About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #9 – Randy’s B-Day and Adjusting to the News

Wednesday, Jan 29th, 2020……  HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDY!!!  Today, Lydia spent most of the day resting quietly and getting appointments scheduled. She got a few calls today from friends and family but for the most part she just rested and watched tv. We have an oncology appointment on Monday. This office is the same as where she went for her colon issues and she will have the same doctor that helped her before. That made her feel comfortable because she likes the staff there already and they were quick to help make sure she can get in to the pet scan and the wound center asap.
I needed to go get some rock salt for the water softener so I took off to go do that. I also took half of the plastic bottles and cans we have had stacked up, to recycle while I was out.

I think we are doing ok, given the circumstances. We both know that this is a long process and we are steadying ourselves for that. We also know there will be bumps in the road to get over but with both of us (and my sister) working together, we will get through it.
I went to the store after breakfast and got a few things for the week, most of it for lunch. Later, my sister called and asked if we were going to play bingo. Lydia didn’t want to go but wanted me to, so I did. I couldn’t bring myself to tell the ladies there about her. Maybe next week. I did win two games. Penny won the blackout and was the big winner.
Later, I made us burritos for dinner and we watched tv until bedtime. I know she was awake for a while and then finally slept. Around three, I woke up and let Rylee out and then had trouble going back to sleep. I think I slept on and off for a bit so I eventually left the room and settled in my office recliner with a blanket and turned the tv on. I have nothing planned for tomorrow so I can rest then.       

Thursday, Jan 30th, 2020…… I had Rylee up and out early and got her fed. Lydia got up and I started breakfast. I made us bacon and eggs but she ate only a portion of it. She said she had taken a hydrocodone and her stomach was a bit upset and nothing tasted good. After a while, she slept in her chair so I went out to the motorhome to try to catch up on my taped shows out there. Later, I came in to check on her and saw my sister had come by and I left them there to visit. She got calls from the pet scan facility and radiation/chemo and got those scheduled. All for next week. She also heard from her nephrologist, who has made some changes to her meds now that she knows her diagnosis. They set up two more lab draws in the next few weeks to monitor the new numbers. Sis had made some soup and brought that over and she said it hit the spot. Later, I went to Jack in the box and got us dinner there, which she ate and said it was good but she doesn’t want to eat too much because it makes her bloated. 
The folks at Quality Carports said they would have a crew here on either Saturday or Sunday to deliver and put up the carport. I was in no hurry so that would work. BUT – at 6:20pm this evening there was a knock on the door!  Three installers were here and asked if they could work tonight to put it up!  I was shocked that they were here two days early but said ok, but I thought that it would be tough to do in the dark out there. Turns out I was wrong!  They worked like a team on fire and got everything unloaded, laid out, and prepped really quickly. They stood up the supports and then leveled and plumbed them and then attached the roof. From the door knock to their truck pulling away, the whole thing took right at 1 hour!  I was blown away!  Lydia called my sister and she came over to watch and take pictures. I liked the quality of the product so I am very happy. It was worth the $695.00!  

This will be the covered area for the boat when I get it out of the shop garage (but not until spring).            
Friday, Jan 31st, 2020…… I think we both slept better last night. I got up and out early again this morning. Sis was already out in the field with Quincy so I let Rylee out to run with Q. Then we got them in and fed. I headed off to Kevin’s to meet my sister and have breakfast. I brought back Lydia’s order and then left again with the rest of my bottles and cans for recycle. I stopped by and got my sister and she loaded her cans and bottles and we went to Albany and stopped at the recycling place first. I had received a call that my new glasses were ready so we next headed off to go get them. Once that was done, we headed over to Kohls because she had a coupon to use today. We also stopped at Summit Hardware because she had a $5.00 coupon for there too. I dropped her off and came back home. Lydia was resting but needed to get showered because she had labs to do today. We got that done and came home and I fixed tilapia and angel hair pasta and green beans for dinner. Lydia is doing pretty good with everything going on. She feels better now that all of her appointments are set for next week. She’s still working on some of her mail order prescriptions and some that they couldn’t fill because they are over-the-counter meds that we need to get ourselves.
We both settled in and watched our shows until bedtime.    

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