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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #23 – Working on the Trailer and the Truck


Wednesday, March 31st., 2021……  The plan today was to go find the locking pins for the trailer. After walking and feeding Rylee, I drove off to Albany and went to Lowes and then to Home Depot. Nothing there so I went to the Walmart in Albany. Nope. I headed back home and stopped at the local Walmart. They had what I wanted but didn’t have two with the same keys. At Home Depot, I bought a six-foot piano hinge and was ready to design and build that mirror system in the house garage. With the two-car garage, one door is almost always open and the other almost always closed. It’s hard to explain but with the mirror, I will be able to see out from my doorway and, with the mirror, will be able to spot a vehicle in the driveway. The piano hinge is because the mirror will be adjustable plus the electrical panel is on the wall behind it so I will need access to that. I got the hinge partially installed and then called it a day. I heated up the leftover ravioli and watched Tough as Nails and then The Masked Singer before calling it a night. I had no clue as to Grandpa Monster.  Logan Paul - some YouTuber or somebody.  I think The Piglet could be Nick Lachey. I don’t remember who guessed Bobby Brown as The Crab but after hearing his voice, I’m sure they are right. I’m still working on the others.   

Thursday, April 1st., 2021……  Sis came by early this morning to walk Quincy. She has a 9:30am appointment today for her second covid vaccine. We had enough time so we went to Kevin’s for breakfast. While we were there, I texted Randy asking him where he got the lock for the trailer. He said he stopped and got it at a Camping World on the way up. After a nice meal, we got back home and Sis left Q and I worked on my latest blog while she was gone. After that, I worked on my bills and then went on to MyChart to inform my doctors that I have had my covid shots and also to ask about getting my osteoporosis infusion. Later, I took off and headed down to Camping World in Eugene to look for the locks. They didn’t even have one in stock!  So, I decided to go check the Eugene Walmart and managed to find them there. Yaay! I got back home and rested for a bit. Before long, it was time for dinner. I don’t know if you’ve seen those 3-packs of u-bake sourdough bread at Costco or not, but I decided to try them. Back in my Boeing Records Center days, we had this guy and his catering truck who would come around to our building in the mornings and his cook would make the BEST fried egg and sausage sandwiches. She used baguettes of sourdough bread and they were humongous! And delicious. So, I decided to try to make one tonight. I baked the loaf per the instructions, and cooked up some turkey sausage and fried an egg. I cut off a generous hunk of bread and assembled a huge sandwich. It was very tasty. And filling. I settled in and watched tv until calling it a night around 10:00pm.       

Friday, April 2nd., 2021…… This morning I woke to another beautiful day!  The mornings are still a little chilly but warm up quickly. Today, it was going to get to the high 60s!   Rylee’s drag strip is now dried up. That means the lawn is getting closer to being mowed. Just not quite yet. With the nice sunny weather, I wanted to work outside for the day. So, I finished putting the hinge on the mirror and got it to the garage and in position to install. It is pretty heavy so I had to prop it up before filling in all of the screws on the wall bracket. I managed to get it installed and adjusted. I can now see out from the entry door. I parked the car out in the driveway in front of the other door so you can see my view out from my door steps. You may have to zoom in to see more... 


Next task was to add some power strips to the shop garage. I chose to put them on the steel racks and drilled them out and screwed to the beams. Then I headed in to the workshop and installed a new work light above my workbench. Those new 4' led shop lights work so well, I think I might add some others throughout my shop! After that, I cleaned up the room a little (still more to do) and brought Rylee in and we both rested a bit. I cut up the rest of the sourdough and had that for lunch. Later, for dinner, I only wanted something light, so I ate the remaining cobb salad before it expired.     

Saturday, April 3rd., 2021….. Nothing on the agenda for today. But I wanted to be outside again so I chose to drill out the trailer for those locks. That went pretty easily


so I started in on taking the Toyota headlights out and installing the new ones. You can see the difference from old to new…


I decided to go ahead and order a new grill while I had everything apart. It should be here on Friday so I won’t plan on driving the truck until then.  Once that was done, I came in and kicked back for the day. There are no races or auctions (or anything else!) this Easter weekend, so I was able to catch up on some of my taped programs. I have started watching reruns of the 2015/16 series - The Librarians. The library annex that they use in the show is supposedly in the pillar of an old bridge. That bridge is the St. Johns Bridge and is here in the Portland area. I did some research and found they also shot many episodes in the local area. So, I have been watching with a renewed interest, paying attention to the locations. The latest one I watched was shot at the power plant at the Willamette Falls in Oregon City. This is a very picturesque site that I always show folks on the way to the Portland airport. 

For dinner, I decided to go out to Taco Bell. Once I got back and ate, I settled in for the evening and watched tv until bedtime.    

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