About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #77 – Walking Dogs and Moving Tables


Saturday, June 2nd, 2018……  Rylee slept in her area last night.  But since I went to bed early last night, I woke up early and went in and got her and put her on our bed.  Once I was up and walked Rylee out to get the paper, I got a text that my sister wasn’t feeling well and asked if I could walk Quincy if she brought her over. She did and we held Rylee back until Quincy and I were back from our walk out on the street (I take her out on a leash on the street which I can’t do yet with butthead until she gets her last round of shots). Once we fed Quincy, we let them out to play.  Quincy is doing a lot better with Rylee but still gets nervous when Rylee gets around her rear end. Penny felt better and wanted to see if she could walk them both at the same time on leashes. Daisy will be needing to figure out how she wants to walk each of them.  Quincy does well but Rylee is still learning and I use a long retractable leash and don’t require her to heel. So, it was tough to get them to walk together. Daisy will have to deal with that.
We had plans today to make an exchange with my sister with our dining room tables.  We still don’t have a dining room table but we have the one in our kitchen that seats four. She has a small space but has a table larger than ours, which would be a better fit here. We were going to swap them out today, but, given her not feeling well, I decided to do it another time. So, that left us with just a few projects to do today. I wanted to run the sweeper to see how it will work in the yard. Plus, I needed to work on my checkbook a bit.  l did the checkbook first. Next is the lawn. I waited until the grass had dried out a bit (weather is going to get to the high 70s later in the day) and then went out to hook it up. I guess I waited too long because now the weather was too hot! (it got into the low 80s). So, I decided to wait for another day. Besides, the grass clippings aren’t going away.  They’ll be there when I’m ready. We spent the day and the evening just hanging around the house, watching tv. I actually fell asleep (not something I normally do during the day) and Rylee actually let me sleep! Lydia came in later and asked if I would like KFC for dinner and she would go get it. So, that was our meal and then it was more tv until bedtime. I did stay up until 11:30pm, which is way later than normal (usually go to bed around 10:00pm or so) but I wasn’t tired because of the nap. Lydia brought Rylee up on the bed and when I came in poopyhead was restless.  I’m guessing it was too hot for her on the covers so I took her off to her room for the rest of the night.     

Sunday, June 3rd, 2018……  No plans today. Oh yeah, we wanted to get the dining room tables exchanged today, so we did that.  It only took a few minutes to load and unload and set up each of the tables in the new locations.  We have the space for the round table and she found that the rectangular table fits better in her space. Both parties are very happy with the exchange so I think this is permanent.  

Before and after...

After at my sister's.. the round table took up a lot of room. This is better..

We got back home and rested a bit.  I watched my taped weekend racing events and Lydia watched her (Hallmark/TCM) shows. Plus, she’s taped a bunch of Andy Hardy shows and Mr. Gildersleeves shows and some old Nancy Drew shows so she’s been enjoying those now that the regular fall shows have come to their season finales and we’re caught up on them. I wanted to work on some info sheets to leave with Daisy, who will be staying here at the house during our trip, so I rummaged through my stuff to get a plot plan of our street and added the info for each neighbor just in case she needs something.  I’ll give her a pecking order for who to call first. Penny came back over again to walk the dogs (another turn around the yard with both dogs on leashes). We ended the day eating steak burritos and catching up on Guys Grocery Games and Property Brothers shows that we watch together.        

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