About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #8 – Labs and Doctors Appointments


Sunday, Jan 26th, 2020……  Another light day. I had some more stuff to bring in from the motorhome and I got that done this morning. Sis was coming back today but her flight is so late she will just go home and sleep and then and come back in the morning to get Quincy. The weather here is rain, rain, rain. Nothing heavy – just drizzles and sprinkles – but it is off and on so we are still pretty soggy here. I brought in the electrical cord from the motorhome plus the extra that I needed to put a plug on. I spent some time researching the wiring pattern that these plugs are supposed to follow. Turns out there are two different ways to wire the different color wires. I had to take apart the old one to see which one was used and wired the new one to that. The old one then went into the trash. No worries – I found a deal on one from Amazon and placed that order. It will be here next week. I forgot to get something out for dinner so I went to Taco Bell and got us dinner. Lydia has been trying to get all of her shows watched on each of her tvs and moved from one room to the other to get started. I watched the pro bowl plus some races I had taped. We went to bed early but I had a hard time sleeping so I went back to the tv for a couple more hours. Once I came to bed, I slept well. Quincy has found out that it is quiet and warm in our closet so I put her blanket in there. And that is good because she is out of our path to the bathroom in the dark!    

Monday, Jan 27th, 2020……  I was up early and had the dogs walked and fed and had time to go get breakfast. This morning Lydia needed to go do labs. We timed it so she could also catch her dermatologist appointment right after that. The appointment went quickly but the doctor was backed up so we sat in the waiting room for a bit. After that, I got us home and Lydia got her foot up. She couldn’t eat before labs, so I fixed her an early lunch. Sis came by after that and we visited for a bit. She took Quincy and went home and I went out for a few more hours of Mecum Auctions in the motorhome. I think Lydia needs to remind me in the morning to get something out for dinner because I didn’t today – so I went off to Sum Yan for Chinese take-out. It was pretty good. We settled in and watched tv until bedtime.    
Tuesday, Jan 28th, 2020…… Today was not a good day. It started off way early (we left the house at 6:00am) because we had a change in the ortho appointment due to the doctor’s surgery schedule. Once we got into the room and the doctor came in, he gave us the news. She has diffused large B-cell lymphoma. Cancer. Not what we wanted to hear. It is treatable with 70-80% success ratio. Even thou this is coming from a non-oncologist, we choose to take it as better news. He will be handing her off to oncology. Next steps are wound care for the edema on her heel. They need to make sure it doesn’t become infected, which will not be good for her system. Following that, she will be referred to an oncologist for treatment, most likely chemo. Needless to say, she (actually both of us) is having a hard time with this right now. I know she will start to take things in stride – which is what she always does, God bless her - in time. Please give her some time to process all of this before you reach out to her. Thanks.   

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