About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #7 – Getting Back Out and About & Dealing With the Weather

Tuesday, January 26th., 2021…… The weather forecast for today is possible snow. They say it could easily hit all of the lower elevations this time. But likely wouldn’t be too much or too long. But I didn’t have too much planned for today so I hung around the house most of the day and didn’t have to worry about the weather.  I got a call from Sandie and while we were talking, it started to snow!  It got so thick and heavy you couldn’t see 100 yards out. But, as soon as it hit the ground, it was water. Nothing stuck at all. I saw later on Facebook that my friends, Paul and Alice had posted a video and it was coming down pretty heavily there and they had a nice 4-5 inches on their car!  Funny because Dallas is around 350’ in elevation and the sign at our local airport says we are at 340’.  I got nothing and they got several inches! Go figure! I fixed some sandwiches for dinner which fit the bill and were fast and easy! I ended up the night watching tv until bedtime.       

Wednesday, January 27th., 2021……  After walking Rylee, I visited with my sister for a while. She had brought Quincy over for a run with Rylee. It is still way too wet out there for any kind of activity and more rain is on the way. After they left, I headed out for a while. I wanted to go to Albany and hit The Home Depot. I was looking for another DeWalt tool. This time it was a 4 ½ inch saw which I had seen they had in stock the last time I was there. Not to be though and they couldn’t even place an order online because they were out of stock.  I ended up ordering this one on ebay.  I already have an order in for a DeWalt oscillating saw on ebay. I have a lesson learned to share also. I found a rebuilt DeWalt Chop Saw, which retails new for over $350.00, on a website for only $66.90. So, I ordered it via PayPal. That was a while back and it hasn’t come yet so I looked up the website. I found it is likely a scam and they are going for the credit card number. I’m glad I used PayPal so I’m covered. Lesson learned – if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is!

I heated a chicken pot pie for dinner and received a call from Frances and forgot to set the timer!  She said we were on the phone an hour by then so I knew dinner was done!  Whew! Later, I watched The Masked Dancer. They unmasked The Hammerhead.  I didn’t get Vinny Guadagnino, pretty much because I didn’t know who he was!  I did get another clue for The Sloth though. I think it is someone from Dancing With the Stars and had thought it might be Mark Balas or Derek Hough. But the new clue was 18. That was the only season on DWTS that Max won the trophy ball. So, now I’m thinking it’s Maxim Chemerkovskiy. I also think the Exotic Bird is a gymnast, maybe Simon Biles. That was a guess from one the judges but the others, like Oscar DeLahoya and Tara Lipinski I had before they did. We’ll see as they get eliminated. 

Thursday, January 28th., 2021…… No rain and nice skies for a change (at least in the morning) so I made another trip out today, this time to the Home Depot in Corvallis. This was for sliding shelves for one of my kitchen cabinets. This would be the match to the ones I have for pots and pans, which I really like! 

Turns out they didn’t have any so I have to again go online to search for the right size. I made the last of my stuffed salmon for dinner so now I need to go back to Costco for another tray. I will need a list before I go.

Friday, January 29th., 2021…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDY!  I was up early (couldn’t sleep) and showered and dressed and had Rylee out early. The weather is nicer today with no rain in the forecast until later tonight. I went out and picked up a breakfast order I called in to Kevin’s and brought that and Starbucks coffee back home and ate.  A bit later, I called and talked with Randy for a while. I had sent him birthday money via Venmo and he said it came through with no problems. So far, I like using that to pay and receive monies. I did write a $10.00 check (co-pay) to my acupuncturist today but I will check to see if they use Venmo. I can only go to see Bonnie once a month now as my insurance has changed a little this year. But that’s ok because that works for me. I originally went there for treatment for my lack of smell, which she’s not done much to help improve so far.  I don’t always have a headache which she works on each time so we can stretch these appointments out now, I think.  I received the oscillating saw in the mail today and went out and stuck in a battery. I like it!  Can’t wait for the saw to come in! Getting the saw made me open up my checkbook and my spreadsheet to log in everything. I have found that I don’t balance my checkbook anymore but still find it useful to log in all of the monies in and out in the checkbook register. My re-occurring bills get moved over to the spreadsheet so I can use that for tracking almost everything if need be.  I spent the rest of the day hanging around watching tv. I have been binge-watching reruns of Friends on TBS. I always loved that show!  Nascar, Formula 1, Barrett Jackson and Indy Car are getting closer to their season openers and that excites me. Can’t wait!

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