About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #6 – Out of Lockdown & Movin On!


Friday, January 22nd., 2021……  Day 8  Wow, this is bad!  Nothing to do and no one to do it with. I haven’t heard from too many folks so that makes it even worse. I still take Rylee out for our morning walk and we are out so early that no one is out with us to run into.  I finished up the photo scanning project I started many months ago. What’s left now is all of the pictures on our computers that I need to go through and add to the powerpoint. The freezer is almost cleaned out!  I thought about making potatoes for dinner but when I went to pull some out from that drawer, I found that they were all soft and squishy!  I cleaned up that mess and decided to make tater tots instead. I also pulled out 6 hamburger patties and took those out to the grill to cook. I ate two of them with the tots and some muffins I got from the freezer. Leftovers for tomorrow… I watched more tv until calling it a night. I usually do pretty well during the days but this place is way too quiet at night!  I lay in bed and start thinking about things and that makes me too antsy and I can’t stay in bed. You would think that it would get better in time….. 

Saturday, January 23rd., 2021……  Day 9   Another day with no communication. I heard from Treasa and we talked for a good long time. Sorry T!  But it makes me feel better to be talking with people. Earlier I made due with one of my burgers and some toast for breakfast and later ate another burger and the tots for dinner. I found more info on my race schedules online and finished getting that worked into a spreadsheet and printed so the binder is done now.      

Sunday, January 24th., 2021……  Day 10 Last day!  I have been filling out that covid questionnaire every day now. But given that it’s Sunday, I don’t know if I will hear from anyone with follow up questions.  I plan to stay home today just to make sure I have been a good boy and did the full ten days. Ok, that didn’t happen!  I made it through my walk and then took off and got some breakfast from Jack in the Box and coffee from 7-11.  I came back home though and watched football and paid some bills. I did go back out to Taco Bell to get dinner.  Another day in the life of a dull boy!    

Monday, January 25th., 2021……  HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTA!

Also HAPPY BELATED (Jan 10) BIRTHDAY SANDIE!!  I'm sorry I forgot. Covid does that I guess! 

After walking Rylee, I wanted to go off to Walmart to restock my fridge and cupboards. I think I succeeded in getting almost everything out of both freezers that needed to be eaten. There were some items that I wouldn’t ever eat (like some Atkins frozen meals) so those were dumped. Anyway, I got everything stocked back up so I’m good for a few weeks now. Teri and I have been texting back and forth a few times during my lockdown.  She says she feels it’s not working out for us and I agreed so we won’t be seeing each other anymore. But we’re still friends and I enjoyed our time together.

I haven’t heard back from the doctor so I sent a message that I opted out of getting any further questionnaires and they responded that the form is standard practice for covid patients. Still no follow up call or instructions.

The weather has been off and on for the last few days. We get cold sunny days and then we get warmer rainy days. Go figure!  I still don’t have the desire to go out to the shop these days. I also have the irrigation valve and pipes to repair but haven’t got to those yet either. Maybe when we get a few days of sunshine and warmer temps. The starter batteries on my motorhome have gone down again. These are brand new batteries!  I know that there is a draw somewhere but I haven’t gone out there either so that will have to wait too. The gravel project around and in the carport is still half done. I need another round of grass killer in one area but I need to wait until it’s dried out for it to be effective. Then I can cover that and the rest of the area with more rock.


More projects, but hey, I’ve got the time now! Where else am I going!  Later, I made myself some lunch and then later, for dinner, I pulled out a couple of potatoes and sliced them and fried them and made some creamed corn and ate the last two hamburger patties. I watched tv and then headed off to bed after an exhausting day. 

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