About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #26 – More Trailer Work, Fishing, & Mowing Again!


Monday, April 12th., 2021……  Weather is beautiful again today!  Still very cold in the early mornings, but it warms up quickly, especially in the sun!  I had Rylee out and walked and headed off to get breakfast and watched tv while I ate. After that, I had to get outside, so I moved the flatbed trailer out into the sun and went to work installing those tiedowns I bought the other day. They do take a little work because they are recessed into the decking so I have to gouge out space for them. But after the first one, I had it down.


Rather than screw them down, I went out and got some bolts with flat heads just to make them stronger and to make the install look better. I put one of the hold downs in today – the other three I will plan for tomorrow. I came in and rested for the day. I thought about my profile and after sleeping on it last night, I knew what I wanted to say. I got a draft going and then transferred to my new Match profile. I published my profile and set my search parameters and that allowed me to see the profiles for all in those parameters. But because I hadn’t formally registered or had given them any PayPal authorization yet, I couldn’t respond to them or hit ‘like’ yet.  But I guess they could see my first profile attempt and I immediately got 3 likes. Once I got set up, I could view them. This is going to be an experience, that’s for sure!      

Tuesday, April 13th., 2021…… The weather here is amazing!  It will be in the mid-70s for the week and then will go up into the 80s for the weekend!  SoCal weather!  Mornings are still cold but getting better! Temps in the 40s until the sun is out for an hour or so. I left the house around 8:30 to go to the hospital for labs which they needed before my infusion can be scheduled. After that I stopped and got breakfast and after relaxing at home for a while, I took off and headed over to Ace Hardware to get some more hooks for the trailer. I was back in time to meet up with Kirk.  Today I had him spray all around the perimeters and grass edging for weed control. I always have a hard time keeping Rylee in for that! I think I can mow again this week and sis will come over on Thursday to help with that.  Later, I went over to Walmart and got some fishing hooks and new line for my rods. Since the weather is so nice, I am going to Foster Lake tomorrow!       

Wednesday, April 14th., 2021……  Today was fishing day!  I was up early and got Rylee walked and fed. I want to take her with me one of these times but will wait until I have another set of eyes to keep an eye on her. I went and got breakfast and coffee and continued on to Foster. I have a special spot that I found and it was empty so I hiked down to there and got set up. I needed my sweats and a sweatshirt for most of the morning because the pine trees blocked the sun and it was windy. I didn’t have the best of luck (caught and released four pan-sized trout) but I was just glad to be out! On the way back, I checked out another favorite spot and will hit that one next time. I got back home and let butthead out while I got all my gear cleaned up and stowed away. I came in and showered and rested for a while.  But before that, I texted back and forth with Dominique and we set up our breakfast outing in Eugene on Saturday. More details on Friday.  While I was texting, I let Rylee outside and she immediately saw this! (you’ll need to zoom in).

She left it alone but her barking scared it off. Later, I went off to Jack in the Box and picked up a burger for dinner and settled in and watched tv. It was the finale of Tough as Nails and I wasn’t surprised with the winner. I picked Scott as one of my two favorites and gave him the edge at the beginning. But sometimes even the toughest player gets into a task that’s not in his/her wheelhouse and they could falter and could get eliminated.  But Scott survived and went on to easily win the final contest. In addition to the money he won with his team, he won $200,000. and a new Ford F150 truck. As far as The Masked Singer went, I had no clue for The Orca. Mark McGrath is apparently the lead singer of the band called Sugar Ray. Don’t know him or the band, so I was lost.      

Thursday, April 15th., 2021…...  Today was mowing day. I made myself a couple of breakfast burritos and watched some taped tv shows, then went out and got the lawn tractor out and fueled up for sis when she comes. My mower was gassed up from last time. For both mowers, this time I set the blades to 2 ½ inches, down from the 3 ½ inches from last time, and began. I was really surprised how much grass I got from doing that!  I filled up the truck in no time at all so I left two sections of the yard in the front and side for my sister to mow. There is no catcher on that mower. While she finished that up and did the rest of the field grass, I got the tarp on the grass I had loaded and the net over that and got the rakes loaded up and when she finished, we took off and went to dump. While we were there, she looked into yard mix for the flower beds in her back yard.  She will have Kirk get whatever she chooses and he and Justin will get it laid in in the next few weeks. On the way home I stopped at a food truck I hadn’t seen before. They are called 3 Potato More. I stopped and we checked it out. They make potato dishes, like mashed potatoes with any/all of 8 different add-on toppings. They also had a dish which was 3’s - Mac and Cheese served in a potato skin, baked in olive oil and salt with a really creamy homemade cheese sauce and sprinkled with add-ons - pork, beef, chicken, veggies, etc. if you want. We came home and sis went back home and I hung around the house for a while, took my shower, fed Rylee, then headed off to go get a 3’s, with bacon bits. I brought it home and ate. It was delicious and I scarfed up every morsel! Probably not the healthiest dish I could choose – but what the heck, it was tasty!  I watched tv until bedtime. 

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