and enables me to switch off the 12v that is running when we tow. This will help keep the battery from going dead. We’ve only had this happen recently but, on those days when the battery was dead it was because we towed longer distances, which will kill the battery - unless I stop every 200 miles and run the car for a few minutes – which I didn’t do!  Duuhh!  Normally, we only try to drive only about 250 miles in a day.  Some days of this trip we did over 350!   So, today I pulled everything under the dash just to check it out and see where I can mount it. There are YouTube videos for everything and I was able to check one out specifically for my make/model/year. So, I’m ready when the switch gets here. I also want to replace my electrical cord between the motorhome and car. It’s been used on three motorhomes now and is patched and fraying and cracking. Time to replace it. I needed to double check my cord before I go online to order to make sure I get the right one.
I finished up my laundry task and that was it for the day. The weather here is gloomy and/or drizzling. I guess last week we had some significant rain because the ditch out by the street is filled up and the lawn is really squishy! My carport guys should be able to work through the day once they get here. The carport is on level gravel so it should go easily. Still no final date set but I’m in no hurry. 

Saturday, Jan 25th, 2020……  Not much going on today. I still have two dogs (plus one lady) to take care of. But they are not a problem. The girls go out to the ‘west forty’ and run and pee and poop. Then they get their treats – after earning them with a few tricks each. After I cleaned them up and fed them, I took off to Walmart to get some bacon and a few other things. After making bacon and eggs for breakfast, I headed out to the motorhome for a few hours. I still have some Mecum Auctions - that I had taped out there while on our trip - to watch. Lydia spent the day kicking back and watching her programs in her office. I got out some salmon and we had that with some sliced potatoes for dinner. We each watched tv in our rooms before calling it a night.

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