About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #77 – More Painting, Moving Furniture & Mowing the Lawn

Monday, October 5th, 2020…… Looks like we have one last day to paint! I started the day walking and feeding Rylee. Sis came by and brought Quincy. After she left, Teri came by with coffee. I had made breakfast but she only shared bacon with me. We had the new paint and we made quick work of the last coat of white and the first coat of black for the top. She has chosen black chalk paint for that, which turns out didn’t need two coats! Yay. Now, we just have to figure out how and when to get it moved over to the shop! But for now, we rest. She went to work and I spent the rest of the day doing my latest blog and posting that, then a few minutes working on my bills. I need to do a deep clean on the house but that probably will be tomorrow!  I had the rest of my deli sandwich for lunch and relaxed. I did go out later and straighten up the shop and got some of the brushes and rollers put away     

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020……  I had several things on my to-do list for today. First up was laundry. I got that going and then got out my steam mop. Today was the master bath. I moved out everything and got the cleaning done in there. Laundry was going throughout the day. Then it was out to the shop. I still didn’t like the paint job (it was that dam Walmart paint!) so I went out and put yet another coat on everything. We are leaving the doors for now. The original plan was to paint the frames white and the insert black, but she will be painting them with the chalk paint.  After that, I went back in and got out the vacuum and got that task completed. I fixed an early ‘linner’ and then rested for the evening. A bit later, I texted Teri and we met at Growlers for dessert. Only problem was that they weren’t open!  So, we drove over to the bowling alley for a drink instead. The lanes are open and they had maybe half the place going for league play. We sat back and watched and had a drink. She told me, “Now don’t get mad, but I am not keeping the unit we just painted! I’m afraid it is just too big for my small space. I will list it on Marketplace tonight”.  I thought so too, so, of course, I didn’t have any problem with that. It was only time and labor, which I have plenty of these days!  She has found a person with another unit that is actually a hair station that we will go look at tomorrow. No worries.  She said she was relieved that I wasn’t upset.  Later, I took her back to her car and then headed home.      

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020……  Today was another busy day. She texted me last night saying she had a lot of interest in the entertainment center, only having posted those two pics I shared on my last blog!   We both knew there are scammers out there but she has been communicating with a young lady who will be bringing help and cash in hand this morning. I moved it out of the shop and had everything waiting when she got there. We waited a few minutes and a young gentleman who was the pastor from the lady’s church showed up with a truck and a borrowed trailer. But no help. We got the two units loaded and tied up when mom came and paid for the unit. They went on their way. Teri called about the hair station and we went to look at it. Turns out it was only a few blocks from my sister’s house! This thing was custom made and beautiful and solidly built. The only problem was that it was one piece and super heavy. And tall! 

So, we had to go back to her shop and measure the ceiling height. We got there only to discover that she left her keys in her car at my house!  No worries, she said she could go to the shop next door and if they were open, we could measure the ceiling. We did that and found that this station was too tall to fit in her shop. So, we left and went back to the bowling alley for their famous burgers for lunch. When we got back, she went home and I rested for a while. My other task today was the lawn. We couldn’t do anything until it dried out so the plan was to do it in the afternoon.  Around 3:00pm, sis came by to help mow and we got that done and took the clippings to Central Bar and dumped them. That was enough for the day! I didn’t fix dinner because I was still stuffed from the burger. I sat and watched The Masked Singer. I missed my guesses on The Giraffe (who was Brian Austin Green). I thought it was Urkle (Jaleel White). I didn’t get The Dragon (Busta Rhymes) or The Gremlin (Mickey Rourke) so, I am 0 for 3 so far.  I do have guesses for some of the others we have seen so far. I think The Sun is Leann Rhimes, The Snow Owls are Clint Black and Lisa Hartman Black, Popcorn is Tina Turner, Seahorse is Carrie Underwood, and Whatchamacallit is John Legend. For The Crocodile, The Baby Alien, and The Serpent  - I have nothing so far but I am still thinking on those.   

Thursday, October 8th, 2020……  I got up early this morning and got Rylee out and walked. Then I received a text asking if I wanted a treat this morning?   “Come outside!”  Teri was heading off to Corvallis for an early doctor’s appointment and she stopped by on the way to bring me donuts!  Yaay!  How sweet!  I got a hug and she took off.  My job today was changing the oil on the new zero turn. They said I needed to change out the break-in oil after 5 hours of operation and I hit 5.3 after mowing yesterday. I moved the mower out and ran it to warm up the oil. I got it drained and the oil filter off.  When I got the zero-turn from Tractor Supply, they had included a quart of Cub Cadet oil and a Cub Cadet filter.  But it turned out that the filter was not for this new model and the specs said I needed two quarts of oil when you change the filter too. So, I headed up to Cascade Power and got the correct filter and another quart of oil and came back and finished that job. Meanwhile, I had to go get Rylee again because she took off to go across the street to see Ollie. Bad dog!  I came in and worked around the house a bit. I needed to remove the rubber bumper assembly off my vacuum because it was cracked and coming loose. I researched the web but that part is no longer manufactured and there are none to be found even on ebay. So, I went out and used gorilla glue on it and clamped it up. Later, I reinstalled it. It looks fine now

but I will use it next time and see if it holds up. Even if not, it still works so I’m good.    



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