About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #79 – Getting Punctured, More Furniture, & Meeting More Family


Tuesday, October 13th, 2020…… This morning I had to get up early and get moving. I had an 8:00am appointment with an acupuncturist in Corvallis. This was my initial meeting so it would be 2 hours long. She asked me all kinds of questions about my health and my lifestyle and my life today in general. I don’t claim to know all of the aspects of this art, but I was intrigued by everything I learned today. She started off with needles down my spine to “clear my system. I was in there to get treatment for headaches, earaches and hopefully to get my sense of smell (and taste) back. She moved on to the left side of my head. My history there is of shingles in that quadrant back in 2001. I don’t know if today’s symptoms are related to that or not, but she says probably. I just lost my sense of smell within the last three years. Anyway, after the treatment, I was able to breathe better through my nose. But I didn’t experience any great improvements and no smells yet but I will be going back next week for more treatment. Stay tuned….

After that, Teri texted to see how it went and told me to come by and visit because she was between customers. I did and we talked about another piece of furniture she was looking at. I told her I was free today and we could go after she had her last client at 3:00pm. But the guy (in Salem) wanted us there earlier in the day, so I volunteered to go look at it and buy it if it was nice. I made the drive and met the guy and bought the piece and we loaded it up. It was very well made out of nice hardwood and was yet another heavy item to move. I got back but went home to wait until later to bring it over and unload. Once I got there, we determined that we needed a third person to get it down on my little mover’s dolly so I called my sister and she came to help. We got it in with little issues and it fits exactly in the space she has! 

 I will be taking measurements and making her a small extension for her computer base behind the unit.    

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020……  I had a great night’s sleep last night!  Bonnie (the acupuncturist) had said I might. This morning the weather was crisper than normal!  It had been in the 50s early in the day but this morning when I took Rylee out, it was 45º. Sis came by with Q and then we went to Shirley May’s for breakfast. She dropped me off and left Quincy for a ‘spa day’ and headed home. She was going to Costco so I asked her to check on the stuffed salmon that I didn’t find last time. I went out and worked on building that piece for Teri and got that completed and painted. I gave it to her when I picked her up this afternoon. We were going to Salem to meet up with her son Matthew, and his wife Brandi, for dinner. They drive down from Vancouver and we drive up. The 45-mile drive up was pleasant. The weather was nicer today but it still didn’t get hot. Maybe in the low 60s. We had a nice dinner and a good time. They are fun kids! On the way back we stopped at a house where she had purchased some Christmas lights from. They were on the front step. We got those and we got back home and I dropped her off and headed back home. Sis had fed Rylee when she came to get Q so all I needed to do was let her out to potty. I watched tv until bedtime. A fun day!    

Thursday, October 15th, 2020……  Not much on the agenda today. I want to mow but the weather is not cooperating. I cleaned up some nails from some boards so I could stack them away. That was about it for the day. It rains and then the sun comes out. That’s sure good for the grass but not for drying it out enough for mowing. I have been out religiously starting the motorhome but this day it didn’t want to start without help from the booster switch (off the house batteries). I’m thinking about when I bought the starter batteries (back in 2012) so I probably will need new ones soon.  

Friday, October 16th, 2020……  I went out and checked the motorhome and sure enough, it wouldn’t start at all. Problem is the starter batteries are in the rear and the ladder has to be unhinged so I can swing it up for access. But there is not enough room since it’s parked pretty close to the rear wall!  So, I have to figure out an alternate plan for that. Tonight, I had defrosted a couple of the stuffed salmon and asked Teri to join me. 

But turns out I had to eat alone because she said she had got her flu shot and wasn’t feeling too well and needed to pass. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope the acupuncture works for you. Helped me with migraines in California.
