About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #80 – More Moving Stuff!


Saturday, October 17th, 2020…… Today, the weather is again kind of rainy, but the sun comes out later in the day and it dries out quickly. The temps have dropped several degrees in the morning. They say we have a run of sunny days coming soon, but I think we are getting close to winter up here!  I hung around the house most of the day, only venturing out to do some early-morning shopping at Walmart. I didn’t do anything yet to the motorhome, but I think I have a plan to get the bottom part of the ladder disassembled. Maybe Monday…

I ate the other stuffed salmon for dinner and watched my Nascar races and also caught up on one of my new favorite game shows – Master Minds. Plus, I went into the guest bedroom, where Frances has installed Disney Plus for me and where I have uploaded Peacock, to watch some of those shows for a while. I binge-watched all of Dale Earnhardt’s new series called Lost Speedways.   

Sunday, October 18th, 2020……  The weather is nicer today. No rain and none in the forecast. The sun came out and it ‘warmed’ up to the low 60s. The grass still can’t dry out enough to mow yet. Sis and Cherrelyn came by this morning to drop off 11 pumpkins. Yes, 11!  We are having a bbq here on Saturday and that day will include some pumpkin carving. Her daughter-in-law and two of her grandkids are coming up to visit this week. My house is better-suited for the crowd. More on this as the week goes by…

Later in the morning, I dropped by Teri’s house to say hi then went over to my sister’s place with my truck, loaded with a wheelbarrow, and ramps. The wheelbarrow is for moving the rock she’s had delivered for her side yard. The ramps are for moving her new fridge in and out of the truck. Her neighbor, Jeremiah, already had her entry door to the garage off the hinges and was taking the water line off of her old fridge when I got there. We got that fridge moved out and plugged in and then he and I took off and met the girls at Janice’s house. We took her front door off and I got the water line off her fridge. But, oops, I thought she said she turned off the water. What she said was she turned off the icemaker! So, we needed ‘cleanup on aisle three’ after we shut the valve off!  It took all of us but we got the thing in the truck and over to her house, offloaded and installed with no issues.   


Then Cherrelyn and I scooped up several wheelbarrow loads of gravel and Jeremiah moved them over to his house next door. These are shots from when they first dropped off the load. 

Once that was done, we took Janice’s hand truck back to her and then I headed home to rest up for a few hours. Later, I met Teri at Gametime for dinner and a beer. Nice relaxing time!  That was a nice reward for the day!   Except for more elation later when the Dodgers won the game and will now go to the World Series!  I just hope this is the year they don’t go flat in that series, like in the past years.   

Monday, October 19th, 2020……  This morning I had a super early dental appointment – 7:30am!  Luckily, Dr. Tolman’s office is only about a mile away. Today’s visit included x-rays, a cleaning, and an exam (no issues on anything).  I got all of that done and headed off to find breakfast and then went home. I really didn’t have anything else planned for the day. I decided to go out and work on my boat carpet. I managed to get it all glued down. Next up will be to trim it and secure the edges as needed. I cleaned up and came in and rested for a bit, then left to go get dinner from jack in the Box.  I settled in and watched Dancing With the Stars before calling it a night. I’m enjoying the dancing and the judging but hate the hosting!  She is a joke!  Boy, I sure miss Tom and Erin!

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020…… On today’s schedule was Pointe Pest Control. Kirk and Carter were also due today. The weather had been just ok. No rain, but it’s cloudy and misting off and on. I got a text from Teri that she has been shopping on Marketplace again! She has found a desk that, with a little fixing up, would be perfect in her shop as her work station.  I needed to get my guy in and out before I could take her to go pick it up. Carlos (new guy for me) showed up and was in and out pretty quickly. The weather cooperated and the sun came out for most of the day!  I was able to leave but first I needed to coordinate a job I wanted Kirk and Carter to do for me today. They will be going to my sister’s house and picking up the rest of her gravel to bring to my place. I told Kirk if I wasn’t there, to dump it on a wooden ‘X’ that I would put out where I needed it to go. Teri and I drove over to Albany and got the desk. She was right – it did need some loving! We loaded it and then went to a few places, one to The Depot for lunch, and then to Habitat for some browsing. I bought another metal rake and she got some fasteners for her mirror. And the third to Hobby Lobby and then to Big Lots and then to Rick’s Sew & Vac & Spas. The last one was for me. I wanted to check if they might be able to get that one part for my Hoover Vacuum. No luck. That’s ok, I think I’ve got it fixed anyway. They did have a nice spa in their showroom, but all I can right do now is look, until I get the deck project off and running. Maybe next year. We got back and maneuvered the desk into its new home. I had some adjustments to make because it was out of alignment. A few new screws helped with that. I still want to make a couple of supports in my shop and bring over to retrofit. I came home and rested from the day. I had some chips for a snack because I was still kind of full from lunch.  I watched the Dodgers win the first game of the World Series!     




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