About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #82 – Running Errands, Moving Furniture, and Mowing Again


Sunday, October 25th, 2020…… Sorry, I forgot last time to post the pic of Rylee’s new rope!


I slept in a bit today then got up, showered, and walked and then fed butthead. I did some minor cleanup and then texted Teri to see if I could take her and Olivia and Emmett to breakfast. We went to Appletree and had a great time. We stopped back at the house and they got their stuff together and she and I took them back to their house in Jefferson (about 17 miles). We came back and then it was time to call Rife’s. She had passed on a Saturday delivery of her loveseat and chair because she was with me so we had to go pick it up. Hey, she had me for my free labor!  I brought the truck over and we went and got the loveseat by itself. I didn’t want to take both pieces because the store is just up the street from her place. They loaded it for us and once we muscled in her room, we headed back for the chair. That was where the problems started!  They put the rocker in the truck and she didn’t test it first. There was a ‘flat’ spot when you rocked. It looked like the oak runner underneath was dented which caused the problem. We went back (without the chair) to see if they could exchange it. They offered her the floor model which looked really good so we went home and loaded up the old one and made the swap. When we got it in and set up, we both immediately noticed that the colors from the two pieces were a bit off.  She was frustrated but kept her cool when she called them. The store manager had already left for the day and wouldn’t be back until Tuesday. Teri covered both pieces expecting them to be exchanged next week. I headed back home and spent the rest of the day resting and watching baseball and Nascar. The Texas race was rained out but I still had other races to watch.         

Monday, October 26th, 2020……  This morning the weather was chilly! We had our first freeze warnings and this morning the leaves on the tree next to the driveway all fell off at once!  I checked the grapevines and they, too, had lost all of the green!  The leaves were brown and mostly on the ground. The grapes are totally gone too! Later, I picked up Teri and we headed down to Eugene to do some shopping. We had three places to go and got that done pretty quickly. We stopped at Panda Express and had lunch and then headed back home. I said my goodbyes and went back home to feed Rylee and watch some more tv before crashing for the night.  

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020……  Today I was headed for my acupuncture appointment. But when I saw the card, I realized my mistake. It was for yesterday morning and I missed it! I called and Bonnie called back later and we rescheduled for this afternoon. So, I planned my day around that appointment. I drove over to Albany and stopped at Roger’s for breakfast and then went to Lowes and picked up some of the carpet blades that I was looking for. I also stopped back at St Vincent de Paul’s thrift store to see if they still had that coffee table I spotted before. Nope. So, I went back home and rested up and then drove over to Corvallis for my appointment. On the way home, Teri asked for some help with her mirror install. That was an easy fix and we also worked some more on her new-to-her old desk. The top is kind of warped and the middle drawer hangs up so I need to bring back some shims to help with that. She said that Rife’s will be re-ordering her a new chair from the same timeframe as the loveseat so hopefully it will match. I came back home and watched the Dodger game. It was tough to watch and I thought it was going to come down to game 7 but they pulled it out! Yaay team!   

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020…… Today the plan is to mow the lawn. I needed to wait until it dried out a bit so I washed some clothes and towels. I finished up while trying to watch the rained out Nascar race. It had rained there for the last three days but they got it in today! I stopped it short and went out and got the lawn started and finished.  I didn’t do the back field but still managed to fill up the truck with grass to haul off tomorrow. I came in and cleaned up a bit then went and picked up Teri to go to Growlers for a nice quiet dinner. I brought the shims and fixed her desk before we left. I dropped her off back home and headed back home to walk Rylee before it got too cold to do that. We settled in for a nice evening. Rylee slept and I watched the rest of the Nascar race then The Amazing Race and then The Masked Singer. I guessed Wendy Williams for The Lips. I think The Broccoli is Kevin James and The Squiggly Monster is Snoop Dog. The others I think are younger celebrities so I have no clue. It was late but I got all of those shows watched before calling it a night.     

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