About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #2 – Happy Birthday Penny!

Tuesday, January 5th., 2021…… I have been working with Cherrelyn these past few days putting together a surprise birthday party for my sister. So, I have been coordinating with the folks coming and also went out trying to gather up stuff for decorations.  I found some streamers at the Dollar Tree but they didn’t have much else. I need a party store. I got back home and fixed dinner and watched tv until bedtime.        

Wednesday, January 6th., 2021……  The weather is off and on again. One day it’s sunny and nice, the next it’s cloudy and/or rainy. I got Rylee out with a minimum of drizzle and then left for the morning.  Today I drove to Albany and hit Hobby Lobby. I needed some party decorations. I found a few and then stopped by Walmart and got some groceries including the potatoes for the dinner. Once I got that all home and put away, I fed butthead and made a chicken pie and settled in for the night. Tonight, was The Masked Dancer. I have a few guesses for the dancers and the one I was feeling comfortable on was The Ice Cube. I guessed Bill Nye and was right! I don’t think I will get the others that easy, but right now I’m two for two!      

Thursday, January 7th., 2021……  This morning I was up early and had Rylee out and walked and fed and then took off. I wanted to hit Costco but stopped off at Starbucks and got coffee and dropped one off with Teri, who had her first client of the day. I drove to Albany and went through the Jack in the Box drive-thru and took that to the Costco parking lot to eat. After that I went in and got my items. I bought a box of lobsters, a big bag of scallops, and a package of six ribeyes. Don’t ask!  While I was in the store, I got a text from Cherrelyn that Penny was leaving to go to Costco!  Good thing I had a head start on her so I was able to get done and out before she showed up!  I got all of that home and stored away, and rested for a bit. I texted Teri and she came over after her last client of the day. She brought the salad fixins for tomorrow and we put those away and then we drove out to Sweet Home and went to The Point for ‘linner’. She had chicken strips and I chose their bbq brisket sandwich. Wow, was that good! After we ate, we came back to my place and opened up the party stuff and started putting it out. I only need to do the streamers tomorrow. I skipped on dinner and snacked on a pear and watched tv until bedtime 

Friday, January 8th., 2021……  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!  Again, I was up and out early. I didn't go anywhere today though. Today was clean-up day. I made the bed and dusted and vacuumed the house and got the potatoes cleaned and wrapped and in the oven. I cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen and rested for a while. I finished watching Wonder Woman 1984 and then started hanging streamers. I went out and started the bbq and cleaned the grates. I got a call later in the afternoon from Teri. She said she wasn't feeling well and would have to pass on the party.  Bummer. I hope she feels better. Butch was first to arrive, followed by Janice and then Jeremiah and Kayla. I asked Janice to put Teri’s salad together so that was done.  Cherrelyn and Penny got there shortly after that. SURPRISE! She had no idea!  I so much enjoyed the look of surprise when she walked through the door!  It was priceless. You usually don't fool her that often. Cherrelyn got the lobster and scallops going. I heated up the potatoes and then went out and got the steaks started. We had a very nice meal! The party ended up going for a while. But everyone was ok to drive home and I rested and watched a little bit of tv before calling it a night. Fun day!      


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