About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #51 – Yardwork, Painting and More Documents to Change


Saturday, June 27th, 2020……  Nothing planned today. I do need to sit down with both the Boeing Pension and the investment forms and get them filled out and signed and sent off. Still waiting on the social security form to arrive. The weather is weird today. Yesterday it was cloudy and then burned off to a nice hot sunny day. Today it is still cloudy and the forecast is for more of the same. Oh well. I was hoping to go out and mow today while the grass isn’t super long yet. We’ll see…
Okay, the grass is dry now but I have decided to hold off on mowing today. I guess I’m just being lazy. I got another package from Boeing today to fill out and return. It never ends!
Dinner tonight was bbq chicken wings. Easy and fast. I still want to use up the meat in the freezer. I guess I need to go shopping for some lettuce and also some Aunt Penny’s cheese sauce so I can make steak and baked potatoes and salad one night. Nascar is upping their schedule to get caught up. There are two races today and two tomorrow. Ok, one got rained out so there will be three tomorrow!  I watched the one today and then some other taped shows until bedtime.

Sunday, June 28th, 2020……  I thought I had all of my documents signed and ready to mail on Monday. But there are two that came yesterday that need a notary signature so I will call my attorney’s office Monday morning and ask Angela if I can stop by for her notary.
Three races today so the tv was on all day. I went and got breakfast and coffee. The girls at Starbucks surprised me with this gift.

One of the girls had mentioned Lydia’s passing to her manager and they had it ready for me the next time I stopped in.  Of course, I lost it right in the store! They are so sweet!
I came back and turned on the early race. I got some weeds pulled and the hanging flowers watered and made some lunch during a few breaks I took from the tv. I also worked on scanning more ‘Lydia’ photos into the computer. I think I’m about 1/3 done!    

Monday, June 29th, 2020……  I got up early this morning and walked monster puppy and then headed out. I stopped at Starbucks to thank Misty and her team for the nice gift they gave me yesterday. I showed them the picture of it hanging up on my porch and we had a nice visit. I left there and headed out again. Today I was meeting the girls for breakfast at Elmer’s in Albany. But first I had an appointment with Angela, at David Beckham’s office to notarize a couple of documents I needed for the Boeing Pension office. She made quick work of those for me and I made breakfast with no worries. On the way home, I stopped by my sister’s house and bought the doggie bed she got from Janice for the yard sale. It was what I would have bought at Costco next time I was there and this one was brand new and only cost me $10.00. I will keep this one in the Acadia for Rylee for some stability when she rides with me.
I got home and worked on my pension packet now that everything was signed. I made a copy and set it aside for now. I also boxed up all of Lydia’s mom’s and Grandma Mac’s photos and got those and the Boeing stuff to the post office to mail to her brother in Wisconsin.  Ed will be tasked with sorting through those photos and then forwarding to Stan. I couldn’t think of a better way to handle that project.  I also found my social security paperwork in the mail today so I quickly got that task completed so I could take that to the PO as well. A couple more tasks done... The process is slowly moving forward.
I had a pretty good window of good weather today so I went out and mowed the yard. I did about 10% of the field today too. Sis will be coming over tomorrow to finish that up and then we will pick up the clippings and go to the mulch place and that will be done – at least for another week or so since the grass is growing like crazy right now!
I heard from Rick and Janie that they have made the decision that they will not be coming up here to visit me any time soon. They are not traveling due to covid. Our state is actually stable, with only 3 counties in the state (up in the Portland area) having any increase in outbreaks. No plans right now for another shutdown. Businesses can remain open at this time but our mayor has decided, just today, to increase the order for everyone to wear face masks indoors in public places – she went from only select counties to a statewide order.
I also heard today from my friend and ex co-worker, Nancy, who lives in Missouri, who was checking in on me. I sure like to hear from friends from time to time, and am glad for the conversation.
After I finished up my tasks, I rested for a while then made dinner. Tonight, it was cheese quesadillas. I keep forgetting to get meat out of the freezer. I now have a big note on the counter to remind me for tomorrow!          

Tuesday, June 30th, 2020……  This morning I decided to get out early and work on my trailer. I got the marine paint opened and started in on the little parts I have on the worktables in the shop and outside on the bench. I got a first coat on everything, then cleaned up. This is oil-based paint so I am using disposable brushes, which makes it fairly easy. Then I started in on grass pickup. Sis came by to help.  I had a couple of loads dumped and she got them in the truck by herself. We didn’t have much lawn collection so I decided to go out and collect the grass in the field. That got us a pretty full load for the truck.  Once we wrapped that up, she, went home and I waited for Kirk and his guys to come do their weeding here and I told them to finish loading the truck with their flowerbed weeds. That really gave us a full load.  I went and picked up sis and we headed out to drop it off. This time the lady at the desk saw it as a ‘small’ load and only charged me ½ price ($4.25). Cool!
I dropped my sister back at home and came home and fixed spaghetti for dinner.  After that, I went out and got another coat of paint on the parts for the trailer. I still have to flip a couple of them and paint the underside plus there are a few larger parts outside that I need to bring in and paint. But it’s going well and I think I’m going to like the job when it’s finished.    

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