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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #24 – Finally Getting to Mow!


Sunday, April 4th., 2021……  HAPPY EASTER!  Another really spectacular day! I was up and out with Rylee and made myself a nice breakfast. I really had nothing planned for today. So, I decided to take a drive up to Foster Lake. Now that the boat is ready, I wanted to check out the water level and the dock area. Even though the day was beautiful, there were hardly any people on Foster. The water level is way down right now. Shoreline areas that I usually fish from are now 10 feet farther from the water! I drove on past and went to Green Peter Reservoir (yeah, that’s the name!). This one is way bigger than Foster and runs into it via a dam. They still have the lake level up close to normal but it looks like they are about to let it out to go to Foster pretty soon. The problem here is that at the one launch area that I like, they, for some reason, have pulled the boat dock out of the water!  I will have to go back and check on it before I bring the boat up there. I got back home and rested for the day. I decided to go get dinner out today. I chose Jack in the Box and came back and ate.  Tv until bedtime.  

Monday, April 5th., 2021……  This morning would have been my acupuncture appointment with Bonnie but she called last night and said she was under the weather. We rescheduled. I was still up early and showered and got out with Rylee. Then I went off to get breakfast and kept going. I wanted to go get some treats for butthead, so I headed off to Corvallis to go to Pet Smart. I also needed to go find a spark plug for my McCullough chain saw, so I stopped at Home Depot for that.  I didn’t have the plug with me so I will have to come back! Duuhh!  When I got back, I walked the yard again to check on the mushy-ness. It was looking better! I thought I would get the zero turn out and test it on the area just outside next to the garage. Problem was the truck is out of commission for now, so what would I do with the clippings?  I re-visited that truck issue again and decided that since the light assemblies needed to go on first, I could just install those for now. Then it would be legal to drive. So, I finished that up and moved the truck out and got the plastic tarp put in the bed. I needed to string trim around the perimeter first and then got the mower out and cut the grass. I have a three-bagger system on my new zero turn and was surprised when I emptied it that two out of the three were full from just that little area!  I’m probably going to have to make a few trips to the recycle place with the grass when I mow for this first time!  I got everything cleaned up and was done for the day. I plan on mowing tomorrow. Tuesday, April 6th., 2021…… I rested in bed for a few extra minutes this morning but eventually got up and going. It was chilly out on our walk but the sun was already out and there were no clouds so I knew it would warm up quickly. I waited until about 11:30 or so and then went out and did some more string trimming prior to mowing. Yesterday was the first time I was able to use the new DeWalt 20v trimmer that Randy got me for my birthday last year. Out of habit, I put on my eye and hearing protection but didn’t need the ear protection because this is a quiet electric motor! It made quick work of the task today and I was ready to mow. But first, I had to get out the long extension ladder and get it set up for Kirk. I was going to have him clean out one section of my rain gutters that have taken on their own life!  There are plants and small trees growing up out of the dirt in one corner of the gutter next to the house! 

I had seen this last year but it recently just took off.  Now it needs to be cleaned out.  So, I got the extension ladder out and set up. I decided to go take a look and climbed up there. Turns out it was just a section about 18 inches long and was super easy to just roll out! I carried it down and took a picture of it to show Kirk.


Then I started in on the mowing. It took me about 2 hours to get everything done. I turned up the cut on the mower so I wouldn’t kill the grass. That was also a plus because I didn’t have too much grass to dump. I got everything loaded up in the truck just as Kirk came back. He and Justin had another job and were using Justin’s dump trailer for lawn debris. He said they would take my grass too!  They moved everything from my truck to theirs and headed off. I put a $20.00 bill in his truck so they could got get lunch. I was done for the day.      

Wednesday, April 7th., 2021…... This morning the weather changed a bit. It was so nice yesterday and then today was cloudy and cooler. I knew this was coming so that’s why I mowed yesterday!  I walked butthead and then took off to get breakfast and then went on to Albany to Lowes and Home Depot. I was looking for a spark plug for my chain saw (yes, I had the old one this time!) and also a board to use to build a shelf in my office. Later, I worked on straightening up in the shop after my truck light project in there. Still waiting on the grill to arrive (scheduled for Fri.).  I came back in and read my email from my doctor about my Reclast infusion. They have had such problems getting this coordinated!  I called the infusion center and they hadn’t seen any orders from the doctor, so back to them again! It’s unusual for this to happen because they have always been so organized.  I made grilled beef and cheese sandwiches for dinner and settled in later and watched Tough as Nails and The Masked Singer. I am holding strong on Bobby Brown as The Crab and Nick Lachey as Piglet. I have been waiting for Nick Cannon to emerge and figured he would show up in some corny way, so when The Bulldog came out and sang, I thought it was his voice. I was sure I had figured it out when there was no voting. Niecy Nash, who was filling in for him as the host, said she would eliminate the singer tonight. That was my sure thing!   After watching both programs, I called it a night.    

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